Wednesday, December 15, 2021

The Best Kind of Gifts-Dec 2021

Merry Christmas family and friends, It has been another amazing year. It is an incredible honor serving as missionaries in Mexico. We can’t begin to share with you how good God has been to us this year. We were showered with gifts, gifts that over whelmed us with God’s love. This Christmas we have so much to be thankful for. The gifts we received were not found under the Christmas tree, but they brought abundant joy!

-The gift of family-Francisco and I share children, grandchildren and our extended family. We are thankful for each one of them and the opportunities to see some in person and others by video chat. We are so thankful for modern technology! It helps us stay in touch! 
-The gift of friends-God has blessed us with many beautiful friends that walk beside us in ministry in many ways. Some encourage us, some support us financially and others pray for us and the Mexico Recovery Ministry. Thank you for being our partners in ministry. This year Francisco and I both celebrated our 65th birthdays. Thank you Ross and Val for a 7 day stay in Cancun in December. This will be a birthday we will never forget.
-The gift of service-Francisco went on his first mission trip to Guatemala. Many came to know Jesus personally. 36 years ago, I too went on my first mission’s trip to Guatemala, how cool is that? 

-There is one gift I forgot to mention. God gives us all Spiritual gifts. We have all been given a unique blend of gifts, skills and talents. It brings Francisco and I great joy in knowing God continues to allow us to use the gifts He gave us to serve hand in hand, as husband and wife, reaching the broken and lost in Mexico. We pray this Christmas you and your loved ones will find that gift that brings you great joy! Feliz Navidad, Cheryl & Francisco
Taxes! Each year many folks are looking to give end-of-year gifts as a possible way to help reduce their tax liability. If you are one of those folks, here are some things to keep in mind! Contributions mailed to CTEN must be postmarked no later than December 31st. Online credit card donations must be posted through the CTEN website no later than December 31st.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Freedom in Prison-Oct 2021

  Do people in prison deserve the misery they experience?

God loves all men and women no matter how far they have fallen. His plan is to use our brokenness to reach us with his great love and give us hope. Celebrate Recovery is filled with scriptures offering healing and forgiveness for those who have messed up lives.

By receiving God’s free gift of eternal life, inmates begin a new life of freedom, freedom from their past hurts, habits and hang-ups. Addictions are broken, memories are healed, and relationships are restored. God reaches out to all, including those who have rebelled against him.

Let me share with you a couple of heart felt stories: 

There is a young woman named Isabel (her name has been changed to protect her identity). She carried a lot of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness as she replayed over in her mind the events that robbed her of her freedom and placed her behind bars.  Isabel showed absolutely no remorse for her actions! She mentioned she would do it all over again in order to protect her loved ones from being harmed.

Karla, Ana and I love serving "Our Girls" on the inside

Isabel joined our CRI (Celebrate Recovery Inside) group in the Ensenada Prison. She was one of the many who join us to get out of their cells. Isabel surrendered her heart to Jesus and made him the Lord of her life. She finally found a way to let go of the anger, deep seeded resentment and bitterness that stripped her of her peace and well-being.

Isabel has been in prison for almost two years and will soon be sentenced for her criminal act of violence. She rests knowing God has a plan and a purpose for her life. Isabel trusts, no matter the length of the sentence she is given, God is in control. She knows her time in prison will be used to instruct her on how to draw closer to Jesus.  Isabel will one day be released from this physical imprisonment, until then she has found spiritual and emotional freedom by placing her life in the hands of Jesus.

"I, Francisco, also made poor choices in my earlier years and paid the price by spending five months of confinement in jail. Being in captivity freed me from twenty years of heroin addiction and provided me the opportunity to invite Jesus into my life. That was 29 years ago and I have never looked back! God used the difficult circumstances in my life to bring me to the foot of the cross. My short time of imprisonment was life changing for me.  When I was released from jail I found Celebrate Recovery, a program that helped me grow in my new relationship with Jesus. Today I am the pastor of Celebrate Recovery in our local church. As a husband and wife team, Cheryl and I find it an honor to bring hope to the broken and lost."

