Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Christmas during COVID-Dec 2020

 Merry Christmas family and friends!

Christmas is always an exciting time.  An exciting time filled with family, friends, beautiful decorations, delicious delicacies, hand picked gifts, and the amazing account of the birth of Jesus in a simple stable.

For over ten years, our Prison Ministry team has provided a Christmas Outreach at the Ensenada Prison for “Our Girls” on the inside. “Our Girls” on the inside enjoy:

  • A special traditional meal, 

  • A mixture of worship and Christmas music, 

  • Fun filled games, 

  • A powerful Christmas message, and

  • Gifts and candy bags. 

They are able to enjoy all these things because of your generosity!

In March 2020, the Ensenada Prison closed their doors to all visitors, including religious groups, due to COVID-19.  Prison officials have since informed us that the strict procedures being followed have been very successful!  There are very few inmates infected with the virus. 

The prison has allowed us to deliver donations.  However, in keeping with their very successful procedures, we cannot interact with “Our Girls” on the inside.  Fortunately, the procedures do allow the inmates to call us to give us updates.  “Our Girls” always ask us to thank each of you for caring.

This Christmas, my Prison Ministry team gathered to make toiletry gift bags and candy bags for the women in the Ensenada Prison.  The prison officials told us that we can supply donations of sweat outfits and socks this year rather than preparing a meal. Thank you Karla, Lorena and Ana for all your help bringing joy to "Our Girls" on the inside.

In the midst of difficult circumstances worldwide, our prayer is that this Christmas be memorable and special for “Our Girls” on this inside.

We know first-hand that COVID-19 can be debilitating. Your prayers have helped us, and many others, recover from the virus. We always covet your prayers! We are so grateful that, in the midst of the most difficult days, our ministry did not skip a beat.  Our ministry did not skip a beat because God enabled us to be up and running with ZOOM.  We serve with dedicated servant leaders that continue to reach the broken and lost with the gospel through Celebrate Recovery.

Merry Christmas from our home to yours

This Christmas, as you gather with family and friends, remember that Christmas began in the heart of God. It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man.  God is using you, His children, to enable us to reach the heart of man through this ministry.  Francisco and I are grateful to God for each of you that step up and support us. 

Feliz Navidad,

Cheryl & Francisco

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Dream Big-Oct 2020

Has God put a dream in your heart that you could never achieve on your own? If you let the Holy Spirit guide you, you will go places you never imagined.” Rick Warren

Francisco and I have seen God’s hand move powerfully.  God has demonstrated His omnipotence, using Zoom to re-launch Celebrate Recovery.  Zoom has proven to be an invaluable resource in reaching people with God’s Word!  We are able to contact more people, who would otherwise be beyond our reach, than we could have ever imagined!   

We have been busy and expect God to continue to open opportunities to keep us busy!  In June, we launched Large Group meetings.  In August, we launched Open Share Groups.  In September, we launched Step Studies.  We have participants that have joined us from various places around the US, Mexico and Canada. Only God could have made this happen.

We know God is directing these groups.  We see God’s hand at work.  The Holy Spirit convicted a woman to surrender her life to Christ during a Large Group meeting.  Each salvation validates every second of the learning curve to do Celebrate Recovery by ZOOM.

Due to the worldwide pandemic, people are clamoring for safe fellowship and safety from COVID-19!  Mexico’s COVID-19 death rate continues to climb.  As the death rate climbs they bring more pain to a third world country already struggling.

Hopelessness and fear have entered the hearts of many around us.  Their focus is on the temporal, day-to-day life.  We are in constant prayer, engaging in spiritual warfare.  In our spiritual warfare, we are asking God to open their eyes to the bigger picture.  WE HAVE THE ANSWER! Celebrate Recovery is loaded with God’s Word.  God’s Word is filled with promises of the bigger picture - Everlasting Life. Celebrate Recovery is Christianity 101. 

