Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Many Gifts To Share-Dec 2007

“Do not be afraid. I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all people. Today your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10,11

As we celebrate the birth of our Savior this Christmas season and share gifts with one another. Let me share how others have recently shared gifts with those in need in Mexico.

Medical clinics are held in the colonias. You can only imagine the amount of people that come for help. It is an honor to be able to work with YUGO missionaries Barb & Al Goldsworty and other YUGO staff. Every person that receives medical attention also receives prayer. Medical attention and prayer are great gifts to those in great need.

Don & Judy came from Canada and while here purchased many items that will be used to fill Project Joy Christmas shoe boxes and bags for the Mexican children. Judy also sewed many beautiful bags that will be used to be filled with personal items for the female prisoners. Don & Judy have hearts to serve and are seeking where God would have them serve as they draw near to retirement. It was a blessing spending time with them.

Karen & Jim, also from Canada came with many talents. The greatest gift they left behind was a roof on a house for a family where the husband Samuel is a paraplegic. They also brought with them finances to purchase tarps that will help many squatter families living in areas of need as the rains come. The roof on Samuel’s house was finished just before it began to rain. What a blessing! I am sure this is one gift that Samuel and his family will never forget.

Rob, Michelle, baby Emma,Lynette, Mike and their children Salem and Ezra from Canada have come to Mexico to seek where God would have them serve. Both families raised finances to help finish a building project they started a few years ago in the Mexicali valley. Stuccoing the building was just the beginning of their Mexican adventures of using their gifts to give to those in need. They also joined a couple teams in Ensenada building a home and worked with another team with a building project at an orphanage in Tijuana. Both couples come to us with many gifts and talents and have freely given to those in need.

This Christmas as you seek for that perfect gift, remember that serving your fellowman may be more rewarding than a material gift. Always remember the greatest gift of all is the gift that God gave to us, his son Jesus Christ. God bless you with peace and joy as you celebrate the birth of our Savior with family and friends this Christmas season.

The Rainy Season Is Here-Nov 2007

“Pray to the Lord, who owns the harvest, that He will send more workers to gather his harvest.” Matthew 9:38

The freshness of the air due to the first winter rain fall felt great. We live in a dusty, dry country and look forward to a bit of rain to green things up. As we drove down the road, people could be seen in the back of pickups going to work. This is a very common site in Mexico. Reality set in as I saw these men soaking wet from the rain. My mind wondered to how cold these men would be when they arrived at their job sites.

Nagging thoughts of past winters came to mind and pictures I had taken of those living in shanties made of pieces of wood and cardboard covered with tarps were at the forefront of my thoughts. Many do not have proper protection from the elements and get sick.

I also remember some of you getting involved in ministry through your giving warm clothes, food, tarps, blankets and more. Please continue to come and give as the winter months have only just begun. Contact us to find out how you can get involved.

Many have heeded to this call. Our calendar is busy these next couple months with people like your selves that want to get involved. Some come for only a few days, others for a week or two and others for longer time periods.

Recently we moved to a YUGO facility that opened up for occupancy due to one of our missionaries leaving the field. Stacy built this incredible home to house women that came out of prison. Women that wanted a new life, a life of freedom from addictions and past hurts to follow this Jesus that Stacy freely shared with them.

Let me share with you Stacy’s own words. “As you all know, I dedicated the last three years of my life to this ministry. The final result is that I burned out. Meanwhile, I had been communicating with YUGO missionaries, Rod & Cheryl Hoople. I was aware that since the Hooples came on staff in 2004, they desired to start a missionary care center, a place where new missionaries could transition to the field and missionaries leaving the field could transition back to their home country. It will also be a place where needs would be met for field missionaries.”

Stacy has communicated well the ministry God has place upon our hearts for the past few years. It is our specific desire to use the gifts, passions and experience we have to work with YUGO leadership to help our missionaries not only survive but also thrive while serving with YUGO Ministries. Stacy, you will be greatly missed by all of us.

You, our partners in ministry, are a big part of this ministry. Your prayers are being answered on our behalf. Not only do we have the good sized facility that can house extra people we are also registered for our first Member Care training in January 2008. Remember, our doors are always open. Please feel free to contact us and come join us and other YUGO missionaries in ministry.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Medical Missions in Mexico-Oct 2007

“God, you are my God. I search for you, I thirst for you like someone in a dry, empty land where there is no water.” Psalm 63:1

Reclining in the comfortable chair in the airplane, while heading back to Canada, brought back many memories of a busy summer. Eyes closed and mind on shut down created an atmosphere to rest and relax before a new busyness would begin when landing in Canada. There were grand babies, family and friends to visit as well as a flurry of other activities.