The children and adults had a great time. Francisco was the black and red super hearo

Francisco recently returned from his 1st mission trip to Guatemala with Calvary Rosarito. Men, women and children came to know Jesus through street evangelism, Children's ministry, and other various modes of ministry. Francisco shared his beautiful adventures with me which reminded me of my 1st mission trip, which was also in Guatemala 36 years earlier. Isn't that cool!

Hope you can join us

Mark your calendars! Saturday October 23 from 9 am to 3:00 pm PST we will be hosting our annual bilingual Celebrate Recovery Networking Event livestreamed at Calvary Rosarito. Our keynote speaker, Mexico's Celebrate Recovery representative will be Cesar Villarreal Cervantes. You will receive tools and encouraging words on how to find peace in the midst of the storm and hear some powerful testimonies. If you are not able to join us in person click on this link

Thank you for partnering with us in the Mexico Recovery Ministry. There are plenty of others just like Francisco and Isabel that seek a second chance. It is an honor to partner with you in this ministry. Your prayers and gifts are making a difference in Mexico.


Cheryl & Francisco

Sunday, September 12, 2021

A Day to Celebrate-Jun 2021

A special day in the history of the Mexico Recovery Ministry! Our Celebrate Recovery participants completed their Step Studies by ZOOM in April.  We had a dilemma.   What do we do next?  What COULD we do next?  May 13 marked the day that Mexico Recovery Ministry as we  launched a new set of step studies!

Our Celebrate Recovery Ministry servant leaders continue to bring Good News to people.  People need to know that forgiveness and healing are available. Forgiveness and healing are available from God for all when they place their trust in Jesus Christ.  ‘Lesson 1: Denial’ in the C R participants guide states, “We can’t heal a wound by saying it’s not there.” Jeremiah 6:14 

People from various areas in Canada, USA, and Mexico want Step Studies by ZOOM.

People in our local church are asking when CR Step Studies Face to Face will start again.  They seem to want to forget the worldwide pandemic!  The fact that they are SO focused on wanting the CR Step Studies face to face is actually an incredible blessing.  God has them SO focused on growing in Christ that we should be able to work around ‘trivial’ pandemic challenges.  Unfortunately reality just does not agree!

That left our leadership TEAM with no choice but to recruit enough facilitators to pursue technology (ZOOM) and human interactions (Face to Face).  Obviously our primary focus has to be on using technology. We love how God is using COVID as a benefit to bring healing to his people.

Meet Stacy-facilitator of the English Women's Step Study by ZOOM

Stacy acknowledged her need to surrender her hurts, habits, and hang-ups to Jesus.  This year Stacey joined our Celebrate Recovery Step Studies in January.  She was able to join by ZOOM from Gilroy, California. Stacy was given freedom from bondage.  Being freed from bondage helped her draw closer to Jesus. Today, she has taken on the role of being a co-facilitator for the English Women’s Step Studies by ZOOM. Looking forward to serving with you Stacy.

Prison doors remain closed to religious groups!  While not to being able to visit “Our Girls” is frustrating, the fact that “our girls” are taking advantage of the opportunity to grow in their faith is priceless.

Shopping for toiletries for "Our Girls" on the inside

My Prison Ministry team may not be able to bring Celebrate Recovery to “Our Girls” on the inside to meet their spiritual needs, but we continue to travel to Ensenada to bring in donations to meet their physical needs. The prisons in Mexico do NOT supply toiletries for prisoners. If you are interested in joining us in donating funds to help provide toilet paper, laundry soap, toothpaste, tooth brushes, feminine pads, shampoo, deodorant and bar soap we would love to partner with you in fulfilling these needs. Feel free to contact me or donate through CTEN’s website 

COVID has been difficult for all of us. We can only imagine that “Our Girls” on the inside must feel abandoned by their family and friends.  COVID restrictions do have a tendency to play havoc with their minds.   Rest assured, we know Christ will not abandon them. We know Christ will comfort them.  Jesus Christ will comfort them in their pain, fear, and discouragement.  Jesus Christ will comfort them with the seeds of HOPE that were planted in their hearts before the pandemic hit.

On a personal note:

Francisco and I are doing great! With the borders closed, we are not able to visit family in Canada.  However we do very much treasure the visits we get from family that live closer.