            Celebrate Recovery Step Study participant guides

“Our Girls” on the inside of the Ensenada Prison recognize their need for spiritual healing. We have had phone contact with Jasso.  Jasso is the pastora of the female inmates.  Pastora Jasso’s phone calls encourage our Prison Ministry team greatly as she shares with us not to be alarmed by the news media.  She assured us ‘Our Girls” on the inside are safe from COVID-19. 

                            Back: Estela, Pastora Jasso  

                           Front: my daughters Jessica & Rebekah

Pastora has mentioned that while the food may be limited, they are all taking advantage of the situation and growing spiritually.  Pastora Jasso expresses how much our Prison Ministry team is missed.  She also let us know we are being prayed for daily. While some prisoners have been released, she believes those who remain are those that God needs to get stronger in Christ Jesus.  God has a very special calling for them! 

Our Prison Ministry team has been bringing the Celebrate Recovery program into the Ensenada Prison for over 10 years. We are praising God with joy filled hearts.  Even if we are not able to be with “Our Girls” on the inside to facilitate the Celebrate Recovery program, those we have trained up on the inside have taken the mantle with gusto and continue running the race by hosting the Celebrate Recovery program with “Our Girls” on the inside.

               Past Christmas event with "Our Girls" on the inside

Christmas will be different this year as we will not be able to be with "Our Girls" on the inside. But we are preparing to make their Christmas as special as possible. We are gathering toiletries so we can give gift bags to the entire female population. If this is something you are interested in helping with, please feel free to contact me.

Francisco and I thank you for all your prayers, generosity, and support.   We covet your partnership in the Mexico Recovery Ministry as we move forward serving the lost and broken in Mexico. It is an honor partnering with you in ministry.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Celebrate Recovery on ZOOM-Aug 2020

During these times of unrest, it’s important to be flexible.  Flexibility can be key to survival.  When led by God, flexibility can be used by God to accomplish even higher things for His glory.  God has guided Francisco and me to be flexible and change up our venue.  Our venue for Calvary Chapel Rosarito Celebrate Recovery is now ZOOM. 

As of Tuesday, July 9, we launched CR Large Group meetings using ZOOM!  I assure you that with Francisco and me in our 60’s, this change did not happen without fear and trepidation.  

However, God is faithful and omniscient.  God spoke to us in that quiet, gentle voice, “It’s not about you.”  God knew our fears and anxieties.  We knew, without a shadow of a doubt, God wanted us to continue with His work.  We knew that continuing God’s work would require us to come out of our comfort zones to learn how to use the newest form of modern technology.  Completely depending on God, we continued.  God wants us to use that technology to reach even more lost and broken people.   Those lost and broken people need to have the opportunity to experience God’s hand of healing in their lives through Celebrate Recovery.

"Our Celebrate Recovery TEAM praying and preparing to launch CR with ZOOM "

Our Celebrate Recovery servant leaders staunchly support us in prayer.  Their prayers follow us and God comforts and guides us every step of the way.  Under God’s direction and strength, we are charting new territory and conquering these new challenges to serve Him. 

We all know that GOD IS IN CONTROL!  We also know the world is changing around us.  However, as the world changes around us, God can take the negative circumstances and turn them around for His glory!  Please keep the Mexico Recovery Ministry in your prayers as we walk through this new door of ministry.

"Our 1st ever Celebrate Recovery Large Group Meeting by ZOOM was well attended"

The number of people infected with COVID-19 continues to climb in Mexico.  Because the incidence of COVID-19 infections continues to grow, I had to make a very difficult decision.  After a painful, and heartfelt, struggle, I cancelled my trip back to Canada this summer. 

While the decision was heart wrenching, I also knew I had made it for the right reason – the safety of everyone.  Not being able to see my grand-babies, daughters, family, and friends makes me turn to God for comfort only He can give.  I am SO thankful for video chat dates that let me stay connected with loved ones.  

I earnestly pray for the day I can wrap my arms around my grand-babies, daughters, family, and every other person I can get my hands on. Huggers like us have a hard time with this social distancing!

Last summer the Strike family came to spend time in Mexico.  The Strikes brought with them Spanish bibles donated from people in our sending church in Canada. 

