After an exhilarating day of shopping and searching for the perfect items to fill Christmas gift bags, we were now about to see a miracle.
Boxes upon boxes and bags upon bags had to be removed from the van to repack it so all would fit for our return to Mexico. Sharlene (YUGO missionary) and I know the man from the toy liquidation place was sent by God to help us. He packed and repacked each box and bag until not one more box or bag could fit into the van. With a prayer we crossed the border with enough items to fill hundreds of gift bags.
Many children will be blessed because of the generosity of those that sent in finances and gifts to the less fortunate children of Mexico. For many, this will be the only gift they will receive this Christmas.
A team from Georgia handed out over 300 Christmas gifts at a local church in Tijuana. Each child that received a gift also heard the story of the greatest gift ever given, the gift of God sending his son Jesus Christ to earth so we can have eternal life. It has been an amazing month. I could go on and on with the many miracles that have taken place.
A team from Canada used their gifts of service to feed children at a breakfast feeding program, painted an orphanage and a pastor’s home. Mixteko children enjoyed crafting and eating snacks while hearing a message of hope and love.
It never ceases to amaze me how God works through his children. One of the ladies from the Linden group made mentioned that a couple from Canada had sent money to be used to fill a need in Mexico. I gave my normal answer, “God will show us by the end of the week where He would like to see the money used.”
A few days later the need was revealed. Each year we trust God for finances to supply a Christmas dinner for some of the underprivileged orphanages nearby. God had tapped upon the hearts of his obedient servants in Canada to send finances to Mexico.
Just days before the Linden team had arrived, my parents made mention of the incredible sales on turkeys where they winter in Arizona. I called them and asked them if they would be willing to go on a turkey run.
The seniors of the Lost Canadian RV Park took up the challenge and they proceeded to shop for 140 pounds of turkeys at .39 cents per pound. They also loaded up our truck with many homemade quilts and gently used clothing for the orphanages.
God had a plan and He called together a team of willing hearts to take part in making sure the orphans are well fed, have warm clothes and gifts to open this Christmas. Thank you to each and every one of you that have given your finances, time and love to meet the needs of the underprivileged children in Mexico.
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