Saturday, December 3, 2022

Hope for tomorrow-Dec 2022

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
Once upon a time, the brightest star anyone had ever seen, an unusual phenomenon, stood over a stable in the little town of Bethlehem. Below a frail infant was asleep in the hay. Little did his parents know, that one day, their son Jesus would bring great change into the world. Jesus entered the world in a manger, a very humble setting, and began his journey through life, a life filled with mercy, love and forgiveness.
Many years have passed since that spectacular night. Jesus yesterday, today and tomorrow is in the line of work of taking broken lives and transforming them into something beautiful. This year I had the privilege of leading an English Women’s Celebrate Recovery Step Study by ZOOM. Alma was one of my prized participants. She was faithful to attend and faithfully did her homework seeking healing and wholeness from her past. Meet my friend Alma, she now has hope for tomorrow.
Alma is a dear friend and daughter of the King
Alma’s Story: I was lost, broken, without purpose and without an identity. I was hateful and revengeful as I came from a background of sexual abuse. I felt like I was trapped in a maze with no way out. At the age of seven, my school secretary began to reach out to me and invited me to her home. There was something different about her. She taught me how to pray. At the age of twelve I received Jesus into my heart as my personal Lord and Savior and walked through the waters of baptism.
I was still damaged, feeling defeated and lonely! I searched for love in all the wrong places. I married a man and together we brought our children into the world. I was trapped in this loveless relationship and was miserable. Eventually I left the marriage and found another man to help me bring up my children. Nothing had changed, I was still unhappy and frustrated with my choices in men.
I was introduced to Celebrate Recovery. In Celebrate Recovery I learned to open up and expose the pain deeply hidden in my heart. I grew spiritually as I continued on the Road to Recovery. I found healing through the acceptance and love I found in my Celebrate Recovery Step Study group. Today I have hope for tomorrow. Thanks for letting me share.
That’s the reason Jesus came to earth! He takes the broken, heals them from the inside out, creates something beautiful and gives them the greatest gift of all, eternal life with Him. In January we will offer another set of Celebrate Recovery Step Studies. Pray God send us many more participants to find healing and a deeper walk with Jesus.
This Christmas we are especially thankful for God, and His sending His son Jesus to us so we can offer His eternal life and love to broken people like Alma. Thank you for your love, prayers and generosity in helping us reach the lost and broken in Mexico.
Feliz Navidad, Cheryl & Francisco

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