Thursday, February 21, 2013

Who Will Make It To Heaven-Feb 2013

“Who will make it to heaven?”
Many people we don’t expect to be in heaven will be there. The criminal, hanging on the cross next to Jesus, repented of his sins as he was dying. He will be there right next to you and I! How do we view the outcasts of society that have turned to Jesus for forgiveness and mercy? Brenda was convicted of robbery, thrown into prison and then given a second chance. She and her new born baby America are absolutely dependent upon the mercy of those around her. Today both mom and babe live in a woman’s discipleship home for ladies that have found Jesus and want positive changes in their lives. Our Prison Ministry Team had been praying for three years for such a home to open up for women coming out of prison. We are thrilled that Brenda and baby America were the first to enter the home and experience the love of Jesus!
Pastora Lupita and Pastor Carlos standing behind baby America's new crib donated by YUGO's Grace Babies Home in the new women's discipleship home.
Pastor Carlos, director of the women’s home, comes from a background of brokenness and has experienced God’s grace and mercy in his life. When God tapped him on the shoulder he responded to God’s call to reach out to others in similar circumstances. Now Pastor Carlos and his wife Pastora Lupita devote their lives to bringing restoration into the lives of men and women that are released from prison.
Our daughters Rebekah and Jessica helped prepare the meal for the Celebrate Recovery graduation ceremony
January 21 was a day of great celebration as eighteen of “Our Girls” completed the Celebrate Recovery Inside program. This particular day was extra special as our daughters Jessica and Rebekah (visiting from Canada) joined our Prison Ministry Team in serving at the graduation ceremony. We celebrated the accomplishments of the graduates with a grand fiesta including worship music, a traditional Mexican meal, stories testifying about God’s transforming power in the lives of the inmates as they applied themselves to the CRI program, a message affirming their decisions to walk hand in hand with Jesus, personal gift bags and fine fellowship. It is a day to be remembered by all involved.
Rebekah & Jessica were a great addition to our Prison Ministry team reaching out to "Our Girls" as servants of the King
As I write this letter, Rod and I are in Canada representing YUGO Ministries in Mission Fests Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton. It is beautiful to see the hearts of many that are responding to the challenge to get involved in worldwide missions. Thank you to each one of you that are our partners in ministry. We could not go where God has called us to go without each of you, our senders standing behind us and encouraging us to continue on. "Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master: nor is he who is, not greater than he who sent him." John 13:16