Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Making a difference-Dec 2013
Seasons Greetings Family and Friends,
Walking through the super markets it is evident Christmas is just around the corner. One day I stopped and pondered, “What it would have been like to have been born in the time period of Jesus’ birth?” Mary, mother of Jesus, was young, poor, and a female. During Mary’s time, all of these characteristics would deem her unusable to be used by God for any major task. But God choose Mary for one of the most important acts of obedience he has ever asked of anyone.
Many of us feel that our abilities, experiences, or education makes us unlikely candidates for God’s service. In 2013 groups, families and individuals joined our YUGO family in taking part in God’s bigger plan to bring the world’s only hope, Jesus Christ, into homes, youth and adult prisons, churches, orphanages and the list goes on and on. People from all over North American came forward to fulfill His plan for their lives. Houses were built for those that are less fortunate, orphans were fed and clothed, the brokenhearted were healed and the Good News was shared. Several of those that came to accomplish great things started out doubting they could make a difference. Others were fearful. But God used them mightily! Our prayer for you in 2014 is that you will have the opportunity to experience the wonderful plans He has for your life.
We can not begin to tell you how full our lives are walking daily with the Father and taking part in the plans He has set before us. It remains an honor to have the opportunity to be able to serve the Mexican people. As you gather with family and friends this Christmas season, remember the miracle of miracles. With a divine Father and a human mother, Jesus the Son of God entered the world.
Finally, Rod and I want to once again thank you for your partnership in this ministry. It is through your prayers that we are strengthened spiritually, and it is through your financial partnership that God provides for our needs. We could not do this ministry without your love, prayers, and support.
Feliz Navidad
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Messages of Hope-Oct 2013
Messages of HopeWe entered the last set of large metals doors and heard the clang of the closing door, followed by the jingle of keys and finally the click as the lock fell into place. It was my first day back in the prison after being gone for the month of September. Excitement pulsed through my veins. And then I saw her, Official Erica. She’s the toughest, meanest, strictest guard I know. She comes complete with hair cropped short, eyes of steel and to make her look more menacing; she’s dressed in military garb. But wait, there was something different today. Official Erica greeted our Prison Ministry team with a smile. I was blown away! God is changing her heart through prayer. When she used to lead the shifts in the prison “Our Girls” looked down trodden and fearful. Today her jokes and smiles brought great joy to our Prison Ministry team and “Our Girls” as we gathered together. Maybe one day official Erica will come to know Jesus who can help set her free from her hurts, habits and hang-ups. Keep her in your prayers.
Our Girls opening the event with worshipIn October we hosted a retreat at the prison for “Our Girls”. No, we didn’t spend the night! We did the event with some amazing worship led by "Our Girls" and then heard from some powerful speakers sharing incredible messages of hope about a God that loves us so much that He calls us His children. Some of “Our Girls” didn’t have fathers as they were growing up to show them love. Learning about the unconditional love of a Father and finding out He has a purpose in making our lives worthwhile, purposeful and meaningful was a new concept for many. Please pray that the truths shared will penetrate the hearts of those that heard these powerful messages.
Deanna shares about the Father Heart of God
Sara shares about the gifts and talents God gives his childrenThe day was marvelous! In addition to the dynamic speakers our team performed a powerful skit, distributed crafts, served a luncheon and handed out personal gifts bags to each inmate on the way back to their cells. “Our Girls” are so thankful to the many that sent personal gift bag donations from churches in Canada. Our Prison Ministry team was so thankful for the volunteers that graciously took part in making the Retreat event a great success.
Volunteers Alejandra and Sandra were a great blessing to our Prison Ministry Team in numerous waysRod and I are very excited to be back in Mexico jumping back into the ministries God has allowed us to take part in. Rod has graciously taken on the position of leading the Celebrate Recovery Program in Calvary Chapel Rosarito (our home church in Mexico). Our church body was at a mere 40 people when we first attended in the spring of 2004. Today it has nearly 1,500 attendees. Needless to say, there are probably a few that will benefit from the CR program. We are blessed to have a great team of folks joining us in training, preparing to launch the CR program in January 2014. Keep us in your prayers!
Dedicated leaders helping start Celebrate Recovery in Calvary Chapel RosaritoPlease also pray for the Rosarito Outreach Center as we invite churches, groups, and individuals to partner with us in accomplishing a new project. This project is a 55' x 70' steel building that will be a huge blessing for teams, local churches, and more. It will house our new indoor dining hall and chapel, which will seat about 200 people at tables or over 300 in chairs. This building will provide a warm, dry place for teams to gather and eat meals (they eat outside on picnic tables at present). It will also give us more opportunities to host larger groups, hold retreats and conferences, and more. If you know of a team that wants to come and help us build, fell free to contact us.
