Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Celebrating the Journey-Aug 2016

Lives are being transformed! Celebrate Recovery participants are admitting their sins, confessing them to God and accepting the healing they need most in their lives. Not only are the people of Mexico finding healing from their hurts, habits and hang-ups, some are finding the gift of eternal salvation, the greatest gift ever offered to us by God. During our Thursday night Celebrate Recovery Large Group meeting, Rod offered the free gift of salvation and two newcomers raised their hands. Week after week the program is used as a tool to teach God’s Word to those who struggle with self loathing, loneliness, low self esteem, depression, guilt and shame. The Word of God gives us hope. Celebrate Recovery participants are learning to forgive themselves and others. Yesterday during Prison Ministry Fanny and Lulu met with us as leadership of CR. Both women come from similar back grounds of being involved in homicides and have long term sentences. Lulu repented of her misdemeanor and asked her friend for forgiveness. Fanny forgave her. Now Lulu’s greatest struggle is forgiving herself. With tears in her eyes, Lulu stated “I am not the same person since I started the CR program. In the past I did not care if I had hurt someone. I see the changes in my life.” Pray for our CR leadership team as we reach out to the broken and the lost.
Vianey receiving her Achievement Certificate for completing Celebrate Recovery Step Studies
We have just completed our 3rd set of CR Step Studies at Calvary Chapel Rosarito and will commence again August 16. Vianey is just one of those that completed her 24 weeks of Step Studies and is now celebrating victories on her journey to recovery. Recently she told us that her husband encourages her to go to Celebrate Recovery and church as he sees great changes in her life. Vianey will be co-leading Step Studies as we commence Step Studies in August. Rod and Alfredo have brought the training for CR Step Studies to the East Colonias of Tijuana and Ensenada. This program requires courageous, committed people to find healing and wholeness. Please join us in praying that God will use these pastors and church leaders to bring change into the lives of their congregations so they in turn can use their gifts and abilities to their greatest potential to increase His Kingdom.
The trailer of donations made it back to Mexico
The trailer of donations is in Mexico! Thanks for your prayers! We are on an amazing journey in ministry. We can see God’s hand moving in the hearts of the Mexican people. Thanks for being our partners in ministry! Together we are out to change the world one broken person at a time.