As a pastor of Calvary Chapel Rosarito, Francisco often finds people in need of a bible.  Here is a story of how God used one of those donated Spanish bibles:

Alfonso, one of our Celebrate Recovery participants, contracted COVID-19. He reached out to Francisco for prayer. Francisco’s first response was to pray for healing for Alfonso. His second response was to point Alfonso to God’s Word. Alfonso’s countenance fell as he told Francisco that he did not have a bible. When we gave Alfonso his bible, he was filled with joy and gratitude. We sincerely thank God and our Canadian friends for making that moment possible!

As missionaries, we have placed our families, our finances, and our ministry in God’s hands. During this faith walk, we have seen God’s hand move in amazing ways:

All of our family members are COVID-19 free,

Funding continues to allow us to do ministry,  

The prayers of the saints are abundant,

Your gifts have helped many families have food on their tables, and

“Our Girls” on the inside have toiletries

Francisco and I were able to make another run to the Ensenada Prison with donations. 

"Heading to the Ensenada Prison with family to deliver donations to the inmates"

We can’t thank you enough for your generosity and continued prayers..

With love and hugs,

Cheryl & Francisco

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Serving during COVID-19-Jun 2020

As believers, we see firsthand the coronavirus induced fear spread throughout the population worldwide. Francisco and I continue to pray and to turn to God for protection, peace and open doors to serve Him. Many have felt especially vulnerable with losing jobs and questioning how they will feed their families. As we drive down the bare streets we wonder how the little old man that sold peanuts on the side of the street is surviving or the guy that sold ice cream on the beach.

In Baja California around 1/3 of the workers do not work at what the rest of us would call a “normal job”. The Mexican people are the most creative people I know. Many live on faith and survival mode selling whatever they can to make ends meet. This time of enforced isolation has affected a multitude of people around us.

                        Ysidro sells ice cream and is grateful for the gift card ($20.00)

Your generosity makes it possible for us to help some of these individuals and families. Your donations are being used to help feed those without. Thank you for partnering with us in the Mexico Recovery Ministry. Thank you for continuing to partner with us as we reach out to those without.

As staff at Calvary Chapel Rosarito, Francisco and I continue to serve (praying) during live streamed church services and greeting those who attend Car Church (similar to a Drive Inn Theater) on Sunday mornings. It is beautiful to see those we greet eagerly sharing smiles and waves from their vehicles as they follow that laws of social distancing. So many have missed the fellowship of the church body and are very excited for the opportunity to return to church as see others from a distance.

 My Prison Ministry team and I are on hold bringing the Celebrate Recovery Program to “Our Girls” inside the Ensenada Prison for now. One of the inmates called us to let us know they are well and miss us! We miss them just as much! I meet with our Prison Ministry Team twice a week on video chat to talk about online assignments and PRAY. We are grateful for modern technology and the opportunity to stay in constant contact.

Our Celebrate Recovery Team is in contact with our CR Step Study facilitators and participants encouraging them through worship music, testimonies, devotionals and words of encouragement. We know to fulfill God’s purpose and will in our lives and the lives of those around us; we need God’s Word in our hearts and minds to remain strong, courageous and filled with faith.

Once the quarantine is finished we will host a large gathering with our CR forever family to reconnect and celebrate. We know others worldwide will be doing the same!!

Thank you for your prayers and generosity! Together we are making a difference in Mexico.

