Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The Gift of Love Dec 2016

The night air was crisp and the sky was crystal clear, every star in the universe was twinkling above.  It appeared to be just an ordinary night in the tiny village of Bethlehem. But, the tiny cries of a newborn child could be heard in the distance.  Wait, the only structure in the distance was a stable!  Could it be that a child was born in a stable?

Luke 2:8, 12 “That night there were shepherds staying in the fields nearby, guarding their flocks of sheep. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared among them, and the radiance of the Lord’s glory surrounded them.  They were terrified, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid”. He said, “I bring you good news that will bring great joy to all people. The Savior - yes the Messiah. The Lord-has been born today in Bethlehem, the City of David! And you will recognize him by this sign. You will find a baby wrapped snugly in strips of cloth lying in a manager.”

The greatest event in history just happened.  The Messiah was born! That same Messiah that was born over 2,000 years ago is still at work in people’s lives today. We want to thank each one that has partnered with us in ministry these past many years.  Due to your prayers and generosity many have come to a deeper knowledge of the Messiah.

Penny, Rod, Shane, Mark, Cheryl, Kristi & Nadine at one of our favorite taco stands

Our most recent guests came to join us in ministry from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  We spent a week together being the hands and feet of Jesus by feeding orphans, handing out food in the Tijuana Dump, repairing roofs in poverty stricken East Tijuana, serving at a baptism event in the Ensenada Prison and so much more. Mark, Kristy, Nadine, Shane and Penny, thank you for coming and sharing your gift of love and touching the hearts of many during your short stay here in Mexico.

As you gather this Christmas season with friends and loved ones celebrating the birth of our Savior, remember his gift of love to us. He comes to anyone with a heart humble enough to accept him. He offers to us the greatest gift of love, new hearts that will last for eternity.

Feliz Navidad,
Rod & Cheryl

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Summer Ends with Good Memories-Oct 2016

God stirs the hearts of his people here on earth to bring the Good News to a lost and broken world. Summer months brings adults, teens and children that have been chosen by God to represent Him in Mexico.  They have been CALLED to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ and bring others into His Kingdom. The Recovery Ministry is just a small part of how YUGO Ministries serves the people across Mexico.  Houses are built for the underprivileged, hungry children are fed, orphans are cared for, pastors and church leadership are taught how to share God’s Word effectively, prisoners are set free emotionally and spiritually and so much more,

St. Albert Alliance Church building a house for an underprivileged family

Our sending church St. Albert Alliance from Canada not only came to build a house for an underprivileged family, they also encouraged Rod and I greatly. Some joined our Prison Ministry team in serving at a Graduation Ceremony for “Our Girls” in the inside that completed their Step Studies.  It was an honor to be able to serve alongside each other.

CALLED to serve "Our Girls on the Inside 
 Back-Cheryl, Karla, Lorena, Sharon Front Maddi, Pastor Wendy, Melissa

Each of us has a place doing God’s work.  Even though our teams are uniquely different, God still uses us to accomplish His purposes. God has given our Recovery Ministry team a desire to rebuild the lives of the Mexican people. We believe that Celebrate Recovery is the key to help complete this work. This requires us to be united and trained to do this work set before us. In August Rod and I and six of our Recovery Ministry leaders attended the Celebrate Recovery Summit at Saddleback Church.  God gave us a fresh vision to see lives healed from hurts, habits and hang-ups.  With this renewed vision we are mobilizing others to join us in reaching the broken.

Alfredo, Karla, Sandra, Lorena, Jenna, Rod, Cheryl & Kristy

September 3 we celebrated my mom’s 80th birthday.  I took a quick trip back to Canada for this special occasion. I was so grateful to be able to see our grand kids (who are growing so quickly), our daughters and many family and friends. The tumor in my mom's lung is growing. We covet your prayers in this situation.

Thank you for your continued prayer and financial support. We are a team and we couldn’t do what we do without you!