Friday, October 25, 2013
On The Road Again!-Sept 2013
“We’re meeting for breakfast before our church service on Sunday. Would you like to join us?” These were the words of Pastor Ed from Island Gospel Fellowship in Burns Lake, British Columbia. “Would you like to ride in a combine and join us for a community potluck as part of a fund raiser for global hunger?” Asked our daughter Rebekah who resides in Brownfield, Alberta. As Rod and I traveled to and around Canada we found a common thread of genuine love and hospitality.
Rebekah & Eric taking part in raising funds to help with global hungerReconnecting with others interested in missions was invigorating. We exchanged stories, laughed hardily and dined together. Our 9+ years of serving with YUGO has allowed us to make many long lasting friendships. We enjoy hearing how God has stirred the hearts of many to take part in His Kingdom work. It is always inspiring to hear how those whom have left the field are being fulfilled through serving in local communities, whereas others are praying, planning and preparing for their next mission trip.
Stacy, Jenny (former YUGO missionaries) and Cheryl reconnecting and sharing storiesWhile in Canada there was plenty of time congregating with loved ones making special memories! God has created us to live in intimate, joyful relationship with Him and others around us. Seeing how much our grand children had grown and changed since our last visit was amazing. Rod and I have found sweet fellowship with the precious people He has placed in our lives. When we returned to Mexico we felt refreshed and ready to serve.
Papa gets some last minute time in with Gabe (grandson) before heading separate directions
RECOVERY MINISTRY UPDATESWendy (female inmate) sent a message for us to share with the Canadian churches we visited on how she has found God through the Celebrate Recovery Program. She thanked the churches and individuals that have given sacrificially to the Prison Ministry so others can come to know Jesus and be set free from past hurts, habits and hang-ups. We shared Wendy’s dream of someday reaching out and sharing God’s love with those who are desperate and down trodden as she was. Wendy’s new found love for Jesus is infectious! Wendy is just one of the many that God has touched deeply through one of the ministries YUGO oversees. Please keep our YUGO family in your prayers as we represent Jesus and serve in the ministries He has set before us. Thank you to each and every person who collected Prison Ministry Wish List supplies and sent funds so “Our Girls” can receive personal gift bags regularly. Thank you to the many that have opened their homes and hearts to us during our time in Canada. Thank you for those that continue to pray for us and our YUGO family.
PRAISEFor the Prison Ministry Wish List donations brought back from Canada. For the churches and individuals that opened their doors so we could share about what God is doing in Mexico. For the time and new memories made with our grand kids, daughters, families and friends.
PRAYERFor a Women’s discipleship home for women coming out of prison. We need one that can take more than one or two women at a time. Pray for the upcoming retreat that women will come to experience the depth of God’s love in a new way and will find further healing in their lives.
Monday, September 16, 2013
Saskia's back in Mexico-Aug 2013
Don’t you love how God guides us where He can use us to glorify his name? He gives us opportunities to use our gifts and talents no matter what age we are. Saskia came to YUGO Ministries five years ago to serve at the ROC (Rosarito Outreach Center). She was a mere 15 years of age filled with energy, passion and a heart to serve. Just recently Saskia returned to the ROC leading a team (mostly family) on a house build for an underprivileged family. We know God has a plan and a purpose for Saskia’s life and look forward to hearing how He will use her to expand His Kingdom.
Saskia's team and the family they will build forRod and I recently attended the Celebrate Recovery Summit. 2,500 people attended the conference at Saddle Back Church. It was incredible to hear stories of how lives are changed as individuals use this Christian 12 step program to draw them closer to Jesus and be healed from their hurts, habits and hang-ups. It is beautiful to see how God is using the CR program to touch the lives of “Our Girls” (female prisoners) in the Ensenada Prison. The prisons in Mexico are grim places with vile conditions. Celebrate Recovery has helped “Our Girls” deal with their brokenness and has given them hope for the future.
Books in hand and ready to learn more about CRMany of “Our Girls” no longer continue to dwell in their sins from their pasts. They turn to God, accept His forgiveness and change their ways. They have a fresh start even though they have been wounded and crushed by the events of their lives. God is healing and comforting them. Please continue to pray for them that they remain in Him even when they are released from the prison. Many express their fear of returning to their homes, afraid they will fall back into their old lifestyles. They need your prayers to remain strong.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
Here They Come-July 2012
June brings summer and summer brings extra volunteers, staff and lots of groups with hearts to serve!!! One particular week was astonishing and many of us will remember it for years to come. Three separate teams came to build three homes and passionately share God's love in the local communities.
