Thursday, February 27, 2014

God's Mercy and Grace-Feb 2014

“I have seen what they do, but I will heal them anyway.” Isaiah 57:18
Visiting mediums and sorcerers, sacrificing your own children on alters, now that’s what I call wicked! Manasseh was a King that led a life of doing evil deeds. He was the worst of the worst. His father had been a godly man, but Manasseh chose to walk a path of his own until he found himself in great trials and tribulations that brought him to his knees in brokenness. Eventually he cried out to God for mercy and forgiveness, and God in his mercy and grace lent an ear to Manasseh and accepted his apology. Recently after entering the prison, we noticed two new women with our Celebrate Recovery study group. Jamie, being an English speaking American, asked to speak to me. She shared with me that as a young child she had attended church with her parents. She even told me her father was a pastor. Somewhere in Jamie’s teenage years she turned her back on the biblical values taught to her by her parents and chose to walk a life of destruction. The path she chose came with a great price! Jamie now finds herself in a Mexican prison, at the bottom of the barrel. This is what it took for Jamie to be ready to turn from her sinful behavior and enter into the arms of her Savior Jesus Christ. Her eyes filled with tears as she listened to the message of a heavenly Father that loves her unconditionally no matter what vile acts she committed.
Alfredo is excited about Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery is a basic program designed to address areas in our lives where we’ve blown it, hurt others or suffered from others hurting us. January 10 we showed the movie “Home Run” and had 300 + in attendance. January 16 we launched Celebrate Recovery after months of planning and training and had 100+ people join us (not including children).
Hector Lazano from Saddleback Church told us his powerful story of how he came to find the Road to Recovery. Our CR team worked diligently using their gifts and talents to accomplish a common goal of preparing to offer a biblical based recovery program at Calvary Chapel Rosarito, a safe place where others like Jamie can experience freedom from hurts, habits and hang-ups.
We have an amazing team of workers serving together and caring for others around them. It is an honor to be a part of our church family. We don’t have to get to the place where we find ourselves in great tribulations like King Manasseh and Jamie before we recognize we have a heavenly Father that wants to reach out to us and comfort us.
Karla translates Hectors powerful story
If you would like more information about Celebrate Recovery or would like to get connected to a group near you contact
Thanks for joining us on this Road to Recovery! We couldn’t do this without your prayers and continued support.
Mission Fest Vancouver
Rod and I were in Canada January 23 to February 25 representing YUGO Ministries at Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton. How incredible to see how many are interested in global missions. Along the way we stopped by to see grand children, family and friends. It was so good to reconnect with loved ones.
Nana & Papa with the grand kids