Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Gifts of Service-Nov 2008

“Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good stewards of God’s various gifts of grace.” I Peter 4:10

Rod is enjoying school. He comes home on the weekends sharing biblical truths with me of God’s grace and mercy. In the book of Genesis, God choose Abraham to accomplish his purposes. God does not need us to accomplish His purposes, He chooses us to share his love, mercy and grace with those around us. We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ by serving others with the individual gifts He has given each of us.

Mike Mc Donald (YUGO missionary) continues to use his gift of teaching to serve those around him by teaching Missionary Training to our missionaries. Feel free to check out the Mc Donald’s ministry blog found on the or web sites to find out what other areas of ministry Mike is involved in.

Alicia and Juan Strutton (YUGO missionaries) serve through following the calling God has placed upon their hearts to help the many babies in need in Mexico. Juan and Alicia, our newest missionaries with YUGO join us weekly in the Missionary Training sessions It is exciting to hear how God is using them to build the Babies Home. Find out more about the progress of the Babies Home by checking out their ministry blog which can also be found on the El Faro or YUGO web sites.

The Open Air Church

Pastor Romiro and his new church complete with many rooms for Sunday school, Breakfast Feeding Program and Day Care for the children

Pastor Romiros was called to serve those around him through starting a church. It began with just pews on the dirt with a couple walls up. We called it the Open Air church. Don & Judy Kropp and a group of their friends from Canada caught a vision to serve through helping build a church for Pastor Romiro. He is a man of great vision and a heart to serve those around him.

Thank you Mike for using your gift of teaching to teach us truths on how we can thrive while serving in Mexico, thank you Alicia and Juan for building a home to keep the babies in Mexico safe and well cared for, thank you Don and Judy and your group for building a church for Pastor Romiro’s congregation, thank you Pastor Romiro for caring for and shepherding the Mexican people. Thank you to each and every one of you and how you serve us with your commitment to be our partners in ministry.

Esther & Bernie visiting the Breakfast Feeding Program

Stacy and Darins wedding day

It has been a busy month filled with great blessings. We were able to spend time with our friends and partners in ministry Esther and Bernie from Alberta Canada, attend a wedding of one of our missionaries that returned to the US after six years of serving through YUGO Ministries and I was blessed to be a part of a relaxing Women’s Retreat.

Missionary Training-Oct 2008

"You are the world's light a city on a hill glowing in the night for all to see. "Matthew 5:14

A lighthouse identifies a safe place. Its light shines brightly to alert others of direction or danger. El Faro (lighthouse in Spanish) is the name of the YUGO facility we live in.

Rod and I felt the Lord nudging us in the area of Member Care (nurturing and supporting) our YUGO missionaries. We presented our thoughts to leadership and have been commissioned to fulfill an area of need in a growing organization.

In 1956 youth group leader Al Johnson brought his youth group to Mexico to work with local pastors sharing the message of hope. Other youth pastors followed suit. Soon YUGO US was birthed and became a non profit organization.

As the organization grew, normal people like you and I caught the vision and call to serve in Mexico. Today YUGO has over 30 staff from Canada, the United States and Mexico living and serving in Mexico. Our numbers continue to grow!

It is YUGO Ministry’s desire that their missionaries are well prepared to serve in a third world culture. Missionary Training and Orientation will equip our missionaries with the tools needed to not only survive but thrive for many years bearing much fruit.

El Faro will serve as a light in a dark place. New missionaries will have the opportunity to see a clear path guiding them away from shipwreck (burnout).They will be steered away from pending dangers or unexpected barriers.

Mike teaching the First Missionary Training Session in El Faro

YUGO missionary Mike Mc Donald will teach the following sessions:

-Cross-cultural Communication
-Leadership Issues
-Cross-cultural Servant-hood
-Family in Ministry
-Personal Spiritual Development
-Managing Failure
-Crisis / Conflict Management
-Spiritual Warfare
-Stress Management
-Communication from the Field
-Missionary Rest
-Interpersonal Relationships

We will provide a safe harbor (El Faro) for new missionaries to take refuge while transitioning. Some may need a life preserver (arms of support) as they become accustomed to a foreign land, with a foreign culture accompanied by a foreign language.

Rod and I joined YUGO as support staff. As we step into this position of working with leadership in providing Member Care for our YUGO Missionaries it has been brought to our attention that Rod should pursue further biblical training.

Let me share with you our miracle! Rod began bible school in September. He will take a two year program (4 semesters) over 4 years so he can continue to represent YUGO at Mission Fests in Canada and direct the Evangelistic Outreaches in the summer months.

