Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Our YUGO Family is Growing-Sept 2012

Young families bring with them more children. These children are the next generation of missionaries. This is very evident with our newest YUGO missionaries the Brouwer family. What a marvelous blessing to have Nic & Michelle and their children Lauren, Hannah & Carson serving alongside the YUGO staff and volunteers at the Rosartio Outreach Center making a difference in the lives of the Mexican people. Rod especially enjoyed Nic’s humor and energy as they worked side by side serving the teams and checking out the local taco stands.
This summer interns and volunteers came from all over North America to join the YUGO staff in reaching the Mexican people with the gospel. Houses were built for those less fortunate and many came to know Jesus personally. It takes a team working in harmony to make a difference for eternity. We are thankful for our staff, summer interns and volunteers.
Summer Interns 2012-Laura, Lindsay, Ethan, Rossy and Claudia
We are so thankful for our entire YUGO staff at the ROC. Now that summer has come to an end and fall is just around the corner, Rod is heading back to Ensenada to begin his last semester of Bible College. I will hold up the fort (El Faro) in Rod’s absence and continue to serve with our Prison Ministry team in the Ensenada Prison. It never ceases to amaze me how many continue to choose a path of destruction, beaten down by the circumstances of life, when they could be protected by God’s umbrella of love and care. Weekly we see the faces of desperate women that come to a point of desperation that exceeds their pride so they are willing to surrender their lives to Jesus and find freedom from their hurts, habits and hang-ups.
Recently YUGO missionary Barb Jackson and I attended the Celebrate Recovery Summit at Saddleback Church. It was inspirational to join together with 3,500 others involved in the same program and hear the stories of those that learned about God’s love and healing touch in their lives through the Celebrate Recovery. It was evident that He loves each one of us so much that when we surrender our lives to Him he will not leave us struggling with our brokenness.