Jessica, Ryan, Caleb and Aly were awaiting my visit. Aly, now 15 months old has developed a wonderful personality that could capture any heart. I was so proud of Caleb, he has adapted well to being the protective big brother. The days slipped by very quickly. Berry picking with Jessica, Caleb and Aly was a highlight of the visit. Imagine the combination of fresh berry pie and grand baby hugs.

Sharlene (Canadian YUGO missionary from Mexico) joined me with family activities before we headed to Calgary for her surgery. She was even able to attend a Hebert family reunion (my mom's side of the family). We had a blast. Thanks for your many prayers for Sharlene as she successfully went through hip surgery and has returned to Mexico. Thanks Al and Evelyn for driving and helping set up accommodations before and after surgery.

While in Canada I had the opportunity to attend a YUGO Canada board meeting. Much business was accomplished as our board members went to the table. What a blessing to have these godly people stand behind us in prayer and make decisions that will enhance the ministry of YUGO Canada.

Rod and Rebekah stayed busy while I was away in Canada. Rebekah turned into quite a cook for her dad in my absence. Rod joined other YUGO staff in a medical clinic that was held at Calvary Chapel Rosarito. Many from the church and near by neighborhood took advantage of the free medical help and prayer. If you know of a doctor or a nurse that would like to get involved in reaching out to those that are in need of medical or dental attention feel free to contact us and we will connect you with our YUGO missionaries, Al & Barb that head up the medical clinics. To the left is a picture of the inside or part of the mobile medical clinic. Barb and Doctor Martin have had many patients.

I barely got home from Canada when Beryl and Fred from Alberta, Canada joined us in Mexico to see what ministry opportunities could be found through YUGO Ministries. We gave them a whirlwind tour of some of the ministries that our missionaries are involved in. We even had a potluck dinner so they could talk to other missionaries in different areas of ministry. It was great to see everyone after being away in Canada. The picture above is Fred & Beryl standing next to Al & Barb in front of the mobile medical clinic called Jehovah Rafa (God the healer).

Well Done Good & Faithful Servants-Sept 2007

“So let us run the race that is before us and never give up.” Heb 12:1

Prayers penetrated the doors of heaven as we prayed, “Lord, help us finish strong!” And finish strong, we did!!! This summer, many youth and adults joined us in Tijuana and other YUGO ministry sites in Mexico sharing the love of Jesus. Over 1,000
Mexican people recognized their need to know Jesus in a personal way.

There are no unimportant positions in the kingdom of God. Our point of service may change with the seasons of our life, but we are always on duty for Him. He uses whatever skills and gifts we have and provides the strength we need to be salt and light. We have an awesome privilege to be part of the divine labor taking place on earth. God doesn’t need our help, but He wants to incorporate our small contribution into His master plan. When we are obedient in serving, He honors us with the title, “good and faithful servant.” Charles Stanley

Many of our summer staff and volunteers have left Mexico, but not without leaving behind a legacy of hard work and a deeper knowledge of God’s heart for the world. Each volunteer and staff member brought skills and gifts that allowed us to work together in unity to see God’s hand move in a mighty way. Each will carry the title, “good and faithful servant.”

This was the first year ever to bring KIDS GAMES – a worldwide sports/vacation bible school program to Mexico. North Coast Calvary Chapel brought a team of adults to work with YUGO Missionary Cindy Reid. 70 kids including many orphans, children from

poor neighborhoods and pastor’s kids had a blast. The volunteer staff and translators worked really hard. 18 kids asked Jesus into their hearts and all learned songs, scripture verses and saw LOVE in action! Rebekah rallied together with friends, Bryce, Melissa and Avanti to take part in translating and having fun while working with the kids.

God was faithful in sending in help to finish the summer strong. Randy & Lorraine and Tony, Monica, Jordon & Niki from St. Albert, Alberta joined us at the Tijuana Outreach Center. These families chose to take a vacation with a purpose. Each brought with them special gifts and hearts to serve. Many thanks to the Oudenaarden’s and Simms for being the hands and feet of Christ, serving those around them. Rebekah even had the privilege of joining them on their family vacation at Universal Studios when the summer evangelistic outreaches ended.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Lord's Army-Aug 2007

“The Good News about God’s kingdom will be preached in all the world, to every nation. Then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14 (NCV)

With the Evangelistic Outreaches in full swing, a variety of tasks need to be accomplished to prepare those that will go into the nearby villages. Each village is like a battlefield where hearts will be captured and will surrender to a Master that will bring hope and healing to a lost world.

