Friday, April 16, 2010

142 New Believers-Apr 2010

“For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Easter is always a great reminder that God loved us so much that He sent his Son, knowing He would die a brutal death on a cross so our sins could be forgiven, so we could live eternally with Him. Every year YUGO staff, Canadian and American groups travel to Mexicali, Mexico with a message of hope for those that have lost hope.

It was less than a week before the Easter/Spring Evangelistic Outreaches in Mexicali were to take place. Staff was NOT in place! The fear instilled in Canadians and Americans NOT to enter Mexico due to the violence, continues to crush the economy of Mexico (Mexico’s economy depends on tourism). Ministries are hurting as we depend on North Americans to walk along side our missionaries serving and sharing the simple message of God’s love and mercy with the Mexican people.

Our God is bigger than the hype portrayed in the news broadcasts. He brought us brave, God fearing individuals, obedient to his call. Six days before Rod was to leave to direct the outreaches in Mexicali, he got a phone call from Joyce Friesen asking if YUGO could use her help for a couple weeks. The very next day a second person, Joseph Fruin (son of missionary friends) asked Rod if he could use some help at the outreaches. Our God is an awesome God! He also sent Claudia as a volunteer and a youth group from Mexicali to help with set up and tear down. God was faithful to provide the help needed.

Joseph, Joyce and Claudia were a gift from God

The Easter Outreach (first week of outreaches) had just come to an end when Mexicali experienced a 7.2 earth quake. Our staff and volunteers were in the US shopping and had to make a quick exit from the store they were in due to the cans falling off the shelves. We are thankful everybody was fine and there were no damages to report.

Less than one week later the Spring Outreach (second week) came to an end. Life was good; 142 people had now invited Jesus into their hearts. What an incredible couple weeks of ministry. The staff were tired and heading home. Just ten miles from home Rod was in an accident that allowed him to experience the inside of a Mexican jail for a few hours. By 2:00 a.m. the insurance lawyer and the Mexican District Attorney came to a settlement and Rod was released. We are grateful no body was seriously hurt in either vehicle. Rod and I felt peace throughout the entire situation.

We can not begin to thank you enough for the prayers that go forth for us and those we serve with. Some of you are called to prayer and God answered your prayers. Here is a Face Book message we received from Elizabeth and Kyle after Rod was released from jail. “How are you guys doing? We've been praying for you -- God just kinda put you on our hearts the other day and I don't know why so I just started praying.” Wow, what an amazing God we serve! He knows our every need!