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Celebrating the Journey-Aug 2016

Lives are being transformed! Celebrate Recovery participants are admitting their sins, confessing them to God and accepting the healing they need most in their lives. Not only are the people of Mexico finding healing from their hurts, habits and hang-ups, some are finding the gift of eternal salvation, the greatest gift ever offered to us by God. During our Thursday night Celebrate Recovery Large Group meeting, Rod offered the free gift of salvation and two newcomers raised their hands. Week after week the program is used as a tool to teach God’s Word to those who struggle with self loathing, loneliness, low self esteem, depression, guilt and shame. The Word of God gives us hope. Celebrate Recovery participants are learning to forgive themselves and others. Yesterday during Prison Ministry Fanny and Lulu met with us as leadership of CR. Both women come from similar back grounds of being involved in homicides and have long term sentences. Lulu repented of her misdemeanor and asked her friend for forgiveness. Fanny forgave her. Now Lulu’s greatest struggle is forgiving herself. With tears in her eyes, Lulu stated “I am not the same person since I started the CR program. In the past I did not care if I had hurt someone. I see the changes in my life.” Pray for our CR leadership team as we reach out to the broken and the lost.
Vianey receiving her Achievement Certificate for completing Celebrate Recovery Step Studies
We have just completed our 3rd set of CR Step Studies at Calvary Chapel Rosarito and will commence again August 16. Vianey is just one of those that completed her 24 weeks of Step Studies and is now celebrating victories on her journey to recovery. Recently she told us that her husband encourages her to go to Celebrate Recovery and church as he sees great changes in her life. Vianey will be co-leading Step Studies as we commence Step Studies in August. Rod and Alfredo have brought the training for CR Step Studies to the East Colonias of Tijuana and Ensenada. This program requires courageous, committed people to find healing and wholeness. Please join us in praying that God will use these pastors and church leaders to bring change into the lives of their congregations so they in turn can use their gifts and abilities to their greatest potential to increase His Kingdom.
The trailer of donations made it back to Mexico
The trailer of donations is in Mexico! Thanks for your prayers! We are on an amazing journey in ministry. We can see God’s hand moving in the hearts of the Mexican people. Thanks for being our partners in ministry! Together we are out to change the world one broken person at a time.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Ashes to Victory-June 2016

A childhood of brokenness, an alcoholic father and a life of poverty left Adrian desperate for help. As a teen he triumphed and succeeded in sports, always taking first place. No matter how hard he performed, feelings of insecurity haunted him.
At the age of 15 Adrian turned to drugs to bury his pain. “I thought I was in control of the drugs, alcohol, unhealthy relationships and dysfunctional behaviors,” Adrian stated. It wasn’t until he came to Celebrate Recovery and applied Step1 to his life that he started to experience true freedom. STEP 1: We admit we have no power over our addictions and compulsive behaviors, that our lives are unmanageable.” Adrian recognized that only through Jesus Christ could he find the strength to overcome his addictions.
He started to attend Celebrate Recovery with his wife Lola. But the couple didn’t stop there. They have been trained and now facilitate Celebrate Recovery Step Studies at Calvary Chapel Rosarito. Getting involved in CR has impacted Adrian’s life, which included reshaping his career life, deepening his faith in God, saving his marriage and finding guidance for keeping him clean and sober. Out of the ASHES of sin God has brought VICTORY into Adrian’s life.

Adrian & his wife Lola
This month has been filled with great opportunities to reach out to “Our Girls” on the inside at the Ensenada Prison. Our team had a great time hosting a Movie Event and serving at a Mothers Day event. We are thankful for the opportunity to hand out personal gift bags at both events. Thank you to the many that give generously so we in turn could give to those in great need.

"Our Girls" on the inside-Mothers Day Event
Recently our daughter Rebekah and 17 month old grandson Sawyer spent a week with us. Sawyer experienced a lot of firsts while visiting. First time on an airplane, first time playing in the ocean, and so much more. We love having family and friends visit.

Rebekah & Sawyer in Mexico
We want to thank you for your financial support. None of the changes in people lives could happen without your help. Blessings, Rod & Cheryl