Rod at a local taco stand with other students and staff from the Bible College

Each semester will cost $700.00. The first semester of school was covered by an outstanding medical claim, the second and third were covered by dear friends in Canada.

First Summer Home-Sept 2008

“I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me.” Jeremiah 32:27

“Mom, stop!” exclaimed Rebekah as we both had the same urge to roll down the car windows as we breathed in the fresh scent of the yellow canola fields while snapping photos. Both of us were on memory lane. Canada is so green and so beautiful.

Jessica, Aly, Papa (Rod), Madyson and Caleb

This trip to Canada was our first in four years that we as a family were able to return during the summer. Rod, Rebekah and I traveled through the Rocky Mountains to get to Burns Lake were our daughter and her family live. We were able to meet our newest granddaughter Madyson as well as play in parks, swam in a pool, have great playtimes including lots of loven and laughter. We ended the trip with a visit to the circus which included and elephant ride for Rebekah and Caleb. What an amazing vacation!

Mom caring for dad 11 days after her own surgery

Both my parents went through surgery 10 days apart. We are so thankful to have had the opportunity to have been with my parents at their time of need. Our airlines tickets were purchased in January. Coincidence, I don’t think so. Nothing is too hard for Our God!

While we were in Canada, ministry continued on. Rod returned to his position of Director of Outreaches after his one week visit with family while Rebekah and I remained behind caring for my parents and visiting other family members and friends.

This year alone there were 979 people that accepted the truth that they needed to know this Jesus that the youth groups that come to Mexico speak of. Feel free to check out this web site and hear for yourself the response of Woodland Bible Church and their week of ministry in Mexico.

Friends in Ministry-Aug 2008

“Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails.”Proverbs 19:21

Make plans and watch God change them! This has been our motto since coming to Mexico. This summer as Rod continues to direct the Evangelistic Outreaches it had been our desire for me to back out of a key position with evangelistic outreaches to have more time to care for the things at home and other areas of ministry. Those that are moms of teens will understand without question. God had another plan though!

Being short staffed this summer left a position that was in need of filling. I have found my niche! It is in teaching the crafts and leading prayer with Women’s Ministry and the Interpreters meetings. Daily we huddle around and pray for the needs of the groups and are in awe in hearing how God is working through the team members and allowing them to bring hope and His love to a lost and hurting people.

Haley, Rebekah and Bryce

Rebekah is also having a fun summer. School ended with a luncheon and fashion show modeling the clothing the students made though out the year. Rebekah has two friends coming from two different countries to visit this summer. Haley came to visit and join us in ministry from Kenya. She practiced her Spanish with a team from San Jose. Haley has invited Rebekah to join her and her family in ministry in Africa for a couple weeks. Keep that in your prayers! Bryce comes to us from Canada. This is Bryce’s third summer in a row visiting and joining us in ministry. He is leaning towards being a summer intern for next year. Rebekah, Bryce and Haley have been great assets to the teams they served with so far this summer.

Eight were baptised in the ocean (Calvary Chapel Rosarito)

Every day is a special day during the summer months. After the Sunday shopping Jan (volunteer and friend) and I were able to attend a baptism at the beach with our home church Calvary Chapel. Eight new believers choose to make a public declaration of their new faith in Jesus. It was awesome! The summer has been filled with great beginnings. We have already attended two weddings, helped organize a wedding shower, attended an ordination (Tom Maier YUGO missionary), set up a farewell gathering for a missionary family leaving the field (the Berry family) and the summer has just begun.

The Youth Are Here-July 2008

“Men, what must I do to be saved? Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved…”Acts 16:30, 31

It is amazing how time goes so quickly. Summer is no longer “just around the corner”. Youth from Canada and the United States come from different provinces and states to an unfamiliar land, a different culture with an unknown language to share what they know to be true. Sharing the simple but profound message that Jesus is real and if you believe in Him you will be saved (eternally destiny with Jesus).

Summer 2008 Interns-Alex,David and Sarah

Staff, summer interns and volunteers have been bustling around the Tijuana Outreach Center preparing for those that will come to take part in the summer Evangelistic Outreaches. Our groups may have decreased due to the negative publicity in the Tijuana area, but those that are coming are committed to do their part in reaching out to the Mexican people with the message of hope.

We are prepared for a busy yet fulfilling summer. Rebekah has exams to finish up before she can join us with the summer activities. She will lay down her favorite position of teaching the children from Grace Children’s Home (YUGO’s orphanage) how to swim so she can join teams where needed as a translator. Learning the language has been a tremendous blessing for her and the many others that take advantage of her talent.