Diego, Judy and Jerry preparing toiletries for "Our Girls" on the inside

Thanks for being our partners in ministry. Together we are reaching the broken and lost with the Good News.


Cheryl & Francisco

Sunday, August 1, 2021

New Rehabs in Ensenada-Aug 2021

Come and see what the Lord has done, what awesome miracles he performs for his people.” Psalms 66:5

 We have the cure for the human heart! Ok, what’s the cure for the human heart?  Drawing people closer to Jesus by using the Celebrate Recovery materials.  By drawing people closer to Jesus, Jesus brings transformation into their lives! 

After launching CR Step Studies by ZOOM and Face to Face in our local church, we are in awe that over 80 people have joined us on the Road to Recovery. This is our largest group yet since launching the program in 2014. These are not just addicts, but people desiring to be set free from their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. 

 Church leaders from various parts of Mexico join us for our monthly CR Advanced Leadership Training.  In the past few months, the Celebrate Recovery program has been launched in two rehab centers in Ensenada:

1.      Angel Zumaya , and his wife Cinthia, enter into an adult rehab center called Espigas Nuevas bringing hope to the male and female residents.

2.      Peter Yee, and his group, bring The Landing (CR’s youth materials) to the youth in a rehab center called Vida Cristiana Jóvenes.


These adults and youth are on an amazing journey being set free from destructive cycles that led them into hopelessness.  We are blessed to see others catch the vision of reaching the lost and broken. God has called us to bring healing and hope to his broken people. He has brought others, many others to carry out his work.

GREAT NEWS! The Ensenada Prison has re-opened their doors! The re-opening, naturally, comes with many restrictions.  But the point is that my Prison Ministry team is able to continue to bring the Good News through the Celebrate Recovery program to those beautiful daughters of the King on the inside.

 Karla (top photo) and Ana (bottom photo) are amazing women of God. Both serve in the Prison Ministry. Thank you ladies for your love and dedication to "Our Girls" on this inside

COVID was a time of growth for “Our Girls” on the inside. Pastora Jasso took advantage of the situation.  All the women, who have given their hearts to Jesus, gave a devotional every morning.  Each woman, a different morning.  Each devotional was presented to all the women in the prison. God has used the negative circumstances of COVID to welcome new children into His family.  And His Holy Spirit is already convicting the hearts and minds of his new daughters to spread His Word and love. 

August 1 marked the 17th anniversary of serving in Mexico. Francisco and I feel your love, your encouragement, prayers, and generosity. As we walk this Road to Recovery together, we see God’s hand moving in powerful ways, touching lives. It is such an honor to be your partners in the Mexico Recovery Ministry.

Francisco and I are well. We have enjoyed this last couple months, Francisco set aside his studying for church planting so we could visit some nearby sights on our day off. By the time he hits the books again, he will feel rested and ready for the next semester.

Please keep us in prayer as we await the borders to open. My heart aches to see my family in Canada!


Cheryl & Francisco


Wednesday, March 31, 2021

God's Opening Doors!-Apr 2021

 We are in awe as we watch how God opens doors for different reasons.  One of the reasons for which God opens doors is to give people the opportunity for healing!

 We conduct weekly Celebrate Recovery Step Studies and Large Group meetings using computer technology.  C R participants join us by using ZOOM.  The participants get more than they bargained for.  They are challenged to find a new life and a new perspective of whom God is.

 Unfortunately, while ZOOM does offer some wonderful features, ZOOM also comes with complications! Many Mexican families are large but they live in small homes. Large families and small homes do not allow for privacy.  The lack of privacy severely limits opportunities for family members to openly share their hurts, habits, and hang-ups exclusively with CR participants.

 To freely participate in CR Step Studies and Open Share groups by ZOOM, individuals must be alone in a room with a set of headphones. In order to meet this requirement, we have seen participants joining the meetings from their vehicles. We are truly humbled to see how God works in peoples’ hearts to overcome their individual challenges to participate.  If there is a will, there is a way!

 One such example of overcoming challenges is Terri.  Terri has been very faithful attending Celebrate Recovery through ZOOM. She recently shared her powerful testimony of childhood molestation.  The molestation trauma had broken her spirit.  Terri’s broken spirit led to poor choices.  ZOOM enabled her to openly share her story from her vehicle.  Her vehicle provided her that safe and private place she needed to share.  Being in her safe and private place, Terri shared openly.  She also encouraged other participants to continue their healing as they draw closer to Jesus.

