Thursday, November 8, 2012

Who can serve in Mexico? Nov 2012

Most of us come unskilled, untrained, uneducated but totally dependent on God to use us where ever He sees fit. Many come to YUGO with only a few small talents. God takes the few small talents we have to be part of a team, working together in furthering His Kingdom. We invite you to do the same. Come join us for a week of ministry. You don’t have to be skilled, trained or educated. Our Prison Ministry team just finished compiling and assembling a Prison Ministry Training Manual in English and Spanish. The manual is filled with great truths such as, “Prisoners need regeneration not rehabilitation--and Jesus has commissioned His followers to reach beyond the barbed wire fences and steel bars to touch the lives of men and women bound by the shackles of sin.” The manual provides instruction for every level of involvement in Prison Ministry.
Marina, Karla, Barb and Esther gathered to create the Prison Ministry Manual Many of “Our Girls” come to the Celebrate Recovery in despair. In their past lives some buried their pain in self destruction others through self accomplishments. Each comes to us with serious issues. Just last week Yamel wept in brokenness as she openly shared the nightmares that tormented her from the vial deeds she committed in her past. She can’t comprehend why God would love her and forgive her. God extended his hand of mercy to Yamel. Society says, "Lock them up and throw away the key." Yet, God chose to pick Yamel up, dust her off, and wrap her in His arms and whisper in her ear how valuable she is to Him.
Recently the prison officials asked our Prison Ministry team to join them in serving the male seniors. We entered the prison with gifts bags (filled with manly items) and cakes. What an honor to serve the inmates and be part of the Seniors Day celebration. Each inmate was given a certificate from the prison officials honoring their special day along with gift bags we provided. Our team was surprised to be acknowledged for serving alongside the prison officials. It was a very special day for all involved. I am blessed to have the most amazing Prison Ministry team to work alongside. Good job team!
Barb, Ester and Karla are great team members to serve alongside. We are so thankful to each of you, our partners in this ministry. Together we are making a difference in the lives of those who are less fortunate than us.