Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Mittens To Mexico-February 2007

January 2007 was the first time in 20 years that snow could be seen falling in the northern border towns of Baja, California, Mexico. Rod, Rebekah and I were spending Christmas in Canada with family, friends and our grandbabies. We heard reports of the snow and cold in Mexico. I called one of our close friends in Tijuana and found out that the temperature had dropped below freezing. Our friends in Mexico were extremely cold. Many live in small humble homes with sheets or blankets for doors. Others live in shanties made of cardboard and pieces of boards with dirt floors. The poor weather conditions caused many to be have colds and the flu.

Mittens to Mexico was birthed in Canada as a way to reach out to our Mexican sisters and brothers that were suffering due to improper protection from the elements. Rod drove back from Canada with a donated Dodge 4X4 truck followed by a 16 foot cargo trailer filled with warm clothes, blankets, plastic tarps, scarves, mittens, hats and vitamins. Thank you to the many that helped us gather these donations to give to those in need. We are grateful for the those that will work with us and the local churches reaching out to the Mexican people. Our prayer is that by reaching out and meeting their physical needs we will then have the opportunity to meet their spiritual needs.

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