Friday, July 17, 2015

Home Sweet Home-Aug 2015

Moses took his marching orders from God and led the Israelites through the desert for 40 years. Rod and I took our marching orders to remain in Canada and help my mom while taking chemo treatments to battle lung cancer. We too made it to the Promised Land. Mom has completed her chemo treatments; the tumor has shrunk over 50%. Next will be radiation treatments, much less evasive than chemo therapy. Rod and I have been given the green light to return to full time ministry in Mexico. We and I are so thankful for having had the opportunity stand besides my mom in her greatest time of need.
When God gave us the assignment to be mom’s primary care givers, we knew there would be difficult and challenging situations. We also know we serve a mighty God that would give us the strength needed to complete the task set before us. We are so grateful the tumor has shrunk, so grateful to have the opportunity to honour and care for my mom in her time of need, so grateful for our Recovery Team carrying the ministry in our absence, and so grateful for your constant prayers and emotional support. Daily we are reminded that we made a covenant of faith and obedience in serving Our Savior. It is time to return to the ministry where we are most productive and receive the greatest joy in serving. Our Recovery Minsitry team await our arrival.
Duet 1:11 “I pray that the Lord, the God of your ancestors, will give you a thousand times more people and will do all the wonderful thing s He promised.” We in the Recovery Ministry pray God give us a thousand times more people to go through the Celebrate Recovery program in Mexico to know Jesus Christ in a personal way and others will be set free from their hurts, habits and hang-ups.
In May Rod and I returned to Mexico for two weeks to fulfill ministry obligations while our daughters Jessica and Rebekah took our places and cared for my mom. Chad and Melissa Baker joined us in an exciting week of ministry. Their one week stay with us was action packed. Let me share with you one of the many highlights of the week. Our first night back with our Celebrate Recovery family in Mexico, Andy (leader from Liberty Ranch Men’s Restoration Ministry) walked on to the stage during our Celebrate Recovery Large Group worship time and sang a love song to Esperanza (our CR Child Care Administrator). He then invited her to join him on the stage. He bent down on one knee and asked for her hand in marriage. No, this is not a fairy tale; this is the work of an AWESOME God who brought healing into lives of two of His people so they can begin their next chapter of Life 101 in wholeness. It was awesome to have Chad and Melissa with us to take part in this special event at Celebrate Recovery.
We love how God chooses unexceptional people to do his work. He invited Chad (fireman) and Melissa (Pastors Assistant) to join us in Mexico to build His Kingdom. Chad and Melissa love God above all else and are committed to obeying Him. By doing so they were able to accomplish more than they could imagine. It was an honor to serve with you Melissa and Chad.
Rod and I are thankful for the many friends and family members we were able to visit on our extended Home Assignment. Our time in Canada was fruitful in making connections in ministry, sharing special memories with so many loved ones and friends. Thank you for being our partners in ministry.
New address and phone number:
YUGO Canada, P.O. Box 68, Legal, AB, T0G 1L0, 780-961-7625