This is a busy summer! We have just begun and already there is a flurry of activities all around us. Recently we attended the wedding of some of our dear friends Isabel and Jose Luis. I shared their story months back on how many years ago Isabel captured the heart of Jose Luis by using a potion conjured up by a local witch. Both lived in torment as they struggled with their relationship. This pain drove them into the arms of a Jesus that loved them just as they were. God has captured the hearts of both Jose Luis and Isabel and now they have joined together as husband and wife with willing hearts to share the news of God’s grace and love to others.

Rebekah and I will return to Canada July 21-August 13. Rod will join us for one week in the middle of these three weeks. We are excited to have the opportunity to meet our newest grand daughter Madyson Mae. On the other hand, please keep us in prayer as we just recently found out my mom has breast cancer. It will be a great blessing to be with my mom and our family as we go through this ordeal together.

Tools for Ministry-Jun 2008

“This is why I remind you to keep using the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you. Now let it grow as a small flame grows into a fire.” II Timothy 1:6

The salty air of the ocean filled our nostrils and the cool breeze brushed our cheeks as we prayed together while walking along the beach. Today was a special day for Rod and I. All along the path were sand dollars. I began to gather the delicate shells, rescuing them from the ravaging waves of the sea that could so easily crush them.

All around us is corruption. The media portrays Mexico as a place full of violence as the drug lord’s battle with the authorities. Tourism is down 75%. Youth groups and building teams have shied away from joining us in ministry.

Will we flee? NO! Will we return to where we once came from? NO! Our hearts are in Mexico. As the economy crashes due to the recession in the US and corruption increases, your prayers and support mean more to us now more than ever. Pray for the safety of our missionaries and others that have sacrificed to serve in Mexico for such a time as this.

As the army trucks comb the streets to try to bring justice we are reminded that we to are in the Lord’s army. This is a very important time to pray together and reflect back to the calling that has been placed upon each of our lives. It is the desire of us and YUGO leadership to offer tools to our missionaries so they will not only survive but thrive in ministry.

Don & Judy teaching staff how to keep our marraiges healthy

Don & Judy Kropp from Sherwood Park, Alberta have taught marriage seminars for the past eight years. They know the importance of supplying tools to couples so they can keep their marriages vibrant and healthy. Thank you Don & Judy for using the gift that God gave you in sharing your wisdom and experiences with YUGO staff that attended the Love & Respect kickoff. The Kropps have purchased the Love & Respect DVD’s and workbooks for our staff. They are available for all staff.

Rod and I joined other YUGO staff in California representing YUGO Ministries at Missions Expo. It was a blessing to have a dear friend Marilyn Leff at a booth nearby representing Light of Messiah Ministries. Marilyn is from Jewish decent and works with a ministry that reaches out to Orthodox Jews. Attending a Messianic service with Marilyn on the Saturday morning allowed me to see Marilyn’s heart for her people and their need of knowing about our Jesus that died and rose again for each of them. Marilyn then joined us in Mexico for a few days. It was fun to reconnect and share what God is doing in our lives and through the ministries we are part of. It was very evident that all around us God is at work doing great and wonderful things.

As I remember back to the morning I was rescuing sand dollars from the turbulent waves of the sea. Turmoil persists in the lives of those that do not know Jesus in a personal way. As the economy continues to crash and the recession affects those all around us in Mexico, our prayer is that the groups that come to take part in ministry this summer will boldly reach out with the truth of God’s love and rescue the lost from the grip of despair in the midst of the turbulent trials.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support for we know God is sovereign and is in the midst of the circumstances all around us.

Groups in Ministry-May 2008

The cool night air could be felt in the innermost parts of my bones. The call had come and I was on my way to find and lead Pastor David to the place where the Emmanual C.R.C. youth from Langley, B.C were housed. As I led the pastor down the dark back roads an excitement could be felt deep within for the ministry this group would take part in. This is the third year in a row this group have brought their youth to come Emmanual C.R.C youth from Langley, B.C.along side local pastors and our missionaries to reach out to the Mexican people. Thank you Emmanual C.R.C. for your hearts to serve and share the love of Jesus.

The Langley group

A group of thirteen led by Rob & Michelle Campbell from Three Hills, Alberta did a building project in Mexicali. One of our Canadian board members, Clarence Johnson from Sherwood Park, Alberta came to encourage us and attend a managers meeting with other YUGO leadership. Don and Judy Kropp, from Sherwood Park, Alberta will join us for two weeks working on the needs of El Faro. Marilyn Leff from Toronto, Ontario will join us in El Faro after representing the Light of Messiah Ministries at Missions Expo in California. 100 youth from Alberta came to take part in our Mexicali Evangelistic Outreaches. Chuck & Donna Roberts from Red Deer, Alberta came to volunteer at the Evangelistic Outreaches in Mexicali. It is exciting to see how God drawing Canadians to join in ministry here in Mexico.

