Sunday, August 2, 2020

Celebrate Recovery on ZOOM-Aug 2020

During these times of unrest, it’s important to be flexible.  Flexibility can be key to survival.  When led by God, flexibility can be used by God to accomplish even higher things for His glory.  God has guided Francisco and me to be flexible and change up our venue.  Our venue for Calvary Chapel Rosarito Celebrate Recovery is now ZOOM. 

As of Tuesday, July 9, we launched CR Large Group meetings using ZOOM!  I assure you that with Francisco and me in our 60’s, this change did not happen without fear and trepidation.  

However, God is faithful and omniscient.  God spoke to us in that quiet, gentle voice, “It’s not about you.”  God knew our fears and anxieties.  We knew, without a shadow of a doubt, God wanted us to continue with His work.  We knew that continuing God’s work would require us to come out of our comfort zones to learn how to use the newest form of modern technology.  Completely depending on God, we continued.  God wants us to use that technology to reach even more lost and broken people.   Those lost and broken people need to have the opportunity to experience God’s hand of healing in their lives through Celebrate Recovery.

"Our Celebrate Recovery TEAM praying and preparing to launch CR with ZOOM "

Our Celebrate Recovery servant leaders staunchly support us in prayer.  Their prayers follow us and God comforts and guides us every step of the way.  Under God’s direction and strength, we are charting new territory and conquering these new challenges to serve Him. 

We all know that GOD IS IN CONTROL!  We also know the world is changing around us.  However, as the world changes around us, God can take the negative circumstances and turn them around for His glory!  Please keep the Mexico Recovery Ministry in your prayers as we walk through this new door of ministry.

"Our 1st ever Celebrate Recovery Large Group Meeting by ZOOM was well attended"

The number of people infected with COVID-19 continues to climb in Mexico.  Because the incidence of COVID-19 infections continues to grow, I had to make a very difficult decision.  After a painful, and heartfelt, struggle, I cancelled my trip back to Canada this summer. 

While the decision was heart wrenching, I also knew I had made it for the right reason – the safety of everyone.  Not being able to see my grand-babies, daughters, family, and friends makes me turn to God for comfort only He can give.  I am SO thankful for video chat dates that let me stay connected with loved ones.  

I earnestly pray for the day I can wrap my arms around my grand-babies, daughters, family, and every other person I can get my hands on. Huggers like us have a hard time with this social distancing!

Last summer the Strike family came to spend time in Mexico.  The Strikes brought with them Spanish bibles donated from people in our sending church in Canada. 

As a pastor of Calvary Chapel Rosarito, Francisco often finds people in need of a bible.  Here is a story of how God used one of those donated Spanish bibles:

Alfonso, one of our Celebrate Recovery participants, contracted COVID-19. He reached out to Francisco for prayer. Francisco’s first response was to pray for healing for Alfonso. His second response was to point Alfonso to God’s Word. Alfonso’s countenance fell as he told Francisco that he did not have a bible. When we gave Alfonso his bible, he was filled with joy and gratitude. We sincerely thank God and our Canadian friends for making that moment possible!

As missionaries, we have placed our families, our finances, and our ministry in God’s hands. During this faith walk, we have seen God’s hand move in amazing ways:

All of our family members are COVID-19 free,

Funding continues to allow us to do ministry,  

The prayers of the saints are abundant,

Your gifts have helped many families have food on their tables, and

“Our Girls” on the inside have toiletries

Francisco and I were able to make another run to the Ensenada Prison with donations. 

"Heading to the Ensenada Prison with family to deliver donations to the inmates"

We can’t thank you enough for your generosity and continued prayers..

With love and hugs,

Cheryl & Francisco