Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Workers are Coming Aug 2017

“The harvest field is ripe, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37 

Lacking help is a common thread on the mission field, but God is faithful! He is sending help! Others are joining our Recovery Ministry team to carry on where Rod left off.

Nick and Lana Tudor
Lana and Nick started serving alongside Rod and I last fall.  Monthly they come to Rosarito to purchase, prepare and serve a meal for our Celebrate Recovery participants. Nick has also taken on the Advanced Leadership Training that Rod faithfully did for our CR leaders. Thank you Nick and Lana!

Mitch & Joy Vincent
Mitch and Joy serve on staff at Calvary Chapel Rosarito and have stepped in to help in many areas serving alongside our Recovery Ministry TEAM.  Mitch teaches the CR lessons, is part of the worship team, leads the English Step Study Rod used to lead and so much more.  Joy comes to us with media skills and has a heart to serve. Thank you Mitch and Joy!

Robert & Debbie Wulff
Robert and Debbie serve on staff at Calvary Chapel Rosarito and have also joined our Recovery Ministry TEAM.  Both have been very helpful in the ministry and with me personally. Robert will maintain the ministry vehicles, eventually lead Step Studies and Debbie will take over the inventory of CR materials, also lead Step Studies as well as serve in many other areas of the ministry. They both have servant hearts and have been extremely helpful. Thank you Rob and Debbie!

Faces have been blurred to protect the identity of "Our Girls" on the inside

June 26th we hosted a Baptism/Graduation event for “Our Girls” on the inside.  How beautiful to see these women learn to trust God’s goodness.  For many the suffering they endure in prison help’s them turn to God.  Through the CR program they learn to trust God is all circumstances.  God is delivering them from the chains of brokenness. 

Sarah Vincent

Sarah thank you for sharing a powerful message to the graduates who have completed their 25 lessons in the Celebrate recovery program. Lupita, Luz and Debbie, thank you for joining our Prison Ministry team in serving and making this event special for “Our Girls” on the inside and seeing first hand their passion to know Jesus.

Thank you for the many that have prayed for me these past few months since Rod went home to be with Jesus.  Your prayers have sustained me and given me the strength to continue the good work Rod and I began together. God answered your prayers and has sent help.  Please continue to pray for wisdom and stamina as the Recovery Ministry team continues to lead the lost and broken into a deep-rooted relationship with Jesus Christ.

In His Grip,

Cheryl Hoople