Attending a dynamic church service followed by picking up some last minute groceries for the upcoming week has become a pattern for Sundays during the summer months at the Tijuana Outreach Center. As Trevor (YUGO missionary) and I approached our local fruit market, four men in military attire armed with machine guns caught our attention. Young men in Mexico give up one year of their lives to serve their country. They attempt to bring peace and justice into a corrupt society. These men caught a vision and stepped forward to do their part in bringing about change.

These men are similar to those that have obeyed the call to go and be part of the Lord’s army. This summer many youth and adults have obeyed the call. They are not armed with machine guns but with holy weapons. Their weapons consist of prayer and a boldness to go forth and share the love of Jesus Christ to those that do not know Him.

Youth and adults that join us in ministry for the summer months spend hours in pre-field training so they can have some knowledge of the culture, language and are equipped with tools in how to reach those around them with the Good News. Even with the training they receive, it is never enough to prepare them for what they will encounter in the ministry they will be involved in while serving in Mexico.

In the village of Obrera, a group from Olympic Bible Church from Squim, Washington were faced with a situation training could not have prepared them for. God knows the beginning and the end and He knew what was going to happen next. During the evening church service, chaos reared its ugly head as gang members began to rumble outside the church. God had prepared the path for this team as Ivan (YUGO translator) had once been a gang member. Ivan intervened and was able to defuse the situation even before the police arrived. Gang members hid from the local police as they mingled with the church members during the service giving them an opportunity to hear a message of hope.

“If you want to increase your significance, focus your energies on significant activities: those which will remain for eternity.” Neil Anderson

Our staff have focused their energies in many areas. The have tried their hands in construction, doing the background work so others can go out on the field and reach the lost. They also reached out to the children of the Torre Fuerte church in Rosarito through their own children’s Evangelistic Outreach. Relationships were built and 17 lives were changed for eternity by sharing the love of Jesus through children’s ministry activities.

No Longer Consumed By Drugs-July 2007

“And who knows, you may have been chosen for such a time as this.” Esther 4:14

The day was warm and I was excited to leave behind my office tasks and head out to the colonias (villages). Cindy (YUGO missionary) Kelli (missionary on route to Africa) and I were on our way to deliver medicine and donations to some needy families. After visiting and praying for the needs of the young moms we proceeded to the home of a young lady named Lupita. A donor from the US took Lupita’s medical needs on as a project and we were delivering the medication.

The truck was parked on the bottom of the hill and we proceeded to walk the remainder of our journey through the powdery dust to get to Lupita’s home. We were warmly welcomed into the home of Pedro and Maria and four of their eleven children. Pedro shared with us how they had been married thirty years. Maria shared openly that most of those thirty years her husband had been bound by drugs.

When Pedro was given the opportunity to pray and ask Jesus to be a part of his life, he accepted freely. Maria quickly went and pulled out a bible she had hidden away. Her relationship with Jesus has given her the strength to stand beside her husband those many years when he was consumed by the drugs. When Pedro was informed he only needed to worship and serve the only true God, Jesus Christ, he eagerly accepted the truth.

This summer many youth and adults will join us at the Tijuana Outreach Center to work with local pastors in the nearby villages. It is our prayer that many more like Pedro will see that there is a God that loves them and wants to spend eternity with them.

This summer Mat, Jessica, Alex, Jessica, Elizabeth and Angela have joined us on staff as summer interns at the Tijuana Outreach Center. Each comes with a willing heart to do whatever needs to be done so youth groups from Canada and the US can join the local pastors of Mexico in sharing about this Jesus that loves and cares for them. We know God has a special purpose for each one as He takes them and shapes them into the men and women of God He needs for future areas of service.

We are all called and placed where we can be used for His glory. YUGO Canada is pleased to welcome Trevor Robinson from Red Deer, Alberta into the ranks of being a missionary at the Tijuana Outreach Center. Trevor began his journey by taking part in the YUGO Evangelistic Outreaches. Trevor and others that have come to volunteer as staff for the summer bring with them servants hearts and many gifts and passions that complete us as a body working in unity. We thank God for the staff He has brought us.

Rebekah is in the midst of exams. She has placed teaching English to three missionary children and teaching computer lessons to Flor, (a Mexican woman in YUGO’s transition home for women coming out of prison) on hold for the summer but continues to work on her volley ball skills and helping out with the YUGO store during the outreaches.

