Saturday, March 6, 2010

Batten Down The Hatches-Feb 2010

“How wonderful and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony!” Ps 133:1

Batten down the hatches! (Get ready!) Many of us have heard the term while others have experienced it first hand. Loree and her son Jaxon bunked in with us at El Faro while serving at Grace Children’s Home (YUGO’s Orphanage). The winds were howling and the heavy rain could be seen pelting against the window pains. We had just finished supper and were enjoying sharing each others company when the power went out. Doing dishes by candle light is just one of the many experiences that Loree and Jaxon will take back with them to Abbotsford, B.C. as they share with others their adventures while serving along side YUGO staff while in Mexico.

The heavy rains are always a great concern for us as we see our Mexican friends living in such great need. We always welcome plastics tarps, warm blankets and food donations during these desperate times of need. During the rain the schools close down as many walk to school. Feeding programs are placed on hold while the children remain hungry. Please keep our Mexican friends in your prayers.

January and February always brings exciting times. The days are filled with opportunities to represent YUGO ministries at mission’s conferences and attend YUGO’s annual retreat at our Ensenada Outreach Center. It was exciting to gather at the annual retreat with other missionaries, office staff and board members to hear what God is doing in and through each of us individually as we serve Him. It was like a big family reunion! Many thanks to our YUGO Canada board and office staff for joining us at the retreat and checking out the different ministries our missionaries are involved in.

Margaret, Lucia, Marylyn, Dwight & Ismeal - Some of YUGO Canada's board members and office staff that joined us in Ensenada for YUGO Ministrie's annual retreat

UNITY & RECONCILIATION!!! This same message was heard at our YUGO annual retreat and through out mission conferences across Canada. At Winnipeg Mission Fest Canadian missionaries John and Eloise Bergen shared with us how they became national news in 2007 after they were brutally attacked in Kenya. They shared how God called them into a place of forgiving their attackers. It is evident that God is calling his people to let go of past hurts so we can walk in unity and serve Him to the fullest of our capacity.

Returning to Canada to represent YUGO Ministries always brings opportunities to see family and friends. I spent four glorious days with our daughter Jessica and family. Rebekah was able to skip a day of classes to join Rod and I for a five day stretch in Stony Plain. We were able to spend family day together followed by a few days representing YUGO at Global Connections at Prairie Bible Institute. We are always uncertain of when our next trip to Canada will be and appreciate squeezing in as much family time as possible.

Thank you to the many that continue to lift us in prayer. We are passionate about sharing with others what God is doing in Mexico through our YUGO missionaries.

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