Monday, November 16, 2009

God Had A Plan-Nov 2009

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11

Today I am sitting in the Mazankowski Heart Institute anxiously awaiting news on the the outcome of the surgery Rod is in the midst of. Early this morning he had an angiogram (a tube running into his heart that injects dye to search for blockages). This procedure was followed by an angioplasty (a balloon that opens blockages). How grateful we are to be in Canada going through this procedure. Rod had three stints (little springs that keep the arteries open) surgically placed in his heart. Our prayer is that now we can grow old together serving our Savior.

God knew we would be in Canada during this time. He knew Rod’s medical condition before we did. Actually it was picked up by a nurse placing an electrode in a wrong spot during an ECG. This error caused the doctor to investigate further. God loving placed all the people in place so Rod could have excellent medical care in his time of need. What an amazing God we have! He has a plan. A plan for our future!

We recognize that not only do we have to keep our physical bodies healthy; we also need to care for our spiritual and emotional needs. Our sending church St. Albert Alliance Church began a series called, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality”. Rod and I just happened to be visiting the first Sunday the series kicked off. Rod and I recognize areas in this journey of our lives that need a touch from God. Many times we fill our days up with activity and not enough time in the presence of our Maker. It never ceases to amaze me how God uses imperfect people to accomplish His work.

We have so much to be grateful for. As we are here in Canada our Prison Ministry Team has experienced great changes within the Mexican prisons. Women prisoners are being shuffled around and being returned to the prisons in the states were they originated. Many tears have been shed as the women that have bonded with each other over time have had to say their goodbyes. My prayer is that each woman that found Jesus and freedom from their addictions through the Celebrate Recovery Program will share what they have found with others, no matter where they are placed.

More Prison Ministry Updates:

-Funds have been raised so the women in the Ensenada Prison can crochet scarves for the orphans in local orphanages. Yes, it gets cold enough to need hats, scarves and mittens in our area. I love how the women prisoners are reaching out beyond their own needs.

-December our Prison Ministry team will have a Christmas Fiesta for the women of the Ensenada Prison. This event will include the staff of the prison. In Mexico is especially important to stay in the good books of the government officials. Each woman will be presented with a beautiful, hand sewn bag filled with personal items accompanied by music, worship, drama, and a message of hope followed by a meal. Thank you Judy Kropp from Alberta, Canada for making the bags. The women will love them!

-Due to the H1N1 scare in Mexico, all prisons have barred their doors from outsiders visiting inmates from August 2009 to January 2010. We are thanking God that our Prison Ministry Team is exempted from this rule. Actually, the prison has called our leadership and personally let them know that they are not included in this new ruling.

With the prison not allowing outsiders to visit prisoners, their personal needs are not being met. All items such as: pads, tooth paste, tooth brushes, deodorant, shampoo, conditioner, soap, blankets, etc. are not supplied by the prison. Families and friends of the prisoners are responsible to bring personal items to the prisoners. If you feel God urging you to get involved in the Prison Ministry contact me and I will let you know how you too can get be a part of our team in reaching those in need.

It has been a tremendous blessing to be here in Canada during this time. My brother continues to struggle after the bone marrow transplant and is presently back in the Tom Baker Institute in Calgary. Pray that God will touch his body and bring him back into wholeness. Rebekah is adjusting well to dorm life in college. Our social butterfly has met many beautiful, caring friends. Rod is resting after surgery. We continue to tag team with my sister in law or my parents in caring for Jack. The plan is for Jack to return to his home mid December. It will be at that time that we plan to return Mexico after braving the blustery Canadian winter storms.

Rod, Cheryl & Leonard Janssen (Executive Director of YUGO Ministries)

Thank you for your many prayers. We feel them and know it is the prayers of the saints that keep us all strong during this time. God had an amazing plan and He chose you to be a part of it through your prayers, words of encouragement and generosity.