Hearts Captured & Changed-June 2007

“Now, why wait any longer? Get up and be baptized, and wash your sins away, trusting in Him to save you.” Acts 23:16 NCV

Today was the day my sister Peggy, brother Jack and nephew Luke would arrive for a visit in Mexico. We had two short days to cram in glimpses of ministry, shopping and taking in some of the local tourist attractions. It seemed like the blink of an eye and we were saying our goodbyes. This has been a year of great blessings with family coming to join us in Mexico to see what we were doing in ministry, where we live and encourage us in the work we take part in.

My sister Peggy brought school supplies which were given to one of our local pastors. Thank you SERVUS for the donations. Thank you Tait family, St. Albert Alliance Church and many others. The 16 foot cargo trailer that came back with Rod from Canada has finally been emptied and passed out to the local pastors and orphanages. Good timing as today it is raining and cold outside. The Mittens to Mexico collection is benefiting many needy Mexican families.

It didn’t take long to get back into the swing of things with Missions Expo on the horizon. Many Missions organizations were represented at Pomona First Baptist Church in Southern California. Youth, adults and children were challenged by International speakers to come together to share His glory. Each shared their own adventures of how God had taken them to places they never dreamt they would go. Scott Wesley Brown and Hannah Ford led us into the gates of praise through worship. Many hearts were captured and refreshed with a fresh passion for world evangelism.

Flor is one of those whose heart has been captured and changed. Flor was a prisoner in the La Mesa prison in Tijuana. She saw her need to have her life changed and reshaped by a God who loves her and wants the best for her. Flor lives in El Faro with YUGO missionary, Stacy Frederick. El Faro’s mission is to provide a nurturing home for Mexican women released from prison. Recently Flor recognized her need to be baptized as the next step after coming to know and follow her new friend Jesus.

Baptism is symbolic of a funeral. You have died to your old ways and have been born again into a new life. Flor was one of 17 that publicly choose to declare that she had died to her old self and was now a follower of Jesus. It was beautiful to watch her as she was baptized in the ocean. Following the baptisms was a fiesta at the beach. It was a great day to celebrate. Fun and refreshments were enjoyed by all.

It is always exciting to go to church on a Sunday morning. Each week Pastor Mike offers an opportunity for those that do not know Jesus to come to know him. This past Sunday four people stepped forward for prayer. They saw a need for Jesus to be part of their lives. In the past three years we have been attending this church, it has grown from 40 to 400. WOW!!!!

The Norwalk Flu Hits Mexicali

“Jesus is the only One who can save people. His name is the only power in the world that has been given to save people. We must be saved through him.” Acts 4:12

“Oh my gosh!” Were the words that poured out of my mouth as my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the dawn. An outdoor infirmary had been set up by concerned leaders and parents to facilitate the youth that had been stricken with the flu in the wee hours of the morning. As others awoke, medical staff rose to the occasion and turned the chapel into a place of refuge for over 100 people that would need medical attention over the next week. Phone calls for prayer reached across Canada, Mexico and the United States.

As the battle at the Bible Institute in Mexicali ravaged person after person, ministry continued on. Those that were well enough to proceed to the villages, continued to share the Easter message. The message, that Jesus Christ came and died on the cross and then rose again for those who put their trust in Him. He gave his one and only Son that who ever should believe in him should not die but have eternal life. As this message was shared in the nearby villages over 100 people recognized their need to know this Jesus.

After an exhausting and eventful week we attended an Easter Service in El Centro. Pastor Jeremiah shared a message of hope and prompted our memories of the painful death Jesus suffered on the cross so we could gain access to all of God’s treasures-joy, peace and eternal life. For those that did not know Him, they were encouraged not to wait but to invite Christ into their hearts and commit the rest of their lives to following his teachings.

His prayer went something like this: “Father God, I know I need You but can never get to know you on my own. I receive Your Son Jesus as my personal Savior. I believe He took all my sins unto Himself when He died on the cross, conquering death for my sake and giving me access to You. Thank you for forgiving me and for sending the Holy Sprit to transform my life.” If you have never prayed this prayer before, I would invite you to do so and then contact me so I can help you grow in your new relationship with Jesus.

