Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Tools for Ministry-Jun 2008

“This is why I remind you to keep using the gift that God gave you when I laid my hands on you. Now let it grow as a small flame grows into a fire.” II Timothy 1:6

The salty air of the ocean filled our nostrils and the cool breeze brushed our cheeks as we prayed together while walking along the beach. Today was a special day for Rod and I. All along the path were sand dollars. I began to gather the delicate shells, rescuing them from the ravaging waves of the sea that could so easily crush them.

All around us is corruption. The media portrays Mexico as a place full of violence as the drug lord’s battle with the authorities. Tourism is down 75%. Youth groups and building teams have shied away from joining us in ministry.

Will we flee? NO! Will we return to where we once came from? NO! Our hearts are in Mexico. As the economy crashes due to the recession in the US and corruption increases, your prayers and support mean more to us now more than ever. Pray for the safety of our missionaries and others that have sacrificed to serve in Mexico for such a time as this.

As the army trucks comb the streets to try to bring justice we are reminded that we to are in the Lord’s army. This is a very important time to pray together and reflect back to the calling that has been placed upon each of our lives. It is the desire of us and YUGO leadership to offer tools to our missionaries so they will not only survive but thrive in ministry.

Don & Judy teaching staff how to keep our marraiges healthy

Don & Judy Kropp from Sherwood Park, Alberta have taught marriage seminars for the past eight years. They know the importance of supplying tools to couples so they can keep their marriages vibrant and healthy. Thank you Don & Judy for using the gift that God gave you in sharing your wisdom and experiences with YUGO staff that attended the Love & Respect kickoff. The Kropps have purchased the Love & Respect DVD’s and workbooks for our staff. They are available for all staff.

Rod and I joined other YUGO staff in California representing YUGO Ministries at Missions Expo. It was a blessing to have a dear friend Marilyn Leff at a booth nearby representing Light of Messiah Ministries. Marilyn is from Jewish decent and works with a ministry that reaches out to Orthodox Jews. Attending a Messianic service with Marilyn on the Saturday morning allowed me to see Marilyn’s heart for her people and their need of knowing about our Jesus that died and rose again for each of them. Marilyn then joined us in Mexico for a few days. It was fun to reconnect and share what God is doing in our lives and through the ministries we are part of. It was very evident that all around us God is at work doing great and wonderful things.

As I remember back to the morning I was rescuing sand dollars from the turbulent waves of the sea. Turmoil persists in the lives of those that do not know Jesus in a personal way. As the economy continues to crash and the recession affects those all around us in Mexico, our prayer is that the groups that come to take part in ministry this summer will boldly reach out with the truth of God’s love and rescue the lost from the grip of despair in the midst of the turbulent trials.

Thank you for your continued prayer and support for we know God is sovereign and is in the midst of the circumstances all around us.

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