Trusting Papa-Oct 2009

“No matter what happens, always be thankful, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Sheer determination could be seen on Maddy’s face as she teetered and tottered, striving to keep her balance in this new endeavor to walk. Daily Rod and I would urge our granddaughter with words of encouragement followed by bountiful praise. Sometimes she falls! She then looks into our eyes, groans and gropes to get back on her feet, knowing that we are there to catch her if she topples or tumbles in a way that may endanger her. Maddy has placed her faith in us, knowing we are there to protect her from hurting herself. After all, walking is simply the next step in growth.

During one of our “learning to walk sessions”, as I watched Maddy stagger my direction, I heard a small still voice from deep with in my soul. My Heavenly Father was assuring me that he is my Papa. He is the one that woos me to place my trust in Him. After all, He only wants the best for me. Sometimes I go through some difficult times, things look doubtful and I am not sure what I am to do next or where He is taking me. I wonder how Maddy felt that first time she saw Nana and Papa standing with our arms outstretched with a ten foot gap between us. I do know that because of our relationship with her, she trusts that our intentions were not to harm her but to assist her, encourage her, protect her and support her in achieving her next accomplishment in life 101. How much more should we be as little children placing our trust in our Heavenly Papa?

Many of you have been praying for us as we have sent out prayer updates. Thank you! My brother Jack went through heavy chemo and full body radiation the first week of September. Now we pray the bone marrow donor’s cells graft with Jack’s cells. I can not express how grateful I am that both Rod and I can be here in Canada at this time supporting the needs of my bothers family as they go through this difficult time. It is also a huge blessing to be here for Rebekah as she transitions to life in Canada after living in a third world country for the past five years.

During a recent medical exam, the doctor detected something that needed further investigation with Rod’s heart. He will have an angiogram November 6. Our prayer is that all will go well so Rod and I can return to Mexico before Christmas healthy and whole. We are in utter awe that God had everything set up for this extended stay. He knew from the very beginning that we would need Jody and Angela house sitting El Faro while we are in Canada. Most of our office work, we are able to accomplish from a makeshift office where ever we happen to lay our heads on that particular day. Thank God for lap tops!! Thank God for other missionaries kicking in for us in our absence. Thank God for the opportunity to spend precious time with our families, friends and grandchildren. Thank God for His incredible love and words of encouragement. Thank God that our Heavenly Papa knows the beginning from the end.

Our Prison Ministry team have been serving diligently in our absence. September 14 was our first event for the women prisoners of the Ensenada Prison. The team was excited to share with me how the women in the prison responded to the dramas, testimonies and worship as they were served hotdogs and snacks. A message of hope was shared with the ladies. Women that did not know Jesus in a personal way saw their need to know and trust in His love that day. I am told it was an exhilarating time. We are not sure how long we will be in Canada. We have placed our trust in Our Heavenly Papa that He has our best interest at heart.

Farewell Rebekah-Sept 2009

Fiesta at the Hooples!!! El Faro was buzzing with activity as many came to say FAREWELL to Rebekah. The kitchen was filled with the aroma of traditional Mexican delicacies, complete with a chamoy fountain. OK, what’s a chamoy fountain you ask? Take a chocolate fountain and substitute chocolate for salsa and veggies. YUMMMM! Rebekah had developed a great support team of incredible, caring friends during her five years living in Mexico. She left Mexico feeling loved and covered in prayers as she was sent out to pursue the next chapter of her life in Canada.

Rebekah enjoying the chamoy fountian at her FAREWELL gathering

The first ten days in Canada were set aside for reconnecting with family and our grandchildren. Days were filled with visiting parks and swimming pools trying to stay cool during the heat of the summer. It was absolute bliss!!!!!!

We later drove Rebekah to Three Hills to check out the college where she felt led to take the Licensed Practical Nursing program. As we entered into Three Hills, we immediately fell in love with the small town and its homey atmosphere. The tour of the college was very exciting. At the end of the tour we were told that there just happened to be one spot left in the program for this year. Yep, you guessed it, after a few hairy days filling out applications and meeting all the needs required for Rebekah to enter into the LPN course at Prairie Bible Institute, we dropped Rebekah and her belongings off just in time to begin classes one year earlier than planned. Rebekah loves the school, the classes and her new found friends. We know this is God’s plan for her and she is in great hands.

