Sunday, June 8, 2008

A Time To Reflect-March 2007

“I say this because I know what I am planning for you,” says the Lord. “I have good plans for you, not plans to hurt you. I will give you hope and a good future.” Jeremiah 29:11 (NCV)

I am sitting in my father’s old recliner. A sense of peace surrounds me. Out a nearby window can be seen the bare trees and the swirling, drifting snow. The early morning quietness brings the familiarity of a quiet, gentle voice. A voice that reminds me, the time is near. Soon Rebekah and I will return to Mexico.

I look around and various memories come flooding back to me. Remembering building a theme park on the rumpus room floor with our grandson Caleb or envisioning the brilliant blue eyes of our granddaughter Aly as she holds out her arms to be picked up are memories that have left lasting impressions.

Many other memories were stirred up over cup after cup of coffee with family members, friends and others that were interested in learning more about what God is doing in Mexico through YUGO Ministries. We are excited to share how blessed we were to hear how the hearts of our Canadians brothers and sisters are being stirred in the direction of missions.

Our purpose of returning to Canada from Mexico is three fold:

First and foremost is to reconnect with family and friends. We may return to Canada as little as once a year and it is our desire to embrace the small amounts of time we have with those we love and miss. We celebrated Rebekahs 16th birthday while in Canada. Sharing pizza and cake with twenty of her old school buddies left many lasting memories for Rebekah.

It was an honor to be able to attend the wedding of Michelle Miller and Jared Ott (YUGO Missionaries) before returning to Mexico.

Second we represent YUGO Ministries and share with others what God is doing in the lives of the Mexican people through YUGO Ministries. It is our passion to share and invite others to join us in evangelistic outreaches and other ministries (construction, feeding programs, visiting orphanages, medical clinics, clothing and food distribution, etc.) that can be shaped to meet the needs of each individual group
The harvest field is ripe and the workers are few. We enjoy sharing with others the ministry opportunities available in Mexico. God may have called you to come out of your comfort zone and enter into the world of the unknown. We want to be able to embrace, encourage and spur you on to a life that is like no other. You will learn to walk in faith as you watch the hand of God provide opportunities to show himself through you as you as you reach out to the Mexican people.

And last but not least is the hardest part of being a faith based missionary, raising our own support. Imagine giving up a job or nearly twenty years to enter into a ministry where your needs rest upon the generosity of those that see the value in the ministry you are involved in. Rod and I have had our faith stretched as we have had to depend on others to stand behind us in ministry. Recently our support level was critically low, to the point of having set aside some of the ministries we had been involved in. We continue to seek new monthly partners in ministry.

God has called us to set aside our comforts, safety, security, family, friends and grandbabies to serve Him in Mexico. “I assure you that anyone who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or property, for my sake and the Good News, will receive now in return, a hundred times over, houses, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and property – with persecutions. And in the world to come they will have eternal life.” Mark 10:29,30

He has called us to go while calling others to join us in ministry through praying and giving financially so we can continue to do the work He has called us to. We want to thank the many that have heeded to the call and become our financial partners in ministry. Your giving, prayers and words of encouragement have allowed us to go and make an eternal impact in bringing many Mexican people into eternity with Him. Having monthly partners in ministry helps us to be able to focus on ministry rather than finances.

We recognize we can do nothing apart from Jesus Christ.

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