Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Christmas Story-Dec 2010

“Don’t be afraid. I am here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everyone, worldwide: A Savior has just been born in David’s town, a Savior who is Messiah and Master.” Luke 2: 10, 11 (The Message)

The Christmas story of the birth of Jesus never ceases to amaze me. Mary, a young woman of good reputation finds herself with child. Joseph, engaged to Mary finds out his wife to be, is expecting. I wonder what others must have thought. To be sure, there would be many that did not understand that Mary, a virgin, had been chosen by God himself to carry His one and only Son Jesus Christ into the world. A world of darkness and brokenness that would take for granted the greatest gift ever given.

God must have searched high and low for these two, as He entrusted them to care for his beloved Son. God does not look only on the outward appearance, He sees deep within the hearts and souls of men and knows the true character of each individual. He knew the depths of character that would be needed in the lives of Joseph and Mary to withstand the pain that would follow after rearing and caring for the Son of God. You see, many have rejected and still do reject Jesus Christ, God’s greatest gift sent to us in love.

As we enter into the Christmas season, a season filled with sharing gifts with loved ones, let us remember the greatest gift of all. When Jesus was born, he brought with him the gift of eternal life, a gift for each and every one of us!

We have so much to be thankful for as we enter into this Christmas season. It has been a wonderful year with great opportunities to share the love of Jesus with others. Recently Rod went to San Felipe and Mexicali with the Calvary Chapel Bible College on a mission trip. He shared with me pictures of the youth that accepted the greatest gift given to all man kind. This Christmas will be different than all others for these youth that have found Jesus and eternal life.

Mid December we will have a grand fiesta (big party) in the Ensenada Prison for the women. All the groups that reach out to the women of the prison will join together to serve a turkey dinner followed by drama, music, gifts and a speaker that will share about the greatest gift of all. Please pray for the women and men in the prisons as this is the hardest time of the year for them as they are separated from their families and loved ones.

We are saddened that we will not be able to be with our families in Canada this Christmas season. However, there are changes on the horizon that bring us great joy! Just recently our daughter Jessica announced that grandbaby #4 is on the way. Congrats Jessica and Ryan! Rebekah also has good news! Rebekah has gone from a friendship into a dating relationship with Eric and has received our blessings. She will be joining us in Mexico for a couple weeks during Christmas break. It will be awesome to have Rebekah home for Christmas!

Rebekah and Eric. "Awe, she is all grown up!"

Rod is out of bible school mid December until next fall. It has been a time of great effort on his part in buckling down and learning. It will be great to have him back at home just in time to prepare to celebrate Christmas.

Rod and the rest of the Calvary Chapel Bible College students

We have already begun planning our trip back to Canada in January to take part in mission fests in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton. We look forward to spending time with some of you. See you soon!

May the blessings and joy of this Christmas season be with you throughout the coming year.