Family in Mexico-Apr 2020

What a joy to have my sister (Peggy), brother in-law (Dwayne), dad  (John) and bonus mom (Gretchen) come for a visit to Mexico. They experienced torrential rainfall but still had lots of experiences and fun!
Dwayne, Peggy, Gretchen, Dad & Francisco
 Peggy and Gretchen jumped right in and helped prepare for a Prison Ministry event.
 Dad found great joy in handing out candies on Sunday morning to many of the children at church.
 One of the highlights of the trip was the visit to our local candy store.  When we were at the candy store, we saw my dad’s heart for the Mexican children.  Dad’s heart warmed us all as he filled a grocery buggy with Mexican candy to give to the children of Calvary Chapel Rosarito. 
We all enjoyed having my family here.  It was a great visit!
 Many of “Our Girls” on the inside are in prison for many years cleaning up their lives. They choose to give up their sinful lives, not because they have to, but because they want to. Celebrate Recovery offers them a safe place to share their traumas, recognize their sinful behaviors, and take the first step of filling their lives with God’s Word. 
Our Girls, felons of all types, have learned to experience firsthand how God accepts them.   The women may be murderers, kidnappers, drug dealers, prostitutes, etc., etc., but God’s mercy empowers.  God’s mercy empowers those who confess their sins and accept Christ’s finished work on the Cross.  God gives the women the strength to live changed lives in His power. Week after week, my Prison Ministry team and I watch God transform “Our Girls” to be biblical women of God.
 “My name is Arlen.  I carried many fears, kept people at a distance, and could not express my feelings. My relationship with God was distant because I walked without faith. I walked without faith because I could not understand about a God who genuinely cared for me.  No one had ever cared for me so I only called out to Him when I was in trouble.  I had been physically abused and I turned to drugs to forget the abuse.  The drugs started me on a downward slide that landed me in prison. 
One day one of the inmates shared with me about Celebrate Recovery.  CR sounded different, somehow.  I signed up for the program.  I started working the 12 Steps and 8 Principles and applied them to my life. I was shocked – the steps and principles actually worked!  I grew in my relationship with Jesus Christ and learned to pray. Once I recognized my fears and insecurities, Celebrate Recovery helped me live out my faith.  Since I started working on my recovery, I have learned to communicate with others better.  I am now able to confidently share about God’s love in my life.  My life has changed completely.”

This is just one of the many testimonies we hear on a regular basis from “Our Girls” on the inside. My team and I have been serving in the Ensenada Prison for almost 11 years. Each week we drive the 3 hour round trip to share God’s love with the inmates through Celebrate Recovery. 
Thanks for being our partners in ministry.  Thank you to those that pray and give generously to the Mexico Recovery Ministry. “Our Girls” on the inside, and our Celebrate Recovery participants in Calvary Chapel Rosarito, are experiencing true freedom from their brokenness.
In His Service,
Cheryl & Francisco

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

New Pastor in Town-Feb 2022

Francisco and I pray you had a wonderful Christmas. We served a Polish Christmas dinner to 19 friends and guests.  Our friends and guests did not have family close by to celebrate Christmas day. We were surprised that cabbage rolls and perogies would be such a hit in Mexico! We all had a wonderful time of deepening existing friendships and creating new ones.

                         Polish Christmas dinner was a hit!

2019 was a year of great blessings.  As we look back, we can see firsthand how Jesus Christ makes all the difference in the world. Jesus Christ brings:
·       Healing to broken relationships, 
·       Release from addictive habits, and 
·       Forgiveness and healing from emotional scars. 

We heard many powerful testimonies from people whose of lives God has transformed through Celebrate Recovery. We are richly honored and blessed to serve hand in hand with our Mexico Recovery Ministry team here in Mexico.

                                        A new Pastor in town

2020 is the year of VISION! Our vision is to reach as many broken and lost people in Mexico as possible. On January 16, we launched a new set of Celebrate Recovery Step Studies. The very next weekend, Francisco was ordained as an associate pastor of Calvary Chapel Rosarito.  Life, committed to Christ, is one grand adventure after another.

                                            Ana shared her powerful God story

As the co-directors of the Celebrate Recovery program, Francisco and I promoted this year’s program.  We started this year’s promotion with mini testimonies.

“Hi, my name is Francisco. I co-direct Celebrate Recovery.  I serve alongside my wife Cheryl. I grew up in a dysfunctional home. My dad and brothers were alcoholics. Heroin addiction gave me the security I thought I was looking for.  Unfortunately, all the heroin did was add to my troubles.  A divorce from my wife and separation from my children brought me to Celebrate Recovery.  I can now clearly see God’s hand in my life.” 

