Monday, November 16, 2009

God Had A Plan-Nov 2009

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

Today I am sitting in the Mazankowski Heart Institute anxiously awaiting news on the the outcome of the surgery Rod is in the midst of. Early this morning he had an angiogram (a tube running into his heart that injects dye to search for blockages). This procedure was followed by an angioplasty (a balloon that opens blockages). How grateful we are to be in Canada going through this procedure. Rod had three stints (little springs that keep the arteries open) surgically placed in his heart. Our prayer is that now we can grow old together serving our Savior.

God knew we would be in Canada during this time. He knew Rod’s medical condition before we did. Actually it was picked up by a nurse placing an electrode in a wrong spot during an ECG. This error caused the doctor to investigate further. God loving placed all the people in place so Rod could have excellent medical care in his time of need. What an amazing God we have! He has a plan. A plan for our future!

We recognize that not only do we have to keep our physical bodies healthy; we also need to care for our spiritual and emotional needs. Our sending church St. Albert Alliance Church began a series called, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality”. Rod and I just happened to be visiting the first Sunday the series kicked off. Rod and I recognize areas in this journey of our lives that need a touch from God. Many times we fill our days up with activity and not enough time in the presence of our Maker. It never ceases to amaze me how God uses imperfect people to accomplish His work.

We have so much to be grateful for. As we are here in Canada our Prison Ministry Team has experienced great changes within the Mexican prisons. Women prisoners are being shuffled around and being returned to the prisons in the states were they originated. Many tears have been shed as the women that have bonded with each other over time have had to say their goodbyes. My prayer is that each woman that found Jesus and freedom from their addictions through the Celebrate Recovery Program will share what they have found with others, no matter where they are placed.

More Prison Ministry Updates:

-Funds have been raised so the women in the Ensenada Prison can crochet scarves for the orphans in local orphanages. Yes, it gets cold enough to need hats, scarves and mittens in our area. I love how the women prisoners are reaching out beyond their own needs.

-December our Prison Ministry team will have a Christmas Fiesta for the women of the Ensenada Prison. This event will include the staff of the prison. In Mexico is especially important to stay in the good books of the government officials. Each woman will be presented with a beautiful, hand sewn bag filled with personal items accompanied by music, worship, drama, and a message of hope followed by a meal. Thank you Judy Kropp from Alberta, Canada for making the bags. The women will love them!

-Due to the H1N1 scare in Mexico, all prisons have barred their doors from outsiders visiting inmates from August 2009 to January 2010. We are thanking God that our Prison Ministry Team is exempted from this rule. Actually, the prison has called our leadership and personally let them know that they are not included in this new ruling.

With the prison not allowing outsiders to visit prisoners, their personal needs are not being met. All items such as: pads, tooth paste, tooth brushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap, blankets, etc. are not supplied by the prison. Families and friends of the prisoners are responsible to bring personal items to the prisoners. If you feel God urging you to get involved in the Prison Ministry contact me and I will let you know how you too can get be a part of our team in reaching those in need.

It has been a tremendous blessing to be here in Canada during this time. My brother continues to struggle after the bone marrow transplant and is presently back in the Tom Baker Institute in Calgary. Pray that God will touch his body and bring him back into wholeness. Rebekah is adjusting well to dorm life in college. Our social butterfly has met many beautiful, caring friends. Rod is resting after surgery. We continue to tag team with my sister in law or my parents in caring for Jack. The plan is for Jack to return to his home mid December. It will be at that time that we plan to return Mexico after braving the blustery Canadian winter storms.

Rod, Cheryl & Leonard Janssen (Executive Director of YUGO Ministries)

Thank you for your many prayers. We feel them and know it is the prayers of the saints that keep us all strong during this time. God had an amazing plan and He chose you to be a part of it through your prayers, words of encouragement and generosity.

Trusting Papa-Oct 2009

“No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sheer determination could be seen on Maddy’s face as she teetered and tottered, striving to keep her balance in this new endeavor to walk. Daily Rod and I would urge our granddaughter with words of encouragement followed by bountiful praise. Sometimes she falls! She then looks into our eyes, groans and gropes to get back on her feet, knowing that we are there to catch her if she topples or tumbles in a way that may endanger her. Maddy has placed her faith in us, knowing we are there to protect her from hurting herself. After all, walking is simply the next step in growth.

During one of our “learning to walk sessions”, as I watched Maddy stagger my direction, I heard a small still voice from deep with in my soul. My Heavenly Father was assuring me that he is my Papa. He is the one that woos me to place my trust in Him. After all, He only wants the best for me. Sometimes I go through some difficult times, things look doubtful and I am not sure what I am to do next or where He is taking me. I wonder how Maddy felt that first time she saw Nana and Papa standing with our arms outstretched with a ten foot gap between us. I do know that because of our relationship with her, she trusts that our intentions were not to harm her but to assist her, encourage her, protect her and support her in achieving her next accomplishment in life 101. How much more should we be as little children placing our trust in our Heavenly Papa?

