Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Canada here I come!-June 2018

As children of the King, we choose our paths. Sharing God’s love with shattered people helps them get past their hurts, habits and hang-ups. Our Prison Ministry team is thankful for the opportunity to bring the Celebrate Recovery program to “Our Girls” on the inside of the Ensenada Prison and to Celebrate Recovery participants in Calvary Chapel Rosarito.

                              Celebrate Recovery is growing

Karla, Veronica and Lorena are women of God whose lives are devoted to serving those around them, yet they are lay persons. They could have chosen jobs in the secular world to provide for their families, but God gave them a vision for the future and I just happen to have the privilege serving alongside them. God has asked each of us to bring a message of HOPE through the Celebrate Recovery program to the broken and lost people of Mexico. Veronica is our newest member of the team and we are pleased that she will walk alongside us as we start new CR Step Studies with “Our Girls” on the inside of the Ensenada Prison in the near future.

                            Veronica and Karla handing out gift bags

God is working through our Prison Ministry team to do extraordinary things as we serve together in the prison. It is evident that sinful practices have become a way of life for “Our Girls” on the inside. Through the Celebrate Recovery program we have taught them the process of correction by confessing their sins to God and asking Him to forgive them.  They have learned to make amends with those they have hurt and forgive those that have hurt them. They now have HOPE not to continue on in their old patterns of sin.

                      Faces have been blurred for security reasons

May was an extra special month for “Our Girls” on the inside that completed their CR Step Studies. Our Prison Ministry team hosted a graduation event. We are so thankful for all the volunteers who joined us in this special event and for those that completed their Step Studies. Debra, from Morinville, Canada, shared her God story, inmate Gloria shared about her involvement with the Cartel and how God intervened bringing her into a relationship with Himself. Each of “Our Girls” on the inside were encouraged and left well fed spiritually and physically returning with toiletry and candy gift bags in hand as they returned to their cells.

Debra thanks for sharing your God story

Note: to those who are in the Edmonton area, I will be in Canada from June 1-July 9. Please feel free to call me (780-628-2415) to see if we can get together for a coffee date.  I’m taking some time out for hugging family and grand-kids along with speaking engagements in churches, correctional institutes, Celebrate Recovery meetings and with individuals. Keep me in prayer.

Thank you for your continued prayers, words of encouragement and generous gifts. Together we are making a difference in Mexico.

In His Service,
Cheryl Hoople