Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Church Family in Mexico-Oct 2017

The first week of August my sending church, St. Albert Alliance, sent out 32 people to serve the people of Mexico is a variety of ways. Most of the team labored in East Tijuana in a community called Las Delicias pouring cement for a church building.  This team was filled with ongoing energy and joy. They ended their week of ministry by hosting a special sports and games event in a local park and I might say, they attracted quite a crowd. I am honored to be a part of this church family.
St. Albert Alliance team members Melissa, Arlene, Cindy and Sherry joined our Prison Ministry team in hosting a craft event with “Our Girls” on the inside of the Ensenada Prison. Melissa shared a beautiful message about the Father’s Love Letter, Sherry shared her powerful testimony and Arlene and Cindy used their special abilities to serve wherever needed.

                                        Sherry, Arlene, Cindy and Melissa

                       St. Albert Alliance Church Missions Team

One of “Our Girls” from the inside Lulu gifted us with her story of redemption. She had been involved with the cartel and now she is serving 26 years due to her involvement in homicide. She was a Santa Muerte worshipper that did not know God.  Lulu was bored so decided to attend Celebrate Recovery to get out of her cell.  It didn’t take long for her to make the decision to give her heart to Jesus.  Today she boldly professes her faith in Jesus and is grateful for finding healing from her hurts, habits and hang-ups. It was an encouragement for all of us to hear her story about God’s redeeming love in her life. After the event each inmate returned to their cells with a beautiful craft, gift bags full of toiletries, tummies full of delicious food and hearts filled with encouragement.

Sandra translated Lulu's story of redemption

God is so patient.  When I am feeling down or discouraged, He speaks! Let me share with you a quote from my Life Application Bible that spoke volumes in my life. “Endurance is not a common quality.  Many people lack the long term commitment, caring and willingness that are vital to sticking with the task against all odds.” God will use whatever possible to speak to us, to guide and lead us in a  direction where we can use our gifts and talents for His glory. His love for us is so amazing.  I am thankful for the many family and friends that continue to pray for me and the Recovery Ministry. Pray for each of us in the areas of commitment, wisdom and endurance as we continue to serve the broken around us.

In October our Recovery Ministry team hosted out 3rd annual Celebrate Recovery Information Seminar at Calvary Chapel Rosarito.  The event was well attended as our Mexico State Representative Cesar Cervantes shared about the DNA of Celebrate Recovery so other church bodies can start this Christ centered program in their own church bodies. His beautiful wife Olga shared her story of how Celebrate recovery changed her life. We are thankful for the many that helped this event a huge success.

Olga and Cesar

Thank you one and all for your ongoing prayers and financial support of the Recovery Ministry.  This year twelve of our Celebrate Recovery leaders went to the Celebrate Recovery Summit at Saddleback Church. Where did the funding come from you might ask? From the many that sent in a financial donation rather than flowers for Rod’s Celebrate of Life.  Thank you for helping train our Celebrate Recovery leaders. Each of you is a treasure, an important asset to our Recovery Ministry team.

           Nick, Lana, Grace, Joy, Lolita, Cheryl & Martha

In His Grip,

Cheryl Hoople

Saturday, July 29, 2017

The Workers are Coming Aug 2017

“The harvest field is ripe, but the workers are few.” Matthew 9:37 

Lacking help is a common thread on the mission field, but God is faithful! He is sending help! Others are joining our Recovery Ministry team to carry on where Rod left off.

Nick and Lana Tudor
Lana and Nick started serving alongside Rod and I last fall.  Monthly they come to Rosarito to purchase, prepare and serve a meal for our Celebrate Recovery participants. Nick has also taken on the Advanced Leadership Training that Rod faithfully did for our CR leaders. Thank you Nick and Lana!

Mitch & Joy Vincent
Mitch and Joy serve on staff at Calvary Chapel Rosarito and have stepped in to help in many areas serving alongside our Recovery Ministry TEAM.  Mitch teaches the CR lessons, is part of the worship team, leads the English Step Study Rod used to lead and so much more.  Joy comes to us with media skills and has a heart to serve. Thank you Mitch and Joy!