Where are your scrubs Rebekah!

Before I left Mexico our team of dedicated ladies involved in the Prison Ministry had only one opportunity to enter into the Ensenada Prison due to prison protocol. This one visit gave us just enough time to briefly taste of the ministry that awaited us with working with the women prisoners. We now have full access to the Ensenada Prison. While I am in Canada, one of my dearest friends Silvia Campillo will lead the Prison Ministry. Her latest report is amazing! 80 of the 95 women in the Ensenada Prison are taking part in the Celebrate Recovery Program. God is working in miraculous ways.

Our time here in Canada has been an adventure. Rod has had opportunities to share within church bodies a message of hope. Many have been encouraged to make a difference within their sphere of influence. Each of us has an incredible opportunity to influence those around us with our words and actions.

I have often quoted the saying “Make plans and watch God change them.” Rod planned on continuing his second semester of bible school in Ensenada this fall while I remained in Canada to care for my brothers children in the Stony Plain area while my brother Jack and his wife Susie travel to Calgary for Jack’s transplant. The transplant was to take place in August and now will not take place until September. More changes in plans for the future. I wonder what God is up to???? After having medical examinations we are told that Rod will not be able to leave Canada at this present time. Rod plans to take advantage of this time in Canada to connect with new churches and bible institutes to share about YUGO Ministries. It would be a huge blessing to YUGO and our Mexican friends to have more teams and individuals join us in Mexico this upcoming year.

Thank you to each of you that have prayed for us in this time of transition and with medical concerns. We do not know why God has Rod in Canada for the next few months but know that God is on the throne and has a purpose for everything. We look forward to being able to visit old and new friends while in Canada.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Resurrecting the Prison Ministry-August 2009

The air was filled with anticipation as my self and four other ladies prepared to travel to the Ensenada Prison. We went over our checklist that would allow us entrance, made a few changes and forged on. Worship and prayer filled the van as we headed down the toll road admiring the breathtaking ocean side view on our way to Ensenada.
When we got to the prison and our groups name was not on the list. First strike against us! Connections with prison officials has failed somewhere down the line. Next we were told we needed “special” prison approved identification to enter. Strike two against us! Rules had changed since YUGO last visited the prisons. Two strikes against us, yet the Lord opened the doors and we were allowed in to see the women prisoners.

Our Prison Ministry Team-Silvia,Soledad,Cheryl,Lupe,Locerro

I had only taken part in Prison Ministry a few times in the past. As soon as I saw the women prisoners I was filled with a deep love and compassion for them. I am sure each women from our group felt the same. As a group we led the women into a time of worship and later shared testimonies of our pasts and where God had brought us with his love and nurturing. Our time of worship was beautiful. Our prayer is that those that do not know our Creator would come to know Him and those that do know Him would be set free from the chains that hold them in bondage to their past hurts.
Rod continues to direct the Evangelistic Outreaches at the Tijuana Outreach Center. We have fewer teams due to the hype about the violence and Swine flu scares. Those that have come to Mexico, despite the hype are committed to reaching out to the Mexican people and have seen great results from their efforts. Our six interns and staff have been having their own outreaches and have had the opportunity to touch the lives of many.

