Tuesday, February 1, 2022

CR Mexico is growing-Feb 2022

God has captured the hearts of people across Mexico to start Celebrate Recovery programs in their local churches. Nearly 100 people traveled to Cuernavaca, Mexico to attend the 1st ever Annual Mexico Celebrate Recovery retreat for CR leadership. It was beautiful to learn from the powerful teachings and hear the amazing stories of how God has set CR leaders free from their hurts, habits and hang-ups. In turn people have a great desire to reach others with the healing power of Jesus using the CR materials.
                                            100+ Mexican Celebrate Recovery Leaders

Celebrate Recovery Mexico's 1st Annual Retreat showed our Calvary Rosarito CR TEAM the need to open our monthly Advanced Leadership Training by ZOOM to other CR leadership. January,15, 2022 our ALT training by ZOOM included 47 CR leaders from all across Mexico equipping themselves with practical tools to help their Celebrate Recovery programs in their local churches grow and thrive. Wow, God is amazing! 

 Many years ago, my deceased husband Rod had a dream to train and prepare church leadership on how to bring Celebrate Recovery into their local churches. Rod followed the calling that had been placed upon his heart and offered mobile training. He would hop in his truck with training materials and his trusty translator Alfredo and head out to local church’s that had expressed an interest in Celebrate Recovery. I can only imagine how excited he would be if he could see how modern technology has helped reach and train church leadership all across Mexico.
                                                                       Rod and Alfredo

Emilio Jose Salgado was in the last set of CR Step Studies offered at Calvary Rosarito. Let me share his story with you. "One Thursday night, along came a a man full of alcohol, in need of some clean clothing, and obviously hungry as he was seeking a bag of food from the church. Emilio ended up in our Celebrate Recovery information night and stayed through the whole meeting. He was personally invited to join the upcoming Celebrate Recovery Step Studies and given a participany guide." To our surprise, Emilio faithfully accepted the invitation and showed up for the the Men’s Spanish CR Step Studies week after week with a smile on his face. Emilio found a forever family that has helped him grow in his relationship with Jesus and find freedom from alcohol and other dysfunctional behaviors that left him in bondage and pain for many years. He completed his 12 steps and rewarded with a certificate. Emilio is just one of the many who has found freedom, fellowship and a deeper walk with Jesus through Celebrate Recovery. 

Francisco and I count it an honor to have the opportunity to witness first hand the changes in the lives of the participants who join us on the Road to Recovery. God has been incredibly faithful in leading us in this direction in joining CR Mexico bringing healing and wholeness to the nation. There have been many changes in the Mexico Recovery Ministry these past couple years. It is when we stop and look back that we see God is up to something much bigger than we ever dreamed or imagined. We are so grateful for you, our partners in ministry. Thank you for your continued prayers, sacrificial giving and friendship.


Cheryl & Francisco