Saturday, July 20, 2013

Here They Come-July 2012

June brings summer and summer brings extra volunteers, staff and lots of groups with hearts to serve!!! One particular week was astonishing and many of us will remember it for years to come. Three separate teams came to build three homes and passionately share God's love in the local communities.
Three teams, three homes and three happy families
On the day Maria Guadalupe was given the keys for her new home, one of our missionaries offered her the greatest gift of all. Uriel boldly asked Maria if she knew this Jesus the group spoke of. Maria recognized her need and entered into a relationship with Jesus. Last month Maria’s husband passed away leaving Maria to parent two small children and a younger brother. Maria is grateful for a new home filled with hope and a new life. How incredible! We are so thankful for the groups, interns and volunteers that have come to serve alongside our YUGO missionaries. All have been called to take part in the work of increasing God’s Kingdom and making a difference in Mexico.
Uriel introduced Maria to Jesus
“Pray for my 75 year old dad as he is in prison”
This is just one of the many prayer requests we hear from “Our Girls”. Scores of inmates come from generations of brokenness. The bondage's that have enveloped them feel comfortable and normal to them. How mind-blowing it is for us to be able to bring the Good News of God’s unconditional love into a place of hopelessness so “Our Girls” no longer need to be bond by generational chains. Through the Celebrate Recovery program we do an inventory of our past hurts learning how to lay our brokenness at the foot of the cross and allow healing and forgiveness to flow. It does our hearts good to see tears flow as “Our Girls” allow God’s healing hand to penetrate their hearts and lives. Numerous women are hungry for God’s word and have invited Jesus to rebuild their lives. Our Prison Ministry Team will walk alongside "Our Girls" the next couple weeks taking them through their inventories. Please join us in prayer that the light of God’s truth will flood each ones soul so they can recognize God’s desire is to embrace his loved ones and give them hope for the future. Thank you to each one of you who have joined us in praying and giving generously to the the ministries we are involved in. How beautiful for us to see lives changed week after week. It is an honor to be your partners in this ministry. Prayer requests: -Wisdom and endurance as our YUGO staff lead the groups to serve the Mexican people. –That our spiritual eyes and ears will be open to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit as our Prison Ministry team lead “Our Girls” into a closer walk with Jesus.