Rebekah registering for MK (missionary kid) debriefing

Summer is going very quickly. As I write, Rebekah is at an MK (missionary kid) debriefing seminar which will prepare her for returning to reside in Canada. We did get a couple quick phone calls letting us know she was enjoying herself with the other 36 Third Culture Kids at the seminar. What is a Third Culture Kid you ask? “Someone who, as a child, has spent a significant period of time in one or more cultures other than his or her own, thus integrating elements of those cultures and their own Rebekah registering at MK seminar birth culture, into a third culture". Rebekah was excited to meet others TCK’s like herself from all over the world. She tells me some will live close to her in Canada.
After a So-Long (never goodbye) Party for Rebekah we will pack up, hop in the van and head to Canada with all Rebekah’s belongings. Rod will remain in Canada three weeks and then will return to Mexico. I will stay in Canada for two to three months to help Rebekah transition and help care for my brothers children while Jack travels to Calgary (3 ½ hours from home) for a bone marrow transplant. Thank you to those that have prayed with us for the bone marrow donors. Thank you to those that have been praying for us in this time of transition with Rebekah leaving. Your prayers are being answered. God has been faithful in all areas.

Rebekah's Graduation-July 2009

“I am the Lord your God who holds your right hand, and I tell you, “Don’t be afraid. I will help you.” Isaiah 41:13
Waiting, anticipating, dreaming, and planning! This is what a Father does when awaiting the birth of an unborn child. The time draws nearer, excitement fills the air. And then, the time comes, the newborn arrives. The Father has a heart bursting with pride at his creation. He tenderly lifts his child into his arms and begins the work of shaping, training, teaching, comforting, caring, and sharing deep truths. The gift of belonging to a Father brings special privileges. (Charles Stanley)
Wow! It seems like just yesterday we were anticipating the arrival of Rebekah into our arms. Where have the last 18 years gone? Rebekah came into the world wide eyed and ready to change the world. While growing up, we often told her, “Someday you will be a leader.” Her strong will, love for God and those around her will sustain her as she prepares to leave Mexico and use her leadership abilities to leave her mark in the world.

Rebekah graduated with honors

July 25 marked a special day for all of us. Rebekah graduated from Highland Prince Academy. She received three awards, one was an award for leadership. It was an honor to see our last child graduate with honors.
This is just the beginning of a new chapter in Rebekah’s life.
Her intentions are to take the first year off school to work and save up for college while upgrading her English. She will live with the Oudenaarden famly in St. Albert. Next fall she will apply with Prairie Bible Institute in Three Hills, Alberta to pursue her career choice of nursing.
For those that have been praying for Rebekah these many years. Thank you. Your prayers have made a difference. Rebekah has become a woman of excellence with a great head on her shoulders. Keep praying as she transitions back into life in Canada after living in a third world country for five years.
It has been a busy but rewarding month. Let me share a few key points of interest:
- Missionary Training was placed on hold for the summer and will resume in the fall. Mike’s final teaching ‘Raising Resilient Missionary Kids’ before placing Missionary Training on hold for the summer was outstanding. Good timing Mike.
- our ‘Women in Leadership’ bible study has also been placed on hold until fall.
- a deck was built on the back of El Faro with the help of the Fruin family and YUGO missionary Trevor Robinson
- landscaping is almost completed. No more lodo (mud) coming to the front door when the heavy rains come. Rain gutters are still on our wish list.
- Bryce Doherty joined us for a week in helping work around El Faro. We are thankful for his servant heart.
- Rod picked up our summer interns and they are trained and ready for service this summer. Bryce Doherty is one of our summer interns this year. Way to go Bryce!
- the Furgeson family (formerly Stacy Frederick, the YUGO missionary who built El Faro before leaving the field) joined us for a week of ministry. It was awesome!
- we had our first week of Evangelistic Outreaches last week with two teams (19 people). 32 Mexicans made commitments to follow Jesus. WOW!!! Great odds, eh!

Mulege Here We Come-Jun 2009

”You will leave me alone, but I am never really alone, because the Father is with me.” John 16:32 b
You have probably heard about the swine flu epidemic! Thank you to the many that have contacted us, concerned about our welfare. We are fine! The Mexican schools are closed, and many are concerned about the already weak economy in Mexico, but God is on the throne.
What this swine flu situation did, was give us the opportunity to fulfill a promise we had made to Rebekah before she leaves Mexico. We hopped in the van and traveled down the Baja on a family vacation. It was simply amazing. If you ever want to find out how to take a trip to Mulege (paradise), send us an e-mail and we will fill you in on how to take an inexpensive getaway where you can bask in God’s beautiful handiwork and allow His creation to rejuvenate you.

