Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Making a difference-Dec 2013

Seasons Greetings Family and Friends,
Walking through the super markets it is evident Christmas is just around the corner. One day I stopped and pondered, “What it would have been like to have been born in the time period of Jesus’ birth?” Mary, mother of Jesus, was young, poor, and a female. During Mary’s time, all of these characteristics would deem her unusable to be used by God for any major task. But God choose Mary for one of the most important acts of obedience he has ever asked of anyone.
Many of us feel that our abilities, experiences, or education makes us unlikely candidates for God’s service. In 2013 groups, families and individuals joined our YUGO family in taking part in God’s bigger plan to bring the world’s only hope, Jesus Christ, into homes, youth and adult prisons, churches, orphanages and the list goes on and on. People from all over North American came forward to fulfill His plan for their lives. Houses were built for those that are less fortunate, orphans were fed and clothed, the brokenhearted were healed and the Good News was shared. Several of those that came to accomplish great things started out doubting they could make a difference. Others were fearful. But God used them mightily! Our prayer for you in 2014 is that you will have the opportunity to experience the wonderful plans He has for your life.
We can not begin to tell you how full our lives are walking daily with the Father and taking part in the plans He has set before us. It remains an honor to have the opportunity to be able to serve the Mexican people. As you gather with family and friends this Christmas season, remember the miracle of miracles. With a divine Father and a human mother, Jesus the Son of God entered the world.
Finally, Rod and I want to once again thank you for your partnership in this ministry. It is through your prayers that we are strengthened spiritually, and it is through your financial partnership that God provides for our needs. We could not do this ministry without your love, prayers, and support.
Feliz Navidad