Saturday, December 2, 2023

Christmas Memories-Dec 2023

Merry Christmas Family & Friends,
It’s almost Christmas! For me, the Christmas season is always a time of looking back and reflecting on memories from the past. Memories of Christmas past is sweet and filled with treasures. Many of those treasured memories were when the kids were growing up. I can’t imagine how Mary felt the day an angel told her-her child would be the Messiah. We all know motherhood is painful at times. I don’t know about you, but I often second guessed myself. “Am I doing this parenting thing right?”. Can you imagine the pressure of bringing up God’s one and only Son?
I am grateful Mary, an ordinary person like you and I made herself available to be the mother of the Son of God. I love how God’s plans involve extraordinary events in ordinary people’s lives.
It has been an incredible year serving the people of Mexico. Our Celebrate Recovery family has grown! Our servant leaders are ordinary people, like you and I, who have followed the call to serve. Pancho & Cristy lead “The Landing”, our Celebrate Recovery program for youth. This couple have reached into the depths of our youths’ hearts to earn their love and respect. Irene and Araceli lead Celebration Place”, our Celebrate Recovery program for children. Weekly they pour out their love on our children and lead them through Celebrate Recovery at their age level. These are just a few of the many that serve alongside us.
Ana & Karla preparing toiletry girft bags for "Our Girls" inside the Ensenada Prison
We are blessed to have the ordinary servant leaders fulfilling extraordinary callings. Each one is making a difference in the lives of children, youth and adults. Francisco and I count it a blessing to serve alongside our Celebrate Recovery servant leaders. Each come with special gifts and talents with hearts to serve.
As we enter into the Christmas season filled with festivities with family and friends, let us remember the true meaning of Christmas, the birth Jesus. Francisco and I are thankful for each of you! Your prayers, words of encouragement and generosity are making a difference in Mexico.
Feliz Navidad,
Cheryl & Francisco
When giving a Year-End contribution for tax purposes, please remember: Year-End contributions mailed or given online to CTEN must be no later than December 31st.

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