Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Christmas during COVID-Dec 2020

 Merry Christmas family and friends!

Christmas is always an exciting time.  An exciting time filled with family, friends, beautiful decorations, delicious delicacies, hand picked gifts, and the amazing account of the birth of Jesus in a simple stable.

For over ten years, our Prison Ministry team has provided a Christmas Outreach at the Ensenada Prison for “Our Girls” on the inside. “Our Girls” on the inside enjoy:

  • A special traditional meal, 

  • A mixture of worship and Christmas music, 

  • Fun filled games, 

  • A powerful Christmas message, and

  • Gifts and candy bags. 

They are able to enjoy all these things because of your generosity!

In March 2020, the Ensenada Prison closed their doors to all visitors, including religious groups, due to COVID-19.  Prison officials have since informed us that the strict procedures being followed have been very successful!  There are very few inmates infected with the virus. 

The prison has allowed us to deliver donations.  However, in keeping with their very successful procedures, we cannot interact with “Our Girls” on the inside.  Fortunately, the procedures do allow the inmates to call us to give us updates.  “Our Girls” always ask us to thank each of you for caring.

This Christmas, my Prison Ministry team gathered to make toiletry gift bags and candy bags for the women in the Ensenada Prison.  The prison officials told us that we can supply donations of sweat outfits and socks this year rather than preparing a meal. Thank you Karla, Lorena and Ana for all your help bringing joy to "Our Girls" on the inside.

In the midst of difficult circumstances worldwide, our prayer is that this Christmas be memorable and special for “Our Girls” on this inside.

We know first-hand that COVID-19 can be debilitating. Your prayers have helped us, and many others, recover from the virus. We always covet your prayers! We are so grateful that, in the midst of the most difficult days, our ministry did not skip a beat.  Our ministry did not skip a beat because God enabled us to be up and running with ZOOM.  We serve with dedicated servant leaders that continue to reach the broken and lost with the gospel through Celebrate Recovery.

Merry Christmas from our home to yours

This Christmas, as you gather with family and friends, remember that Christmas began in the heart of God. It is complete only when it reaches the heart of man.  God is using you, His children, to enable us to reach the heart of man through this ministry.  Francisco and I are grateful to God for each of you that step up and support us. 

Feliz Navidad,

Cheryl & Francisco