Many of you have been praying for us as we have sent out prayer updates. Thank you! My brother Jack went through heavy chemo and full body radiation the first week of September. Now we pray the bone marrow donor’s cells graft with Jack’s cells. I can not express how grateful I am that both Rod and I can be here in Canada at this time supporting the needs of my bothers family as they go through this difficult time. It is also a huge blessing to be here for Rebekah as she transitions to life in Canada after living in a third world country for the past five years.

During a recent medical exam, the doctor detected something that needed further investigation with Rod’s heart. He will have an angiogram November 6. Our prayer is that all will go well so Rod and I can return to Mexico before Christmas healthy and whole. We are in utter awe that God had everything set up for this extended stay. He knew from the very beginning that we would need Jody and Angela house sitting El Faro while we are in Canada. Most of our office work, we are able to accomplish from a makeshift office where ever we happen to lay our heads on that particular day. Thank God for lap tops!! Thank God for other missionaries kicking in for us in our absence. Thank God for the opportunity to spend precious time with our families, friends and grandchildren. Thank God for His incredible love and words of encouragement. Thank God that our Heavenly Papa knows the beginning from the end.

Our Prison Ministry team have been serving diligently in our absence. September 14 was our first event for the women prisoners of the Ensenada Prison. The team was excited to share with me how the women in the prison responded to the dramas, testimonies and worship as they were served hotdogs and snacks. A message of hope was shared with the ladies. Women that did not know Jesus in a personal way saw their need to know and trust in His love that day. I am told it was an exhilarating time. We are not sure how long we will be in Canada. We have placed our trust in Our Heavenly Papa that He has our best interest at heart.

Farewell Rebekah-Sept 2009

Fiesta at the Hooples!!! El Faro was buzzing with activity as many came to say FAREWELL to Rebekah. The kitchen was filled with the aroma of traditional Mexican delicacies, complete with a chamoy fountain. OK, what’s a chamoy fountain you ask? Take a chocolate fountain and substitute chocolate for salsa and veggies. YUMMMM! Rebekah had developed a great support team of incredible, caring friends during her five years living in Mexico. She left Mexico feeling loved and covered in prayers as she was sent out to pursue the next chapter of her life in Canada.

Rebekah enjoying the chamoy fountian at her FAREWELL gathering

The first ten days in Canada were set aside for reconnecting with family and our grandchildren. Days were filled with visiting parks and swimming pools trying to stay cool during the heat of the summer. It was absolute bliss!!!!!!

We later drove Rebekah to Three Hills to check out the college where she felt led to take the Licensed Practical Nursing program. As we entered into Three Hills, we immediately fell in love with the small town and its homey atmosphere. The tour of the college was very exciting. At the end of the tour we were told that there just happened to be one spot left in the program for this year. Yep, you guessed it, after a few hairy days filling out applications and meeting all the needs required for Rebekah to enter into the LPN course at Prairie Bible Institute, we dropped Rebekah and her belongings off just in time to begin classes one year earlier than planned. Rebekah loves the school, the classes and her new found friends. We know this is God’s plan for her and she is in great hands.

Where are your scrubs Rebekah!

Before I left Mexico our team of dedicated ladies involved in the Prison Ministry had only one opportunity to enter into the Ensenada Prison due to prison protocol. This one visit gave us just enough time to briefly taste of the ministry that awaited us with working with the women prisoners. We now have full access to the Ensenada Prison. While I am in Canada, one of my dearest friends Silvia Campillo will lead the Prison Ministry. Her latest report is amazing! 80 of the 95 women in the Ensenada Prison are taking part in the Celebrate Recovery Program. God is working in miraculous ways.

Our time here in Canada has been an adventure. Rod has had opportunities to share within church bodies a message of hope. Many have been encouraged to make a difference within their sphere of influence. Each of us has an incredible opportunity to influence those around us with our words and actions.

I have often quoted the saying “Make plans and watch God change them.” Rod planned on continuing his second semester of bible school in Ensenada this fall while I remained in Canada to care for my brothers children in the Stony Plain area while my brother Jack and his wife Susie travel to Calgary for Jack’s transplant. The transplant was to take place in August and now will not take place until September. More changes in plans for the future. I wonder what God is up to???? After having medical examinations we are told that Rod will not be able to leave Canada at this present time. Rod plans to take advantage of this time in Canada to connect with new churches and bible institutes to share about YUGO Ministries. It would be a huge blessing to YUGO and our Mexican friends to have more teams and individuals join us in Mexico this upcoming year.

Thank you to each of you that have prayed for us in this time of transition and with medical concerns. We do not know why God has Rod in Canada for the next few months but know that God is on the throne and has a purpose for everything. We look forward to being able to visit old and new friends while in Canada.