 If we were meeting in our local church, Terri, and other such participants, would not be able to participate because we would not be using ZOOM.


                                           Terri loves Celebrate Recovery

Family News!

Rebekah and her family have purchased a farm in Saskatchewan.  Rebekah and her family will be cattle farming!


                                            Rebekah and Eric on the farm

 Francisco and I anticipate the day the borders re-open so we can visit Rebekah and family in Saskatchewan, Jessica and family in British Columbia, and the rest of our families and friends in Alberta. What an adventure we will have traveling across three provinces!

Thank you for being our partners in ministry on this crazy COVID journey.

 Your prayers and financial gifts keep the Mexico Recovery Ministry moving forward.  Under God’s blessing and direction, Mexico Recovery Ministry brings healing to the lost and broken. We want to extend an extra huge thank you to Brian Baxter as he is our editor for the prayer letters and to the many others that serve tirelessly alongside us in the Mexico Recovery Ministry. We couldn’t accomplish God’s mission without all of you!


Cheryl & Francisco

Monday, February 1, 2021

Celebrate Recovery Mazatlan-Feb 2021

My heart was filled to overflowing as family members arrived, brushed off the snow and entered the warm surroundings. The air was filled with excessive chatter and laughter. Most I had not seen in 15 months. I drooled as the smell of family delicacies wafted through the air as we gathered around the dinner table. Thank you Steve and Susan for providing a place to gather, a place to fill our tummies and a place to share memories and catch up.

                                            Nana & Summer (our youngest grandchild)

Having had COVID in September was a wake-up call. I desperately wanted to see my family! I’m not trying to be dramatic, but people all around us are losing loved ones. My chat with God went something like this, “Thy will be done Father, BUT can I please see my family members one more time?” Francisco and I recovered from COVID and I booked a flight back to Canada. I had three amazing weeks surrounded by the love of family. My greatest regret was not being able to see my daughter Jessica and her family due to provincial lockdowns. 

2020 was a year of great challenges and growth for all of us. What did we learn through all of this? God is still on the throne in the midst of this worldwide pandemic. As we look back over last year, we may have had some ups and downs but see that Celebrate Recovery is growing in Mexico.

Our Celebrate Recovery training coach has been busy. Angel, from our Tijuana Celebrate Recovery has been preparing leaders in La Paz and Mazatlan to launch the CR program in their local churches. You can only imagine how excited I was when I received this message from Juan in Mazatlan. “Today Celebrate Recovery was born, for the glory and honor of God. I am extremely excited because it is the fruit of everything we have been doing. Thank you for your support. You are the Gramma of CR Mazatlan.”  2020 had been a tough year, but God had a plan.

Francisco and I traveled to Mazatlan to share our testimonies with this newly planted Celebrate Recovery in early January and shared our stories of God's mercy and grace in our lives. We could see God’s hand moving in a powerful way as we connected and listened to the stories of others. We spent time with Juan and Alma, the Ministry Leaders of CR Mazatlan. We shared how God, though his amazing love, brought healing and wholeness into our lives and in turn we answered the call to provide the same opportunity for others.

                                                   Alma & Juan from CR Mazatlán

One of the CR Open Share Group participants shared his powerful story of being part of the Cartel, not only was he part of the Cartel, he was a hit man. His story was amazing as he shared how God captured his heart and is transforming him week after week as he takes part in Celebrate Recovery Mazatlan. God never ceases to amaze us with his love, mercy and grace as he draws the lost and broken to Himself.

                                             Lorena (front) Ana, Cheryl & Karla (back)

Lorena served with us in various areas of ministry for several years before being called back to Mexicali to reside close to her family members. Lorena was more than a servant leader with the Mexico Recovery Ministry, she is like a daughter to me.  Thank you Lorena for your many years of service and your friendship. You will be greatly missed.

Now that we are in 2021 I would like to take this time to thank each of you for your ongoing prayers, words of encouragement and generosity. It takes a team to reach the broken!