Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Surprise Trip to Canada-Jun 2022


God opened the doors to return to Canada! My dad had been hospitalized due to COVID and I was able to pull off a surprise visit to be with him during his time of recovery. Not only did I see my dad, I saw many family members and friends. I was able to visit my sending church St. Albert Alliance and give an update about what God is doing in Mexico. I returned to Mexico filled to overflowing with joy!!!

                                                          "My dad John is feeling better"

Did you know God is the ultimate networker! I have fond memories of being at my sending church a few years back and while speaking with some dear friends they asked if I could use some Spanish bibles. At just that very moment Wayne Flaska was passing by and overheard my response, “Yes, I can always use Spanish bibles for ministry.” Wayne, just so happens to be part of the Gideons Society in Canada that give out bibles and evangelistic tools to increase the Kingdom of God. Since that unexpected engagement, many, many bibles and evangelical magazines have been shipped to us. Thank you, Wayne, for your faithfulness in partnering with us in ministry.

                                "Francisco is ready to hand out materials to the Church Planters"

Calvary Rosarito, our home church in Mexico has a Church Planting program that has sent out 33 church planters since opening their doors in 2002. Pastors and servant leaders have been sent out all over Mexico and other areas. What a huge blessing to pass on the bibles and evangelical tools from the Gideons to the new church planters.

                                                   " Pastor Victor and his wide Griselda"

Our dear friend Pastor Victor was recently sent out to plant a church through Calvary Rosarito. Let me share with you his story:

“During my time in Celebrate Recovery I found my treasured friends Rod & Cheryl Hoople and a new path in life. I was inspired by the program and served in CR as a translator, accountability partner, mentor and eventually taught the lessons at Large Group meetings. CR is a powerful program that can change your life, as it did mine. During my time in CR I had the opportunity to grow in many ways. Even though, in the beginning, I was sure I didn’t need the program, I went to the CR meetings because I knew I needed changes in my life. Today I write these words as an ordained pastor of Calvary Los Pampanos and a strong supporter of Celebrate Recovery.”

Pastor Victors wife Grizelda also went through Celebrate Recovery and here is her story:

“Celebrate Recovery? Me? Nah, I don’t need it!  I was sure that CR was meant for other people, not me. I wasn’t the one with a problem. I laugh now as I look back at how wrong I was. In CR, not only did I find the most loving hugs I’ve ever had, I found out how broken I am. I went through the program a few times and was blessed to serve by leading English speaking Step Study groups. It has been a privilege to evolve alongside my sisters in Christ in a safe and loving environment and acquire a better place on my spiritual path.”

You know the saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” It also takes a village to reach the lost and broken. You are part of that village as you pray and give to the Mexico Recovery Ministry. Your prayers have brought healing, wholeness and purpose to the lives of those around us. Thank you for being our partners in ministry.


Cheryl & Francisco