Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Canadian Board in Prison-June 2013

Canadian Board Members go to Prison
The man they call Jesus came to break the chains of bondage and set people free. "Our Girls" show consistent growth in their faith in Jesus. Regardless of the reason for their suffering, Jesus helps them deal with the difficulties. People are being healed and lives are being changed. Week after week the female inmates openly share how Jesus has changed their lives. Some are persecuted for their faith and others are rejected by family members and friends. In the end, no one can take away their eternal life with Jesus.
YUGO missionary Sharlene encourages "Our Girls"
"1,2,3...8 locked doors and 2 sets of well guarded gates!" Agnes (wife of a Canadian board member) had counted locked doors as we stood outside the last locked door before arriving in the dirt court yard where we were to hold the movie event with "Our Girls". This particular day was extra special! Both Men and Women's Prison Ministry Teams had joined together to host events for the male and female inmates. Men with the men and women with the women. The men and women inmates heard powerful messages inspiring them to stand firm in their relationships with Jesus. The men feasted on tortas while the women munched on Cheetos and candy while watching a powerful movie that tugged at the heartstrings of every women. The day will be remembered by all.
Preparing tortas for the male prisoners
The prison ministry events were just some of the many ministry opportunities our Canadian board members and their wives took part in while visiting Mexico. Their visit began with board meetings and attending our annual YUGO Camp Out. What fun it was to join together with our YUGO family to enjoy some sweet fellowship and great teachings. The rest of the time in Mexico with the Canadian board was spent taking part in a Vision Trip observing and serving alongside many of our YUGO staff in various ministry sites. Each person will return to Canada with great memories seeing God's faithfulness in reaching the lost with the gospel and a new way to pray for our YUGO missionaries and the ministries they are involved in.
Tacos after the Prison Ministry Events
Thank you for your partnership with Rod and I in ministry. Your prayers strengthen us spiritually and it is through your sacrificial giving that God provides for our needs. We could not do this ministry without you.
Prayer with our Canadian guests
PRAYER NEEDS: Summer is just beginning. Please pray for the teams that will join our YUGO staff at all ministry sites this summer that they will be lights in dark places and bring many to know Jesus. Pray for our summer interns and volunteers as they come together with our YUGO staff to support us in various areas of ministry. Pray that God's name will be glorified in all that we do and say as we serve Him in Mexico.