Rebekah enjoying the shade of the cabana

Rod and I will return to Canada with Rebekah in August to help her transition to life, work and eventually college. Before she leaves Mexico, she will attend MK (missionary kid) debriefing to help her prepare for the upcoming changes in her future. Too bad they did not have a course to help Rod and I adjust to being empty nesters!! I have included in this prayer letter Rebekah’s bio she was asked to send to Barnabus International for her debriefing. You can read firsthand some of the struggles and triumphs in the life of a missionary kid, our kid.

When I was 11 years old my parents took our family on a family mission trip to Ensenada, Mexico. We were able to work with a feeding program and we got to see the needs that the Mexicans have. On that trip our family caught the mission flame. After returning from our mission trip, my parents felt like we were being led down there. I thought it was just another one of their ideas that would soon pass, but I was wrong. It didn’t become a reality until I was 13. We left in the later part of July 2004. I was angry at my parents that they made me leave my life, my school, my family and my friends. When we finally got here, I actually started to enjoy it. We came during outreach time when there is a lot of people and other youth. It wasn’t till after the summer when I started to dislike Mexico yet again. We were living at a ranch with only 3 other people, all over the age of 45. This was very hard on me because I never had anyone my age and also because I didn’t know the language.
After one year of solitude and being home schooled by a 23 year old missionary, we began looking for a school I could attend. We found Highland Prince Academy Secundaria which is a bilingual Jr. High. I attended there the fallowing year and loved it. During that year my Spanish grew immensely. I could communicate and under stand other youth. I finally felt like I belonged here in Mexico. After one year at HPA Secundaria we began looking for a high school. It was between crossing and going to San Diego everyday or finding a high school down here. I decided to stay and started attending Highland Prince Academy Preparatoria. The only thing was that the high school was not bilingual and all my classes would be in Spanish. It was a sink or swim situation, but thank God, I prevailed. With out Him I would not have been able to do it. I have now been at this high school for three years and because of the amount of Spanish I have learned, I am able to translate for my parents, groups, events and outreaches. I am one of the translators for YUGO Ministries! That is the main ministry that God has me in and I enjoy it. I believe that if God hadn’t sent me to Mexico, I wouldn’t be the person that I am today. I have learned such a great compassion for the less fortunate. God has opened my eyes to how the majority of the world lives. I really want to go to Barnabas to learn how to transition into a culture that I’m not used to. I also want to learn what to expect and how to deal with it.

Thanks for your many prayers that helped Rebekah, Rod and I adjust to the life we live in Mexico. You, our partners in ministry have been an incredible blessing in so many ways. We know our prayers and yours will sustain Rebekah with her upcoming changes.

Visions Trips & Outreaches-May 2009

“Enjoy serving the Lord and He will give you what you want.” Psalm 37:4
After many e-mails going back and forth, the day finally arrived. The Hafermehl and Hutlet families joined us in ministry. We began our Visions Trip (a taste of missions) with a Cultural Day in downtown Ensenada. The day was given a new name “The Amazing Race” as both families took part in a scavenger hunt with the goal of experiencing being in a third world country and not understanding the culture or the language. Eating fresh fish tacos at a local taco stand was a highlight for us all.

Hafermehls & Hutlets enjoying fish tacos

The week continued on with many opportunities to reach out to our Mexican friends. Both families returned to El Faro in the evenings to rehash the events of the day and play some board games. We ended the week by sharing a pre-Easter turkey dinner filled with laughter and sharing how the week had impacted each person individually.
Rod and other YUGO staff traveled to Mexicali to join others from Canada and the US to reach the Mexican people with the truth about a God that sent His son to be crucified on a cross to save us from our sins. Rebekah and I remained in El Faro to lead the Seivewright family on a Vision Trip.