Three teams, three homes and three happy familiesOn the day Maria Guadalupe was given the keys for her new home, one of our missionaries offered her the greatest gift of all. Uriel boldly asked Maria if she knew this Jesus the group spoke of. Maria recognized her need and entered into a relationship with Jesus. Last month Maria’s husband passed away leaving Maria to parent two small children and a younger brother. Maria is grateful for a new home filled with hope and a new life. How incredible! We are so thankful for the groups, interns and volunteers that have come to serve alongside our YUGO missionaries. All have been called to take part in the work of increasing God’s Kingdom and making a difference in Mexico.
Uriel introduced Maria to Jesus
“Pray for my 75 year old dad as he is in prison”This is just one of the many prayer requests we hear from “Our Girls”. Scores of inmates come from generations of brokenness. The bondage's that have enveloped them feel comfortable and normal to them. How mind-blowing it is for us to be able to bring the Good News of God’s unconditional love into a place of hopelessness so “Our Girls” no longer need to be bond by generational chains. Through the Celebrate Recovery program we do an inventory of our past hurts learning how to lay our brokenness at the foot of the cross and allow healing and forgiveness to flow. It does our hearts good to see tears flow as “Our Girls” allow God’s healing hand to penetrate their hearts and lives. Numerous women are hungry for God’s word and have invited Jesus to rebuild their lives. Our Prison Ministry Team will walk alongside "Our Girls" the next couple weeks taking them through their inventories. Please join us in prayer that the light of God’s truth will flood each ones soul so they can recognize God’s desire is to embrace his loved ones and give them hope for the future. Thank you to each one of you who have joined us in praying and giving generously to the the ministries we are involved in. How beautiful for us to see lives changed week after week. It is an honor to be your partners in this ministry. Prayer requests: -Wisdom and endurance as our YUGO staff lead the groups to serve the Mexican people. –That our spiritual eyes and ears will be open to respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit as our Prison Ministry team lead “Our Girls” into a closer walk with Jesus.
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Canadian Board in Prison-June 2013
Canadian Board Members go to PrisonThe man they call Jesus came to break the chains of bondage and set people free. "Our Girls" show consistent growth in their faith in Jesus. Regardless of the reason for their suffering, Jesus helps them deal with the difficulties. People are being healed and lives are being changed. Week after week the female inmates openly share how Jesus has changed their lives. Some are persecuted for their faith and others are rejected by family members and friends. In the end, no one can take away their eternal life with Jesus.
YUGO missionary Sharlene encourages "Our Girls""1,2,3...8 locked doors and 2 sets of well guarded gates!" Agnes (wife of a Canadian board member) had counted locked doors as we stood outside the last locked door before arriving in the dirt court yard where we were to hold the movie event with "Our Girls". This particular day was extra special! Both Men and Women's Prison Ministry Teams had joined together to host events for the male and female inmates. Men with the men and women with the women. The men and women inmates heard powerful messages inspiring them to stand firm in their relationships with Jesus. The men feasted on tortas while the women munched on Cheetos and candy while watching a powerful movie that tugged at the heartstrings of every women. The day will be remembered by all.
Preparing tortas for the male prisonersThe prison ministry events were just some of the many ministry opportunities our Canadian board members and their wives took part in while visiting Mexico. Their visit began with board meetings and attending our annual YUGO Camp Out. What fun it was to join together with our YUGO family to enjoy some sweet fellowship and great teachings. The rest of the time in Mexico with the Canadian board was spent taking part in a Vision Trip observing and serving alongside many of our YUGO staff in various ministry sites. Each person will return to Canada with great memories seeing God's faithfulness in reaching the lost with the gospel and a new way to pray for our YUGO missionaries and the ministries they are involved in.
Tacos after the Prison Ministry EventsThank you for your partnership with Rod and I in ministry. Your prayers strengthen us spiritually and it is through your sacrificial giving that God provides for our needs. We could not do this ministry without you.
Prayer with our Canadian guestsPRAYER NEEDS: Summer is just beginning. Please pray for the teams that will join our YUGO staff at all ministry sites this summer that they will be lights in dark places and bring many to know Jesus. Pray for our summer interns and volunteers as they come together with our YUGO staff to support us in various areas of ministry. Pray that God's name will be glorified in all that we do and say as we serve Him in Mexico.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
We love family!-May 2013
It has been an extra special month for Rod and I. The whole Hoople clan gathered in the USA, just hours away from where we live in Mexico to celebrate Shelly’s (Rod’s youngest sister) 50th birthday. It was great to catch up with family and celebrate together.