“Hi, my name is Cheryl.  I co-direct Celebrate Recovery.  I serve alongside my husband Francisco. Due to my pain from sexual abuse, I turned to drugs, alcohol, sexual addictions, and much more. I am now celebrating the recovery from the effects of sexual abuse.  Celebrate Recovery is a tool that God used further the healing in my life and draw me closer to Jesus.”

This January was our 6th anniversary of having Celebrate Recovery in Calvary Chapel Rosarito. We can’t begin to thank each of you, our partners in ministry, for all your prayers, words of encouragement, and financial gifts that have kept this ministry thriving. 

Our prayer for you in 2020 is found in Number 7: 24, 25 & 26
May the Lord bless you and protect you.
May the Lord smile on you.
May the Lord show you his favor and give you peace.

In His Service,
Cheryl & Francisco

Prayer Requests!
1.    That God help Francisco and me to grow in wisdom as we co-direct the Mexico Recovery Ministry,
2.    That God would continue to provide for our needs, and
3.    That God would continue to provide for the needs of the Mexico Recovery Ministry. 
Praise Reports!
1.    Praise God that Francisco is teaching the lessons in Celebrate Recovery, and 
2.    Praise God that our Prison Ministry team has permission to bring Celebrate Recovery to the Ensenada Prison.  The Ensenada Prison inmates are finding healing and wholeness from their hurts, habits, and hang-ups.

For our ministry support:
·       Checks should be made out to Commission To Every Nation, with 
·       "Mexico Recovery Ministry" in the memo section. 

Mailing instructions:
Canadian donors: 
CTEN Canada
PO Box 2017 
11500 Tecumseh Rd E 
Windsor, ON  N8N 5G6.  

US Donors:  
Commission To Every Nation
815 Jefferson St #200
Kerrville, TX 78028. 

If you don’t prefer snail mail, you may consider giving through electronic funds transfer or direct deposit:
1.    Go to our mission's website, or insert this web address into your web browser, https://cten.org/missionary/cherylhoople/
2.    Click on either the "Donate Canada" button or the “Donate US” button, and 
3.    Fill out the information. 

Saturday, January 18, 2020

A Merry Christmas-Dec 2019

Jesus was born as any other newborn: A tiny, crying, baby. After birth, Jesus was wrapped in strips of cloth and placed in a manger filled with fresh straw. Jesus’ birth was also different from any other newborn because He brought the GREATEST GIFT ever given to mankind: Eternal Life.

Have I mentioned the greatest gift I received in 2019? The greatest gift I received this year was marrying Francisco, my best friend and partner in ministry. Together, we are working side-by-side, serving the lost and broken in Mexico, for as long as God would have us. It has also been a wonderful year serving side by side with our outstanding servant leaders of Celebrate Recovery.

One of our greatest memories in ministry this year is when Jeanette shared her testimony at a Celebrate Recovery monthly meal night. In addition to Jeanette sharing her testimony, what made that Celebrate Recovery monthly meal night so special was that Jeanette brought with her many men and women from the local rehab center where she works as a counselor. Little did Jeanette know how the Holy Spirit would use her powerful testimony of God’s love and forgiveness to give 6 of her guests the opportunity to receive the GREATEST GIFT ever offered to them. The greatest gift ever offered them is eternal life in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

   Jeanette & Eddie lead The Landing our CR youth program

Francisco and I pray that your Christmas be filled with the joy and peace of Christ’s love as you gather together with family and friends to celebrate His birth.
Was never placed beneath a tree
But lay within a manger
Beneath a star for all to see

Thank you for partnering with us in ministry. Together we are making a difference in Mexico. Thank you for your prayers and generosity. Your prayers and generosity allow our Recovery Ministry team to offer others the GREATEST GIFT any person will ever receive.

Feliz Navidad,

Cheryl & Francisco

NOTE: My name on all banking will remain Cheryl Hoople. https://cten.org/missionary/cherylhoople/