Thursday, June 1, 2017

Where does my help come from?-June 2017

”My help will come from the Lord, the creator of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:2
Recently I heard this song “And I will lift my hands, for You are who you are. No matter where I am, and every tear I’ve cried, You hold in your hand. You never left my side. And though my heart is torn, I will praise you in the storm.” When I pass through this storm of not being at the side of my best friend and ministry partner of almost 28 years, I know that one day my heart will heal and then I will someday be able to focus on the precious memories I shared with my beloved husband Rod.
Rod finished his race well.  Sharing about missions at Mission Fests Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton was one of his many passions.  It was just last fall the Lord urged Rod to lay down this part of the ministry and focus more on the Recovery Ministry.  We said our So long-Never Goodbyes to our many friends we made over the years representing YUGO. God’s plans are not our plans!  What an awesome God we serve. I had the honor to be at Rod’s side for almost 28 years bringing up our children, serving hand in hand together and loving each other deeply.  Rod lives on in all of us through the love he showed us, the jokes he shared and the lives he touched. He is missed dearly by many.

Our sending church St. Albert Alliance Church hosted a Celebration of Life for Rod March 18th. I headed back to Mexico after Easter. Our daughter Rebekah and our 2 month old grandson Tucker returned to Mexico with me for a short time.  Having someone by my side to walk through some of the firsts was a great blessing. Calvary Chapel Rosarito hosted a second Celebration of Life for Rod April 22. At both services Rod was honored and spoken kindly of.  I can’t begin to thank everyone for their kind words, caring gestures and ongoing prayers for myself, our families and the Recovery Ministry.

There is no better place to be than in the center of God’s will. It was in my darkest hour, shortly after Rod went to be with Jesus, that God’s still small voice began to speak to my heart to continue the work Rod and I started together in Mexico.  I knew if God called me He would equip and strengthen me for the work set before me. Following God’s assignment in doing what God created me to do, continues to bring great peace and purpose to my life.

Back: Lorena,Sandra, Karla, Front; Lily, Yaneli, Cheryl

May 12 our Prison Ministry team served side by side with Rancho Refugio hosting a Mother’s Day event for all of “Our Girls” on the inside of the Ensenada Prison. There was lots of joy as “Our Girls”, prison guards; prison officials and volunteers took part in the worship, entertainment, games, sharing a meal together, receiving and giving gifts and being inspired by a powerful message. “Our Girls” on the inside made each of us special gifts to take home showing us their thankfulness in sharing Mothers Day with them. It was a beautiful day.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support for the Recovery Ministry.  Your prayers and financial gifts bring healing, biblical teaching and great joy to “Our Girls” on the inside.

In His Grip