The second week of evangelistic outreaches was fairly uneventful compared to the first. A couple days of 50 mile per hour winds that knocked tents to the ground seemed minor compared to the week we had just been through. Our conference was small with two churches consisting of 36 youth and leaders bringing the message of hope to the Mexican people. 61 Mexican adults and youth accepted Jesus as their Savior. It was a real celebration that so few could bring so many to the realization of their need for Jesus. We ended the week all holding hands and praying together in a circle.

It takes many to help run an evangelistic outreach. Al & Evelyn from Sylvan Lake, Alberta, Canada joined us in ministry in the Mexicali Valley. Others came from different areas of the US. We could not have made this week successful for those that go out to reach the Mexican people for Christ with out the help of our dedicated staff. Thank you one and all for your hard work. Your efforts have eternal value.

Let me share with you Shannon’s response to her week at the evangelistic outreach: “I have been to YUGO twice before, but this time was different. God has radically changed me since the last time I came five years ago and I’ve seen the work of YUGO with new eyes. The heart of YUGO missionaries and the people of Mexicali have made such a lasting impression on me. I can see all that God is doing here and it is exciting (to say the least). It has been such a tremendous blessing” Shannon

We are blessed to be part of an organization that sees the need to share the gospel to those that do not know Jesus. Your continued prayers and support are a blessing to us and others

Family & Friends in Ministry

“If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord-and he will repay you!”
Proverbs 19:17

The time on the clock seemed to move very slowly as Rebekah and I awaited Rod’s arrival. Ten weeks of battling the snow and blizzards had come to an end. Rod returned to Mexico safe and sound. He carried behind his truck a 16 foot cargo trailer filled to the gunnels with donations for our Mexican friends.

Some of you may not have heard. While in Canada, we called our friends in Mexico and found out that we were not the only ones experiencing the cold and snow. Yes, you guessed it! It snowed in Tijuana. It had not snowed in this area for twenty years. The below zero temperatures caused great concern for those that live in humble structures, many with dirt floors.

These circumstances birthed “Mittens To Mexico”. As we continued to share about YUGO Ministries and the impact it has on the people we love and care for in Mexico through meeting their physical and spiritual needs, others in Canada caught the vision. Many churches and individuals came together and filled our truck and a borrowed trailer with blankets, tarps, warm clothing, school supplies, back packs and vitamins to take back to Mexico. Thank you to the MANY who took part in “Mittens to Mexico” and others that saw a need and gave willingly.

In a third-world country like Mexico, most people are consumed with the daily struggles of survival. They struggle each day to obtain adequate food, housing and clothes for their family. In order to assist the Mexican people in meeting their basic needs, YUGO has formed this "Mercy Ministries" division. Rod is the Director of Mercy Ministries and finds it an honor to be a small part in helping meet some of these needs.

How exciting it was for us to have family visit us! My parents drove to San Diego with my Aunt Marie, Aunt Jeanine and a good friend of theirs Joan, to join us in Mexico. They came bearing boxes of donations to be handed out to the children in an orphanage. They arrived on a Friday night which was the beginning of an adventurous weekend.

My parent’ winter in Arizona in an RV park called the Lost Canadian. Those that winter in the park heard there was a need and collected food, blankets and other items. Thank you for your part in filling the need. What a blessing for family and friends to join us in ministry giving to those that are less fortunate.

It has been a very exciting month with lots of ministry opportunities. Visiting the Tijuana Prison is always a blessing. 280 women prisoners had a chance to see mimes, enter into worship with the band, come to know more about this God we serve through testimonies and hearing Gods word as well as being served a hot dog lunch and given personal gift packs. Many wept as they were encouraged that God had not forgotten about them as they spend their days behind bars. Others felt the hand of God on them as they were prayed for. Please keep these women in your prayers.

Immanuel C.R.C. & Willoughby youth groups from Langley, British Columbia, Canada also joined us in reaching out to the Mexican people. These youth were full of energy and a heart to serve the Mexican people. Praying for the pastors came naturally for them after handing out donations of rice, beans and blankets. The group spent 10 days in Mexico taking part in many areas of ministry while in Ensenada and Tijuana.

If you would like to join us in reaching out to the Mexican people, we have plenty of room and our doors are always open.

A Time To Reflect-March 2007

“I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NCV)

I am sitting in my father’s old recliner. A sense of peace surrounds me. Out a nearby window can be seen the bare trees and the swirling, drifting snow. The early morning quietness brings the familiarity of a quiet, gentle voice. A voice that reminds me, the time is near. Soon Rebekah and I will return to Mexico.

I look around and various memories come flooding back to me. Remembering building a theme park on the rumpus room floor with our grandson Caleb or envisioning the brilliant blue eyes of our granddaughter Aly as she holds out her arms to be picked up are memories that have left lasting impressions.