Mick, Kerry, Shelly, Mom, Janna, Jocelyn,Cory & RodWe were barely unpacked from seeing Rod’s family for a couple days before having to turn around and head back across the border to lead a team of 10 from Sturgeon Alliance Church from Gibbons, Alberta to the Rosarito Outreach Center. Why am I so excited about this team you ask? Norm and Jackie (my cousin) are leading the team in building a house for an underprivileged family. How exhilarating to have family join us in ministry. Later on this month our daughter Rebekah will come and visit us and meet up with a friend that just had a baby. This month couldn’t get any better!!!!

Sturgeon Alliance from Gibbons Alberta

Day two of a five day house buildAs you can see it has been an action packed month. Recently I read this quote, “Difficulties and struggles can devastate people or they can stimulate growth and maturity”. There are great trials in the lives of “Our Girls” in the prison recently. Week after week we see stricter rules enforced. Recently the prison officials have begun prohibiting groups from greeting with hugs and pecks on the cheeks (customary for women greeting each other in Mexico). Join us in prayer that the inmates will press in to Jesus in the difficult times and grow spiritually.
I command you - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9Giggles and laughter filled the air as we celebrated Mothers Day with 100+ female inmates. Our Prison Ministry team joined together with the prison leadership and other church groups to serve at this special event. The male inmates put on a circus act for the women. What a fun time seeing the circus acts and lions (men in costumes)!!! The rest of the event consisted of worship, a message about Motherhood, a luncheon, cake and ice cream. The day ended with each woman returning to their cells with a crepe flower.

The Best Circus Act Yet!In the past few years the prison officials have doubled the amount of women coming to the Celebrate Recovery Program. God is doing a great work in the lives of these women. Please join us in prayer that God would send us monthly partners to cover the costs involved in continuing to reach these women with the gospel. More great news!! Karla Villas is a Mexican National that has been working alongside me for the past year. I have invited Karla to come of staff with YUGO Ministries. Please join me in prayer that I can raise funds for Karla as she will be giving up her full time position as a teacher to become a YUGO missionary.

Karla is coming on full time with YUGO Ministries
Friday, April 26, 2013
Missionaries on the Inside-Apr 2013
Raising up missionaries on the inside!
God is answering your prayers! Sinai has been praying for God to use her for His Kingdom work! One of her talents is making jewelry. Her jewelry pieces have been discovered by a woman in her home town in Southern Mexico. One woman has been selling her creations and would like Sinai to come and work for her. Sinai is so elated knowing she will have a job when she gets out of prison and is busy raising funds to pay her jail bond so she can be released and set free. She is obsessed with reading missionary biographies and growing in her faith in Jesus as she feels God is calling her to be a missionary. Sinai recognizes how much Jesus loves her and that He has a plan for her life.