Robert & Debbie Wulff
Robert and Debbie serve on staff at Calvary Chapel Rosarito and have also joined our Recovery Ministry TEAM.  Both have been very helpful in the ministry and with me personally. Robert will maintain the ministry vehicles, eventually lead Step Studies and Debbie will take over the inventory of CR materials, also lead Step Studies as well as serve in many other areas of the ministry. They both have servant hearts and have been extremely helpful. Thank you Rob and Debbie!

Faces have been blurred to protect the identity of "Our Girls" on the inside

June 26th we hosted a Baptism/Graduation event for “Our Girls” on the inside.  How beautiful to see these women learn to trust God’s goodness.  For many the suffering they endure in prison help’s them turn to God.  Through the CR program they learn to trust God is all circumstances.  God is delivering them from the chains of brokenness. 

Sarah Vincent

Sarah thank you for sharing a powerful message to the graduates who have completed their 25 lessons in the Celebrate recovery program. Lupita, Luz and Debbie, thank you for joining our Prison Ministry team in serving and making this event special for “Our Girls” on the inside and seeing first hand their passion to know Jesus.

Thank you for the many that have prayed for me these past few months since Rod went home to be with Jesus.  Your prayers have sustained me and given me the strength to continue the good work Rod and I began together. God answered your prayers and has sent help.  Please continue to pray for wisdom and stamina as the Recovery Ministry team continues to lead the lost and broken into a deep-rooted relationship with Jesus Christ.

In His Grip,

Cheryl Hoople

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Where does my help come from?-June 2017

”My help will come from the Lord, the creator of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:2
Recently I heard this song “And I will lift my hands, for You are who you are. No matter where I am, and every tear I’ve cried, You hold in your hand. You never left my side. And though my heart is torn, I will praise you in the storm.” When I pass through this storm of not being at the side of my best friend and ministry partner of almost 28 years, I know that one day my heart will heal and then I will someday be able to focus on the precious memories I shared with my beloved husband Rod.
Rod finished his race well.  Sharing about missions at Mission Fests Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton was one of his many passions.  It was just last fall the Lord urged Rod to lay down this part of the ministry and focus more on the Recovery Ministry.  We said our So long-Never Goodbyes to our many friends we made over the years representing YUGO. God’s plans are not our plans!  What an awesome God we serve. I had the honor to be at Rod’s side for almost 28 years bringing up our children, serving hand in hand together and loving each other deeply.  Rod lives on in all of us through the love he showed us, the jokes he shared and the lives he touched. He is missed dearly by many.

Our sending church St. Albert Alliance Church hosted a Celebration of Life for Rod March 18th. I headed back to Mexico after Easter. Our daughter Rebekah and our 2 month old grandson Tucker returned to Mexico with me for a short time.  Having someone by my side to walk through some of the firsts was a great blessing. Calvary Chapel Rosarito hosted a second Celebration of Life for Rod April 22. At both services Rod was honored and spoken kindly of.  I can’t begin to thank everyone for their kind words, caring gestures and ongoing prayers for myself, our families and the Recovery Ministry.

There is no better place to be than in the center of God’s will. It was in my darkest hour, shortly after Rod went to be with Jesus, that God’s still small voice began to speak to my heart to continue the work Rod and I started together in Mexico.  I knew if God called me He would equip and strengthen me for the work set before me. Following God’s assignment in doing what God created me to do, continues to bring great peace and purpose to my life.

Back: Lorena,Sandra, Karla, Front; Lily, Yaneli, Cheryl

May 12 our Prison Ministry team served side by side with Rancho Refugio hosting a Mother’s Day event for all of “Our Girls” on the inside of the Ensenada Prison. There was lots of joy as “Our Girls”, prison guards; prison officials and volunteers took part in the worship, entertainment, games, sharing a meal together, receiving and giving gifts and being inspired by a powerful message. “Our Girls” on the inside made each of us special gifts to take home showing us their thankfulness in sharing Mothers Day with them. It was a beautiful day.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support for the Recovery Ministry.  Your prayers and financial gifts bring healing, biblical teaching and great joy to “Our Girls” on the inside.