Many other memories were stirred up over cup after cup of coffee with family members, friends and others that were interested in learning more about what God is doing in Mexico through YUGO Ministries. We are excited to share how blessed we were to hear how the hearts of our Canadians brothers and sisters are being stirred in the direction of missions.

Our purpose of returning to Canada from Mexico is three fold:

First and foremost is to reconnect with family and friends. We may return to Canada as little as once a year and it is our desire to embrace the small amounts of time we have with those we love and miss. We celebrated Rebekahs 16th birthday while in Canada. Sharing pizza and cake with twenty of her old school buddies left many lasting memories for Rebekah.

It was an honor to be able to attend the wedding of Michelle Miller and Jared Ott (YUGO Missionaries) before returning to Mexico.

Second we represent YUGO Ministries and share with others what God is doing in the lives of the Mexican people through YUGO Ministries. It is our passion to share and invite others to join us in evangelistic outreaches and other ministries (construction, feeding programs, visiting orphanages, medical clinics, clothing and food distribution, etc.) that can be shaped to meet the needs of each individual group
The harvest field is ripe and the workers are few. We enjoy sharing with others the ministry opportunities available in Mexico. God may have called you to come out of your comfort zone and enter into the world of the unknown. We want to be able to embrace, encourage and spur you on to a life that is like no other. You will learn to walk in faith as you watch the hand of God provide opportunities to show himself through you as you as you reach out to the Mexican people.

And last but not least is the hardest part of being a faith based missionary, raising our own support. Imagine giving up a job or nearly twenty years to enter into a ministry where your needs rest upon the generosity of those that see the value in the ministry you are involved in. Rod and I have had our faith stretched as we have had to depend on others to stand behind us in ministry. Recently our support level was critically low, to the point of having set aside some of the ministries we had been involved in. We continue to seek new monthly partners in ministry.

God has called us to set aside our comforts, safety, security, family, friends and grandbabies to serve Him in Mexico. “I assure you that anyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and the Good News, will receive now in return, a hundred times over, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and property – with persecutions. And in the world to come they will have eternal life.” Mark 10:29,30

He has called us to go while calling others to join us in ministry through praying and giving financially so we can continue to do the work He has called us to. We want to thank the many that have heeded to the call and become our financial partners in ministry. Your giving, prayers and words of encouragement have allowed us to go and make an eternal impact in bringing many Mexican people into eternity with Him. Having monthly partners in ministry helps us to be able to focus on ministry rather than finances.

We recognize we can do nothing apart from Jesus Christ.

Christmas In Canada-February 2007

“I know that you can do all things and that no plan of yours can be ruined.” Job 42:2 (NCV)

Anticipation filled the air as family members gathered together to celebrate the birth of Our Savior. This was our first Christmas in many that we would all be together in Canada.

There was a sound at the door. Could it be what we had been waiting for? Yes, there before us was such a wonderful sight. Our grand babies!! Caleb looked so grown up. Brilliant blue eyes stared at Rod as he reached out to hold our grand daughter Aly. Yes, we were excited about seeing all our family, but Rod meeting Aly for the first time was a highlight in our trip back to Canada.

Christmas Eve was spent with my family. Seated in the center of the activity I watched as family members opened gifts and shared hugs and kisses after the gift giving and receiving. The day was spent creating cherished memories with grand babies and family and ended with a candlelight service in a near by church.

Christmas day was spent catching up with the Hoople Clan, eating a traditional turkey dinner (no tacos or tamales to be found) and being surrounded by those we love dearly.

It was the eve of 2007 and we were amongst our church family. A sense of nostalgia surrounded me as I listened to the laughter. Many of those gathered around us were a part of our growing experiences over the years. We brought the New Year in holding hands in prayer. We look forward to celebrating the New Year with fresh dreams.

We are excited to see what God has in store for 2007 as we go forth and carry the flag representing YUGO Ministries while we are in Canada sharing God’s heart for the nations. We have already had many opportunities to share what God is doing in Mexico and pray that the rest of our time here in Canada will bring glory to His name.

In the Spring of 2006, Gospel Chapel church from Sylvan Lake, Alberta joined us in ministry in Mexico. Many were touched by the love and care of this Canadian group as they reached out to the Mexican people.

Word came that the rain was coming. And, the rain came! Ministry was shut down due to the mud. One of the team members came to us with a promise. Mary Anne stated she was going back to Canada to raise finances to purchase a 4X4 truck for us.