The Seivewright Family bringing groceries to a local orphanage

They had an awesome week serving the Mexican people. The highlight of the week was visiting a migrant camp and having four children accept Jesus into their hearts.
These were three great families with beautiful hearts to serve. Many thanks for all your hard work and love shown towards our Mexican friends. You guys were amazing!
What are your desires? If we desire to follow God’s plan for our lives, we will find pleasure in serving. What do you love to do? What brings you joy? What gives you a sense of satisfaction? Ever consider joining us for a week of ministry like the Hutlet, Hafermehl and Seivewright families did? We will plan your vacation with a purpose in areas where you can get involved in serving the Mexican people. Maybe you would like to come and serve at our Summer Evangelistic Outreaches, get involved in ministry at Grace Children’s Home (YUGO orphanage), build a house for a poor family, share a story and testimony at a migrant camp, paint, build a roof, serve a meal at a feeding program. Pray and ask how you too can get involved.
While I worked with the families that came to take part in Vision Trips, Rod directed the Easter/Spring Evangelistic Outreaches in Mexicali.

Rod and Chuck taking a well deserved break after a long hard day!

Over 100 people from Canada and the US joined the local churches to share the message of hope to the Mexican people. 76 people recognized their need to know this Jesus that was so freely shared about.
Each of you, are a blessing to us. I wonder when we get to heaven if we will hear Jesus say “I am pleased that you let me use you. Because of you, others are here today. Would you like to meet them?” What steps are you taking to encourage others to take that step of faith? Whether you are called to come and serve, stay and pray or give sacrificially, you are our partners in ministry. Thanks for all you do to further His kingdom.

Chicken Scraps-Apr 2009

“Our only goal is to please God whether we live here or there” II Corinthians 5:9
A day I will never forget! With the prices soaring, tourism down, way down, I heard a Mexican friend use the term “desperate”.
A while back, I baked a chicken. I always save the bones, fat and skin for starving dogs. After dropping Rebekah off for school, I went searching for the prize winning dog that would receive the scraps. Just a few blocks from home I spotted a neighbor with her dog. I eyed it up and decided it would be the lucky dog that would receive the hardy breakfast. I held the bag of scraps out the car window as I proceeded to ask my neighbor if I could feed her dog. She stepped closer to the car, grasped the bag and the clutched it to her chest. She was all excited and proceeded to tell me about the tacos she was going to make for herself from the ingredients in the bag. In shock, I sheepishly protested that the bag contained mostly skin and bones. I wished I had left meat on those bones that particular day. My neighbor continued to smile and assure me how delicious her meal would be.
We came to Mexico, thinking we had something to offer to the Mexican people. In retrospect, daily I learn from them with their simple ways, tender hearts and always reaching out in love. The same dear friend that spoke of being desperate is now in Canada working. The process to get Miguel to Canada was a God thing. Right from the time he was a young child he desired to go to Canada. After 1 ½ years of filling out paper work, getting visas and waiting and then waiting some more, Miguel is earning good money in Canada. I assure you, most of it will be sent back to help his family here in Mexico. He is no longer desperate.

Miguel filling out the many papers required of immigration

The night before he left, he gave me his greatest possession ever as a gift for our friendship. When his father passed away, he was given his fathers pocket watch as a remembrance of his dad. I accepted the gift knowing that it was something to be treasured. Miguel’sgenerosity is common amongst the Mexican people. I have much to learn from them.
This month we are celebrating 10 years of being involved with YUGO Ministries. It has been stretching but rewarding being able to take part in reaching the Mexican people with the love of God. This month has been has been filled with amazing opportunities to reach out to the Mexican people.

Praying in a circle after the painting was completed.

21 youth from an affluent Mexican church painted an underprivileged church inside and out for Pastor Diaz. Good job San Pablo youth!!
Emmanual CRC youth joined YUGO’s staff in ministry again this year and did many projects. They even taught the orphans at an orphanage how to do drime (drama to music). You guys are amazing Emmanual CRC youth!!!