Friday, April 1, 2016

Find your purpose-Make a diference-April 2016

Thousands passed through the doors of Mission Fests Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton to be challenged and educated about global missions. How exhilarating to see people intently visiting exhibitor’s booths, worshiping, listening to key note speakers, catching the vision for global missions and reconnecting with friends with a heart for missions. It was inspiring to hear Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth with a Mission, relay his passion to see the lost come to know Jesus as he shared about the mighty move of God worldwide and how millions are being reached with the gospel. He learned at an early age that earthly possessions and accomplishments are meaningless compared to serving God.
Unsworth Family at Mission Fest Edmonton
Our time in Canada is always well spent representing YUGO Ministries and reconnecting with family and friends. Seeing our grandchildren sprout up and mature is always amazing to us. We are so grateful for the many family and friends that hosted us and kept us well fed. There is nothing quite like Canadian hospitality.
Saying so-long to the Szott Clan.
Saying so-long to the Hoople Clan.
And a special THANK YOU to our Recovery Ministry team for picking up the baton and running with it in our absence. Celebrate Recovery Step Studies are in full swing in Calvary Chapel Rosarito, the Ensenada Prison and at Calvary Chapel Tijuana. Rod and his training coach Alfredo met with the pastors in East Tijuana to present the CR program. Our greatest hurdle at present is the cost of Celebrate Recovery Participant Guides for those in great need. One set of participant guides cost $20.00 US which is equivalent to a week’s worth of groceries for many in the families in the Colonias of East Tijuana area. Please keep the Recovery Ministry in prayer as we expand. We need to raise more monthly prayer and financial partners for the ministry. If this is a project you may be interested in becoming our partners with, please contact us.
“People who are obsessed with Jesus aren't consumed with their personal safety and comfort above all else. Obsessed people care more about God's kingdom coming to this earth than their own lives being shielded from pain or distress." Francis Chan.
The news inspires fear and hopelessness as it focuses on Mexico’s corruption and violence. As things get desperate, there are many more opportunities to share the gospel. Bringing the Celebrate Recovery program to destitute areas of Mexico gives us the opportunity to reach the lost and broken and bring them the Good News. YUGO Ministries believes that God desires to bring hope to the people of Mexico. He sees the depth of their suffering, and He has not turned a deaf ear to their cries to be released from the cycles of violence, abuse, depression, victimization, neglect, poverty and hopelessness. We would love to have you join our YUGO family in short term or long term missions. Getting involved in global missions is a great way to find your purpose and make a difference.
Craft Event Prison Ministry Team
We are grateful for those that cast their fears aside and joined us in serving “Our Girls” on the inside for a craft event. Jerri brought a powerful message and craft challenging each of us to follow the Ten Commandments, Fanny shared her testimony and the rest of us served where needed. We had a beautiful time worshiping, partaking in communion together and sharing a luncheon. Thanks for being our partners in ministry, your prayers and generosity are making a difference in the lives of the Mexican people for eternity. In His Service, Rod & Cheryl

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

New Beginnings-February 2016

December was a busy time for our Recovery Ministry Team with the hustle and bustle of festive activities:
-We hosted a graduation ceremony for ten of “Our Girls” on the inside of the Ensenada Prison. We thank God for the many that helped make this event memorable.
-Our Prison Ministry team joined Ensenada Ministries in hosting a Christmas Celebration for all of the female inmates. Live entertainment (complete with clowns), a delicious meal complete with handing out personal gift bags to each of the inmates made for one fun filled fiesta.
-Hosting a surprise Christmas party for all the Celebrate Recovery participants of Calvary Chapel Rosarito complete with pozole (traditional Mexican soup), gift bags complete with home made cookies (thanks to Joyce and Cindy), entertainment and fine fellowship brought great joy to all involved.
And these are just a few of the joy filled activities we were able to participate in during the Christmas season. Rod won second place as we dressed him up as a vacationing snowman. So much fun.
January brought new Celebrate Recovery Step Studies and travel opportunities for Rod and I as we represent YUGO at Missions Fest Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton. January also brought with it a great loss.
My brother Jack came to an end of a 22 year battle with cancer. He was always full of laughter and shenanigans and will be missed by all. In John 14:2 Jesus states, “My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you?” Just two weeks before Jack’s passing, he spoke to me on the phone about being together in heaven some day, catching up where we left off. You see, Jack knew God had prepared a place for him in heaven. We will miss you Jack but know you are in a better place.
As we entered into 2016, we recognized we had much to be thankful for. We are thankful for the many family and friends who joined us in the Celebration of Jack’s Life. We are thankful for good health and the ability to be able to serve in the Recovery Ministry. We are thankful for the many that have found healing through the Celebrate Recovery program. Together we are making a difference in Mexico.
In so many instances we can see God’s hand moving in the lives of the broken people all around us. Some just need to be acknowledged, hugged and shown the love of God. We feel honored to have the opportunity to serve in Mexico.
Our Recovery Ministry Leadership Team
Please keep us in prayer as the Recovery Ministry expands. We have churches and prisons seeking the Celebrate Recovery program. The harvest field is ripe and the workers are few. Pray for my family as we grieve the loss of my brother Jack. Pray for Rod and I as we represent YUGO Ministries at Mission Fests Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton that we will impart vision for missions to those that come to the booth. In His Service, Rod & Cheryl