On January 7, 2007 a set of keys was presented to us for a 1997 Dodge 4X4 truck filled with donations to go back to Mexico. How blessed we are to have this church body that has seen the needs and responded to the call. Thank you Gospel Chapel. Ministry will no longer be stopped due to the rain.

Rod, Rebekah and I are now in the middle of a fierce Canadian winter. Many cars can be seen in near by ditches due to the black ice and the temperature has dropped severely. We have joined our fellow Canadians in experiencing some very cold and stormy days. Brrrrrr!!!

Rod, Rebekah and I have much to be grateful for. We have had opportunities to reconnect with family and friends. Our days are filled with sharing with others the needs of the Mexican people and the opportunities for others to join us in ministry.

New Found Freedom In The Prison-January 2007

“I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who gave me strength, because he trusted me and gave me this work of serving him. I Timothy 1:12(NCV)

Today was the day! As we pulled up to the prison, my heart started to race. I remembered well the week before, the shock of walking up to the prison for the first time and seeing guards with machine guns everywhere. Today, there were only a handful of guards. We showed our identification that would allow us through many locked gates. Again my mind wandered as we entered into the room to be searched. “Will today be a day of strip searching?” Others had shared their experiences with me. I guess this is a small price to pay to bring light into darkness.

I am not sure what I expected! What I found were fourteen women of many ages ready and willing to worship and learn more about this God, the one that loved them just the way they were, the one that was the forgiver of their sins and healer of their wounds. As I left the prison that day, I knew that these women had experienced a new kind of freedom, not a physical freedom but a spiritual freedom as they had learned more about their Maker.

Getting involved with Prison Ministry was just one of the many areas of ministry we have had the opportunity to be involved with this Christmas season. Many generous people sent Christmas shoe box gifts to be handed out to the Mexican children. Special thanks to Jodie from Legal, Alberta for her help in taking part in giving out the shoe boxes in the local churches of Tijuana. I am sure Jodie would agree with us when we say, “Handing out the Christmas shoe boxes and watching the faces of the Mexican children receiving them, is life changing.”

As we reflect back and see how God’s hand has been busy at work we are overwhelmed that He continues to use us for his glory. I remember a quote I once read. “God does not choose servants who are solid rocks, with no cracks or crevices. Instead, He selects people who have weaknesses, failures and the need to be forgiven repeatedly.” (Charles Stanley)

La Tribu de Jesus Orphanage-November 2006

Imagine how it felt! I entered the common area of La Tribu de Jesus, an orphanage with great needs. I glanced around, could it be?

Looking beyond the tattered couches, tables, chairs and many children was a cattle barn. The cleaning trough ran down the middle of the floor. Where cattle dung used to run, now the bath water of 55 children drained into the streets.

Through the slatted walls covered with plastic tarps could be seen the rays of sunshine. The smell of chorizo, scrambled eggs and fresh tortillas was mixed with the scent of soap as body after body were taken to the rain barrel of cold water to be bathed.

A little hand tugged at my side. She was so tiny and then she spoke, “poo poo.” It became apparent that it was now my turn to join others in trying out the bathing facility. After the task ended, I held Belin’s quivering body wrapped in a towel close to me, trying to warm her and calm her.

Do you suppose, Mary, mother of Jesus did the same when her son, our Savior was born in a cattle barn. After his birth did she wash his tiny body with cold water then hold him to her chest wrapped in swaddling clothes to warm him and calm him.

God’s Son became a real person like you and I or Belin. During his life He experienced happiness, sadness, tiredness, joy, disappointment. God knew when he sent his son to earth to live among us He would experience the same things we experience. His humble beginning in a manger was the beginning of a life time of sharing in our lives.

Today our Savior continues to take part in our greatest joys and our most painful hardships. What an incredible gift our Father gave us that night when the shepherds were watching the sheep and an angel appeared and said, “Do not be afraid, I am bringing you good news that will be a great joy to all people. Today your Savior was born in the town of David. He is Christ the Lord. This is how you will know him! You will find a baby wrapped in pieces of cloth and lying in a manger.”

As you celebrate the birth of our Savior this Christmas season, remember his birth into this world was for you. He is with us in the midst of our daily routines. He is the greatest gift ever given.

Rod, Rebekah and I are excited about being back in Canada to celebrate Christmas this year with family, friends and grand babies. Nothing could be better than watching our grandson Caleb open Christmas gifts while having our granddaughter Aly on one of our laps and the rest of the family nearby.

