Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Mission Accomplished-Jan 2013

December 20 our Prison Ministry team helped serve at a Christmas event for all the female inmates. The inmates ate a traditional Christmas meal followed by a message of God’s love and how He sent his greatest gift, his Son Jesus to earth. We sang Christmas carols and handed out personal gift items to all the women. Our hearts were filled with joy at being able to spend quality time with the inmates and offer them hope and joy through Christmas season.
After the event, we asked if we could visit one of “Our Girls” that is pregnant and has been on complete bed rest for months in the prisons medical clinic. The prison officials granted us this special request. There before us was little Brenda consumed with fear for her unborn child. Babies born in the prison system are apprehended by social services of Mexico and sent to an orphanage until their parents complete their sentence. We found out for a mere $3,000.00 pesos ($250.00 US) Brenda could be released from prison. God placed this burden upon our hearts and we began to share Brenda’s story. Others felt a burden for Brenda and her situation and the funds for the jail bond came through with in days. God chose individuals to be involved in sharing His love in the life of this young woman and her unborn child. December 26th, 21 year old Brenda was released from prison and placed in a women’s discipleship home that will care for and nurture Brenda and her baby. I can not begin to share with you how God’s hand was upon this situation. Brenda has been given a second chance. January 15 baby America came into the world. She left the hospital in her mother’s arms not in the arms of a social worker. Our mission was accomplished! It was a blessing to walk out of the judicial office with Brenda's release papers in our hands.
After a two week break for the holidays we had a wonderful surprise. The prison officials allowed 53 of the 80 female inmates to join us in the Celebrate Recovery Inside program. Susy, one of our Prison Ministry team members felt led to offer the newcomers an opportunity to meet Jesus. Six of the women invited Jesus into their hearts after being led in a short prayer. What an amazing way to start the New Year.
While busying ourselves with the work of Our Farther, He chose to take home a very special friend Christmas Day. Evelyn Ridley and her husband Al first came to Mexico seven years ago to serve the Mexican people. Over the years they continued to come and serve wherever needed. They were our first SWAT team (Seniors With A Talent) to join us in ministry. Evelyn, you will be missed by many.
We are thankful for Gary & Valentine being here with us in Mexico bringing in the New Year using their gifts and talents. Valentine has been a great help preparing for our upcoming graduation event, sewing curtains and just being willing to serve in wherever area she is needed. Gary has been serving alongside Rod at the Rosarito Outreach Center. If you would like the opportunity to come and serve, please feel free to contact us and we will find a way for you to serve using your gifts and talents. Thank you for each of you, our precious partners in ministry. Your prayers are making a difference in the lives of the inmates and the Mexican people. We treasure your partnership in this ministry.