Monday, March 19, 2018

First Anniversary-April 2018

As March crept up on us, so did the first anniversary of Rod’s going Home to be with Jesus. I was filled with memories of Rod having the stroke, surviving the trip back to Canada, saying our final goodbyes before he went into surgery so his organs could be donated so others could live. It was a year of tears, learning how to navigate life and ministry without my beloved husband and partner in ministry. God has proven to be the most amazing Heavenly Husband that has met all my needs. God has answered your prayers and given me the strength needed to learn, lean on Him and carry on.

For many God is their last resort. They go through unnecessary suffering because they did not call out to God until they tried everything else but God. Many of our Celebrate Recovery participants in Calvary Chapel Rosarito and in the Ensenada Prison have been desperate and then turned to God. The Celebrate Recovery program brings healing and leads people to a closer relationship with God. He knows how to meet every broken person where they are at. My own Celebrate Recovery Step Study group, my mentor and accountability partners have embraced me, shared my tears, listened to my heart, loved me, encouraged me and prayed for me.

In January, after a short break, we resumed our Celebrate Recovery Step Studies with nearly 80 participants.  Many of the previous participants stepped up to the plate and took on positions of being facilitators and co-facilitators. We are a forever family who have discovered everyone has a place. Together we have learned to accept those around us with their character defects and are figuring out how we can serve God with our gifts and talents to increase His kingdom.

February 12 our Prison Ministry team hosted a craft event inside the Ensenada Prison for Our Girls on the inside. What an honor to see the joy each one had in fellowshiping, using their creative abilities to construct Valentine cards, worshiping, eating and laughing.  Sterilize shared a beautiful message on the Father’s love, Lorena & Viridiana shared their powerful stories of God’s redemption in their lives, while other volunteers served joyfully. Each of Our Girls from the inside returned to their cells with candy bags, gift bags filled with toiletries and hearts filled with joy. What an amazing day!

Thank you for your continued prayers for my Recovery Ministry servants, for your words of encouragement and for your generous giving so we can continue the good work set before us.