Answered Prayer-October 2006

“He comforts us in all our troubles so we can comfort others. When others are troubled we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.” II Corinthians 1:4 NLT

God uses all circumstances to fulfill his plan for our lives. Lionel had been sick for several days now. The fear that dehydration would take its toll on him left us no choice but to get him to the Cruz Roja (Red Cross). As we awaited the arrival of Pastor Martin as he was our contact and translator, a man sauntered up to us and asked if we happened to know anyone who wanted to rent or purchase a house. We had been praying and seeking for a place to live. Could this be the answer to our prayers?

Rod followed the man and within minutes called me on the cell phone and beckoned me to come and see. When I walked into the house, I knew immediately that our Heavenly Father had answered our prayers. Within days we signed a one year lease at $200.00 per month. For quite some time we had felt we should live among the Mexican people to better learn the language and the culture and separate ministry from family time.

This beautiful Mexican home has further birthed within our hearts the desire to reach out to missionaries coming on the field, as well as those leaving the field. We are praying about purchasing this house so we can build two apartments on top so when others come on the field we will have a place for them to stay while we help them through orientation and further prepare them for ministry in Mexico.

This September our second set of full time Canadian missionaries joined us in ministry in the Tijuana area. The Mc Donald family comes to us from Loon Lake, Saskatchewan. Mike and Sharlene will be planting a church in a near by area. Presently they are working on learning the language, the culture and adjusting to living in Mexico.

Helen and Lionel Liebrecht have come to work with YUGO Ministries as short term missionaries from Calgary. It is an honor to spend time with them and answer their questions about Mexico. They come to us with many talents and have chosen to work hand in hand with the staff in Grace Children’s Home (YUGO orphanage). Their love for the children is a blessing to many.

Michelle (YUGO missionary) lived with our family the past two years and has recently felt called to return to her home town in the United States. She diligently served the Mexican people the past three years. It was an honor to spend a day at a retreat center in California preparing Michelle for her return home. Some times (re-entry stress) returning to your homeland can be as difficult as transitioning in the country you will serve in. Michelle will be missed by many.

We want to thank each of you for your continued prayers. Rebekah continues to do well in school and has faired well with the move. Rod and I continue to stay on top of things while hanging pictures in our new home. We look forward to being with family and friends in Canada this Christmas.

Intestine Tacos-September 2006

"I know, Lord, that a person’s life is not his own. No one isable to plan his own course.” Jeremiah 10:23

Sleep beckoned me as a result of catching a Red Eye flight ($130.00 return) to Guanajuato, Mexico. Sarah and I were greeted with open arms by Isabel and Jose Luis. Our first stop: breakfast at a local taco stand.

Pray, bite, swallow quickly and drink was my way of keeping down the tacos made of intestines that had been placed before me. This was just the beginning of six interesting and incredible days in southern Mexico.

Isabel is our dear friend from the church we attend in Rosarito. Isabel grew up in southern Mexico and invited myself and our pastor’s wife Sarah to join her in visiting family in Irapuato.

When Isabel graduated from high school she took a position as a teacher in a very remote area in the forested area of the mountains. She met a man that grew up in the woods and was greatly attracted to him. When she returned to her home she consulted a local witch to create a potion to win the heart of this man she was attracted to. (Witch craft and black magic are very common in Mexico.) Jose Luis and Isabel eventually fell in love.

Jose Luis is loved by many in the area he grew up in and chose to take us to meet his family members. He showed us where he was born and where his grandparents and various other family members lived. Many lived in very small adobe (bricks made of mud) houses complete with large stones outside their homes to wash clothes. Water came from a nearby stream and the restroom was the great outdoors. Many asked us to come into their tiny homes to eat with them. They are very poor and are so willing to share the very little that they do have.

We did eventually eat with one family that had several children. It was obvious that they had never seen gringas (white people) before as the children stared at us the whole time we were in the house. We feasted on homemade tortillas, beans, rice and fresh salsa.

I will cherish these memories forever. My only regret is not having been able to have had Rebekah and Rod with me to share these exciting experiences. Hopefully there will be a next time!

Rod remained on the YUGO ranch to be sure Rebekah was prepared for her first day in Preparatoria (High school). Rebekah is doing well. She was able to spend time with family and friends in Canada during August before school started.

Rod, Rebekah and I will be back in Canada for Christmas. This is our first year home for Christmas since we have been on the field. We are excited to have the opportunity to see family and friends while representing YUGO Ministries.