Emmanual CRC youth from Canada teaching the orphans how to do drama

It is an honor and a privilege to be here in Mexico doing what we do.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Home Sweet Home-March 2009

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

Home Sweet Home! Rebekah and I landed in San Diego and sighed with relief. Routine and schedules were calling our names. We are back in the land of sun and palm trees. It is hard to fathom that just hours before we were wearing winter coats to protect ourselves from the bitter cold of the Great White North. Isn’t technology amazing!

Time in Canada was spent visiting family, friends, churches, Christian schools, Mission Fests and local restaurants always with coffee in hand taking advantage of opportunities to share about what God is doing in Mexico through His people. We feel our time and resources were well used!

Rod representing YUGO Ministries at Missions Fest Edmonton

Rebekah has settled back into school and I jumped back into ministry after a brief time of getting settled. Rod remains in Canada until after Missions Fest Edmonton and will drive back to Mexico with a donated van and trailer containing donations. Thank you Al & Evelyn Ridley for the donation of the van and Tim & Jodie Seivewright for the trailer. Thank you to the many that sent donations to fill the trailer to be brought back for the Mexican people.

My brother Jack is at home and continues to gain strength each day after is battle with chemo. It is one thing to battle cancer and yet another to battle the effects of the chemo. I found out shortly before leaving Canada that I was not a match for a bone marrow transplant for my brother. My sister just recently informed me that she is not a match either. Our prayer is that his donor will be found soon. Thank you to the many that prayed for Jack and our family. Your prayers kept us strong and courageous without falling into discouragement.

Missionary Training started up in El Faro again the same week Rebekah and I returned from Canada. Mike Mc Donald is doing a great job sharing on Soul Shaping. He is encouraging us to keep our souls healthy so we can be more effective in the ministries where we are serving in Mexico. We love learning, fellowshipping and sharing a meal together weekly with our new missionaries.

How to Pray For New Missionaries (Saving Grace World Missions)
Imagine yourself in their place, trying to learn a foreign language and culture. Imagine that you are living amongst a people that think totally different than you and speak a language that neither you nor your family understands. Imagine the emotions, frustrations and the never ending confusions that you would go though. Missionaries are no different than you; they feel the same emotions and think the same thoughts.

Pray that God would give clarity to the missionaries to learn the language and understand the culture. Pray for boldness and confidence on the missionary’s part to step out and be vulnerable in using the new language. Pray that God would intercede to present the Gospel clearly to the nationals. Pray that God would bridge language and cultural gaps.

Part of why Rod and I chose to return to Canada was to continue raising support so we can remain in Mexico fulfilling the dream God has placed upon our hearts to bring more missionaries on the field and train them up so they can be fruitful in ministry and remain strong. Many thanks to those that have come along side us to support us through prayer and finances. We realize that it is a sacrifice as the economy falters.

Christmas with Family-Feb 2009

“As long as Moses held up his hands, the Israelites were winning, but whenever he lowered his hands, the Amalekites were winning. When Moses' hands grew tired, they took a stone and put it under him and he sat on it. Aaron and Hur held his hands up—one on one side, one on the other—so that his hands remained steady till sunset.” Exodus 17:11,12

Each of you is likened to Aaron and Hur as you have held my family up in your prayers. Jack has gone through heavy doses of chemo so the Leukemia will go into remission. I am sorry to say that I am not the right match for Jack for a bone marrow transplant. A search continues as I write this letter for the correct match to be found.

We had a wonderful Christmas in Canada! Jack was given a pass from the hospital so he could spend Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with family. The New Year was brought in watching fire works, enjoying family time and fun with Jack (he was granted another pass) and other family members.

Peggy, Jack and Cheryl on Christmas Eve

These past few weeks have left long lasting memories (some better than others) with us since venturing back to Canada. We have had our fair share of driving through white outs in the snow, battling the black ice on the highways and trying to find warmth in the cold temperatures that have dipped to 40 degrees below zero. It is apparent that we have become acclimatized to the warmer winters in Mexico.