In His Grip

Sunday, April 30, 2017

So Long-Never Goodbye-April 2017

"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels-a plentiful harvest of new lives." John 12:24

Dear Friends and supporters,

I’m sad to report that Cheryl recently lost her best friend and ministry partner. On March 14th Rod passed into the loving arms of Jesus. Rod had suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and his life ended just a few short days later. We praise God that in the moments immediately following Rod’s untimely death, at least 4 lives were saved through his unselfish decision to be an organ donor. Doesn’t that really sum up Rod’s life, that people found life even in his death?

Rod died doing what he loved, and that was doing what he was called to do, finding tangible ways to share the love and freedom that can only come through Jesus Christ. He considered his life worth nothing unless he was spending it sharing the good news of the Gospel.

Although myself, the family, and the ministry are in mourning, we are confident of two things. 1. Rod knew his Savior and we know we’ll be reunited in heaven one day, and 2. Rod would want nothing more than for Cheryl to press forward in the mission lest his death be in vain. With that said, she will remain resolute in the commitment she made to helping people find freedom from the chains of addiction and helping them find hope in Jesus Christ.

Cheryl needs your love and support like never before in this season. She needs your love and support both prayerfully and financially. In order for the Celebrate Recovery Ministry to thrive here in Mexico we need people just like you to be our advocates both to the Father, as well as standing in the gap and fighting the good fight with us.

Please know that Cheryl loves you all, that she’s praying for you all, and that your calls, e-mails, and even visits mean so much to her. Wont you stand with Cheryl as we band together to take on sin and death and Hell and proclaim Abundant Life (John 10:10) into the lives of the beautiful people of Mexico?

God bless you,

Nathan Alpert
President, YUGO Ministries

Friday, January 20, 2017

Glorious Victories in 2016-Feb 2017

Christmas was busy, busy, busy, but incredibly fun as we hosted special events for “Our Girls” on the inside and our Celebrate Recovery participants in Calvary Chapel Rosarito. This time of year always leaves us tired but happy on the inside. Rod and I were given a large financial gift that we used to travel back to Canada to celebrate Christmas with family.  Bringing in the New Year with family was touching. We made some beautiful memories that we will carry with us forever. We came back to Mexico refreshed and ready to continue the good work placed before us.

Josephina, Sandra & Nena prepping gift bags for the Recovery Ministry Christmas events

Celebrating Christmas with the Hoople Clan is always lots of fun

Bringing in the New Year with the Szott Clan was a blast
Only in God is there hope for orphans, widows, prisoners and all other lonely, broken people. Some of our greatest victories in 2016 were seeing how God is changing lives as the Recovery Ministry expands. Pastors and church leadership have been trained up in local churches in East Tijuana and Ensenada to facilitate Celebrate Recovery Step Studies groups. These individuals are presently going through the CR Step Studies themselves. The Celebrate Recovery materials are filled with scriptures pointing to a loving God waiting for the lost to come to Him. We look forward to hearing how God will use these pastors and church leadership to increase His Kingdom and bring healing to His people.

Sandra celebrates Yarida's victory of drug addiction

Sandra, one of our Prison Ministry team members is bringing the CR program into a young girls rehabilitation center. As our team meets together weekly for prayer and planning, Sandra shares about the youth crying out to God to intervene in their lives. Many of the cycles of abuse and dysfunction started early in childhood. By allowing God to become their Father figure He tenderly heals them from their broken pasts.

Yarida's friends at the rehabilitation center

Recently Sandra invited our Prison Ministry team, plus my cousin Sonja to attend the graduation ceremony of her daughter Yarida. We loved hearing the powerful testimonies of how God is working in the lives of the youth.  We ended the day by giving out gift bags and cupcakes to each of the girls.  Congratulations Yarida on finding your recovery through Jesus.  Thank you Sonja for serving alongside us as we celebrated this special event.

Sonja and Lorena decorating cupcakes for the Yarida's graduation event

Soon Rod and I will return to Canad to represent YUGO Ministries at Mission Fests Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton for the LAST time. Over the past 14 years we have met many beautiful missions minded people at Mission Fests. After much prayers Rod and I feel led to pour more our energy into the Recovery Ministry.  The needs all around us are great. Please keep us in prayer as we raise up more leaders to continue expanding the ministry.

We cannot begin to thank each of you, our partners in ministry, for your continued prayers and financial support.  You are the backbone of this ministry.  Together we are making a difference in Mexico, one person at a time.


Rod and Cheryl