Thursday, March 31, 2022

Serving in Oaxaca-Apr 2022

Francisco and I had the opportunity to travel and visit friends in Oaxaca. Fellow missionaries Jon and Allison followed the calling placed upon their hearts to plant a church in the city of Oaxaca. It was a huge blessing to encourage them, serve alongside them and take part in a mini vacation with twenty plus people from their church family. It was fun, fun, fun!
Oaxaca holds a special place in our hearts. Allison served with Francisco in the Greeters Ministry at Calvary Rosarito. As Jon and Allison prepared to follow the call to serve in Oaxaca, Francisco started to pray about joining them on their new adventure of church planting. Francisco’s prayer was answered when we started dating. God had another plan! Francisco’s place in ministry is here at Calvary Rosarito as the Pastor of Celebrate Recovery. God knew Francisco had a history with Celebrate Recovery and a heart for the lost. Now we serve hand in hand reaching the lost and broken together. 

We have so many committed Celebrate Recovery leaders, facilitators and co-facilitators. Let me share with you about one lady that has become a huge asset to the ministry.
                    Ana and her husband Miguel "Rey Mysterio" Mexico's own legendary wrestler 

Ana joined us in the Prison Ministry a few years back. She came with energy, charisma and many gifts and talents. Ana serves in many areas of the Mexico Recovery Ministry which includes Prison Ministry. She is an Encourager Coach on our Celebrate Recovery TEAM, a Facilitator of a CR Spanish Women’s Step Studies group in our local church and in the Ensenada Prison and much, much more. We are so grateful for Ana and her dedication to the Mexico Recovery Ministry. 

Ana’s story: My name is Ana Luisa. I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ. I have survived cancer twice and am celebrating my recovery over unforgiveness. I still struggle with codependency, anxiety and negative thoughts. When I started Celebrate Recovery, I had a relationship with Jesus but discovered through the program that my heart was still attached to my hurts, hang-ups and habits. In CR I recognized that I was in DENIAL and POWERLESS, that I was wearing a mask pretending that "Everything was ok." My marriage and my family were in crisis. I carried so much resentment, frustration, anger, and sadness. I was exhausted! CR has been a great blessing in my life. I found a place where I can share my deepest secrets and not be judged. I’m still in recovery learning to trust more in my Higher Power, Jesus Christ. I can now offer forgiveness to those who have hurt me and make amends for the damage that I have caused others. Today I no longer have to wear a mask. My favorite verse is Philippians 1:6 “And I am certain that God, who began a good work within you, will continue His work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns”. Thanks for letting me share.

Thank you for your prayers and partnership in the Mexico Recovery Ministry. We have over 100 participants in CR Step Studies in our local church and by ZOOM this round. This is the fruit from your constant prayers and generous giving. Please pray for our Celebrate Recovery leadership TEAM for wisdom as the Mexico Recovery Ministry continues to expand. 


Cheryl & Francisco