Our time has raced by quickly due to a busy schedule, representing YUGO Ministries, deputation (raising support so we can remain in ministry in Mexico), visiting family and friends as well as visiting my brother is the Cross Cancer Clinic. Rebekah and I will return to Mexico before Rod but, not without seeing our daughter Jessica, son in law Ryan and our grand babies in Burns Lake British Columbia.

Driving through the Canadian Rockies is an exhilarating adventure this time of year. Everywhere we look hoarfrost covers the trees. It looks as though God has taken a can of artificial snow and sprayed the country side. It is simply beautiful! Most years we often only see our grand babies once or twice a year so enjoy every visit to the fullest. Our days were filled with tobogganing, sledding, trapping and keeping ourselves warm by the fire.

Rod, Cheryl & Maddy by the fire after tobaganning

Rebekah celebrated her 18th birthday while in Canada.

Soon Rebekah and I will return to Mexico as school starts for Rebekah February 3. Rod will remain in Canada as a representative for YUGO Ministries at Missions Fests in Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton. His heart is to share with many how they can get involved in the Great Commission.

Thank you to each of you that have encouraged and prayed for us during our time in Canada. Your prayers have made a difference in all of our lives. My brother Jack is at home resting and regaining strength after chemo. We have had many inquiries about YUGO and the ministry we are involved in. Praise for the opportunity to spend Christmas with family.

PRAYER: For a bone marrow match for Jack. Pray for continued strength for Jack and our family at this time. Pray that Rod will inspire many to get involved in short term missions as he represents YUGO at mission fests.

Christmas Gifts For The Children-Jan 2009

"If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord-and He will repay you!”

After an exhilarating day of shopping and searching for the perfect items to fill Christmas gift bags, we were now about to see a miracle.

Boxes upon boxes and bags upon bags had to be removed from the van to repack it so all would fit for our return to Mexico. Sharlene (YUGO missionary) and I know the man from the toy liquidation place was sent by God to help us. He packed and repacked each box and bag until not one more box or bag could fit into the van. With a prayer we crossed the border with enough items to fill hundreds of gift bags.

Many children will be blessed because of the generosity of those that sent in finances and gifts to the less fortunate children of Mexico. For many, this will be the only gift they will receive this Christmas.

A team from Georgia handed out over 300 Christmas gifts at a local church in Tijuana. Each child that received a gift also heard the story of the greatest gift ever given, the gift of God sending his son Jesus Christ to earth so we can have eternal life. It has been an amazing month. I could go on and on with the many miracles that have taken place.

A team from Canada used their gifts of service to feed children at a breakfast feeding program, painted an orphanage and a pastor’s home. Mixteko children enjoyed crafting and eating snacks while hearing a message of hope and love.

Cheryl & Kim cooking for the children in the Victoria orphanage

It never ceases to amaze me how God works through his children. One of the ladies from the Linden group made mentioned that a couple from Canada had sent money to be used to fill a need in Mexico. I gave my normal answer, “God will show us by the end of the week where He would like to see the money used.”

A few days later the need was revealed. Each year we trust God for finances to supply a Christmas dinner for some of the underprivileged orphanages nearby. God had tapped upon the hearts of his obedient servants in Canada to send finances to Mexico.

Just days before the Linden team had arrived, my parents made mention of the incredible sales on turkeys where they winter in Arizona. I called them and asked them if they would be willing to go on a turkey run.

The seniors of the Lost Canadian RV Park took up the challenge and they proceeded to shop for 140 pounds of turkeys at .39 cents per pound. They also loaded up our truck with many homemade quilts and gently used clothing for the orphanages.

God had a plan and He called together a team of willing hearts to take part in making sure the orphans are well fed, have warm clothes and gifts to open this Christmas. Thank you to each and every one of you that have given your finances, time and love to meet the needs of the underprivileged children in Mexico.