The Campbell group continuing to build in Mexicali

Easter was celebrated with even more Canadians. My brother Jack, his wife Susan and their three children, Jennifer, Melissa and Luke came to spend Easter with Rebekah and I as well as give blankets to a local orphanage (made by Rita and friend of my moms in Arizona) while Rod directed the Evangelistic Outreaches in Mexicali. It had been many years since we celebrated Easter with family. What a blessing to have family visiting us here in Mexico. Over 200 Mexican people that accepted Jesus into their hearts at the Easter/Spring Evangelistic outreaches.

Volunteers in Ministry-Apr 2008

“It is written that Christ would suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that a change of hearts and lives and forgiveness of sins would be preached in His name to all nations.” Luke 24: 46,47

Rebekah and I are celebrating the return of Rod. We had a “Welcome Home” pot luck with other YUGO staff so he could reconnect and share about his journey to Canada. He shared with us his experiences of visiting with family, friends and reported back to us about the many others that expressed their interest in pursuing short term missions.

A wise man once said, "There's nothing more powerful than the heart of a volunteer".

Al & Evelyn and their dog Boots

It's so easy to get into the mindset that serving God is a chore, it's our job, our duty. The fact of the matter is that God loves a volunteer. God wants us to cheerfully volunteer our time, our energy, our abilities, our talents, all that we have. What a blessing to have Al & Evelyn Ridley from Sylvan Lake, Alberta here with Rebekah and I the last two weeks before Rod returned from Canada. Al & Evelyn came as volunteers to help with the many things that need accomplishing in El Faro. They did a tremendous job. Many thanks, Al & Evelyn for your servant hearts and valued friendship.

Don’t be surprised when I tell you, “You must all be born again.” Human life comes from human parents, but spiritual life comes from the Spirit. God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in Him may not be lost, but have eternal life. What does He gave His only son mean?

Carrying His own cross, Jesus went to to a place called The Place of The Skull, which in the Hebrew language is called Golgatha. Here they crucified Jesus. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead. He suffered great pain to show us the way to eternal life.

This message of inviting people to have a relationship with God through his son Jesus will be shared by energetic youth during the Easter/Spring Evangelistic Outreaches held in Mexicali this Easter. Many Mexican people will hear a message of truth that Jesus bled and died so we could have eternal life with Him.

Experiencing Forgiveness-Mar 2008

“God has chosen you and made you his holy people. He loves you. So always do these things: Show mercy to others, be kind, humble, gentle, and patient. Get along with each other, and forgive each other. If someone does wrong to you, forgive that person because the Lord forgave you.” Colossians 3: 12&13 NCV

Laughter and constant chatter could be heard by all as women gathered for a sleepover at El Faro (our home). Months back, some YUGO staff members attended a women’s retreat with some of the pastor’s wives of the colonies of East Tijuana. Today was the day we were reuniting to come together to build relationships, pray for one another and feast on traditional pozole (pig feet & corn soup) and napoles ensalada (cactus salad).

Sylvia listens intently as Sharlene shares God truth on forgiveness

Sharlene Mc Donald (YUGO missionary) lead a devotional from Colossians 3:12 & 13. Many tears were shed as women bared their hearts. Healing came through prayer and forgiveness. Others were encouraged by those that understood the challenges of ministry. Ten women left El Faro after a one night sleepover refreshed and ready to serve. This was just one of the many highlights that took place this month while Rod was away in Canada

Earlier in the month our Canadian board and some of their wives joined YUGO staff in Mexico to attend the annual YUGO staff retreat at our Ensenada Outreach Center. What a blessing to have these godly men and women join us after the retreat checking out the ministries that YUGO missionaries are a part of in the Tijuana area.

As night drew near the skies turned grey and the heavens opened up. The rain began to fall. The roads became impassable. The planned evening of celebrating Rebekah’s 17th birthday party with a bonfire at the beach was quickly changed to pan fried hotdogs and smores on the open flames of the gas stove. Due to the road conditions we now had a grand total of 30 people scattered through out El Faro which included the Canadian board and their wives as well as eighteen of Rebekah’s friends. Seventeen people bedded down for the night while others were able to make it back to their own their own homes. This was a great opportunity for the Canadian board to experience life in Mexico.

Rod has been diligently representing YUGO Ministries at Missions Fests, churches, cell groups and with individuals. We praise God for the great response in others catching the vision of God’s heart for missions. Rebekah and I are counting down the days until Rod returns from Canada to be with us in Mexico.