Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Family In Ministry-March 2007

You can only imagine how excited we were to have family members join us in ministry in Mexico. John & Gerry Szott (Cheryl's parents) winter in Arizona in a RV park called the Lost Canadian. The residents of the park adopted La Tribu de Jesus (a Mexican orphanage) as a service project. They began to make blankets to keep the children warm, purchase food products to fill their empty stomachs while others sent finances so items could be purchased to meet their daily needs. Marie Hesse, Jeanine Lock (Cheryl's aunts) and a dear friend of theirs, Joan Mc Collum decided to join John & Gerry and adventure into Mexico. They arrived with a van full of goodies to be dispersed to the needy children in the orphanage. Thank you to the residence of the Lost Canadian and our family and friends from Canada as their giving hearts brought many smiles as the children got lots of attention as well as treats. We also had a lot of fun visiting, shopping and taking part in some cultural activities. Our home is always open to visitors that want to experience Mexico.