Missionaries from Ensenada and RosaritoOne of the highlights of celebrating Easter with “Our Girls” was networking with other missionaries from Ensenada and hosting an event in the prison. Stacy shared a powerful message of how God the Father loves us unconditionally. Monica then shared her testimony about how God tenderly revealed himself to her and how her life was transformed from a place of severe brokenness to wholeness when she came into a relationship with Him. Many were touched and came away from the event encouraged and filled with hope as they recognized they also had the opportunity to be changed from sinners to saints through knowing Jesus.

Rod is ready to serve alongside you. Come on down!(Rod here) Just a quick update on what is happening in my part of ministry. I am now the Facilities Coordinator at the Rosarito Outreach Center (ROC). You ask, what does this mean? This means that I have am preparing the ROC property to help equip the Saints coming to Mexico to be better prepared for the ministry they will take part in.

Granville ChapelAs we were gearing up for a busy summer we had our test run during Easter Break. Granville Chapel from Vancouver B.C. built a house for a needy family and reached out to the neighborhood children by doing a bible based children's program. Also, Cascade Church from Idaho and New Hope Church from California spent a week evangelizing alongside local pastors. The team members were filled with enthusiasm and brought many into an everlasting relationship with the Lord. As part of a teaching team at the ROC, daily we poured into the campers and encouraged and equipped them for their tasks at hand. Every camper returned home changed and stretched after their week of service.
How can you be involved in ministry?Possibly you are wondering how you too can be involved in ministry. The ROC is located on seven acres of land and I could use your help. Can you paint? Do you enjoy gardening? Are you a trade’s person? You do not have to be a great evangelist to do things for God! Possibly you can get a group of people together and build a house for a needy family, or you can serve shoulder to shoulder next to me preparing the grounds for those that will serve in the local communities. If you feel that you would like to join Cheryl & I serving in Mexico feel free to contact us and we can discuss the details. rod@yugo.org or call CDN (780)-625-2415 or US (619)-884-5632
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Identity Crises-Mar 2013
Imagine not growing up in your own family!I read the story of Moses and marvel. God had a plan for his life. Remember the story of how baby Moses was floating down the Nile in a basket, was found by Pharaohs daughter and grew up in the home of Pharaoh. Moses had some terrible struggles finding his identity, got in some deep trouble and returned to his own people. I love this story as it reminds me of my own foster brother J.J when I was growing up. At the tender age of three, J.J. entered my family’s home and left when he was sixteen. J.J. knew nothing of his future or the plans for his life. At times he felt disillusioned and buried his pain in drugs and alcohol. His years of searching for his identity led him into a relationship with God and eventually reuniting with his natural family.

J.J. has a heart for the lost“I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5 J.J. welcomed Jesus into his life and was reborn spiritually and changed from the inside out. God took J.J. and raised him up to be a man of God. Today J.J. brings a message of hope to those that are less fortunate and openly shares about this loving God that patiently waited for him to come into relationship with Him.

Former YUGO CEO joins us in sharing about YUGO Ministries at Missions Fest VancouverStories like J.J.’s are just one of many we hear as we represent YUGO Ministries at Mission Fests in Canada year after year. Speakers boldly share the struggles they have gone through, yet were able to walk in victory through as they hung on to their faith in Jesus. At Mission Fests Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton it was evident God was revealing his purpose and plans for his people. God has given many specific tasks to fulfill the mission common to all believers to love, obey and serve Him in countries around the world. J.J.’s mission field just happens to be downtown Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

It was fun celebrating our annual UNBIRTHDAY with our grandchildrenWe are thankful for the many that responded to the call to missions at Missions Fests across Canada. The harvest field continues to be ripe and the workers are few. We are thankful for being able to reconnect with family and friends during our time in Canada. Our grand children are growing up way too fast! We want to thank each of you for placing your trust, prayers and resources in us as we continue to serve here in Mexico.
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Who Will Make It To Heaven-Feb 2013
“Who will make it to heaven?”Many people we don’t expect to be in heaven will be there. The criminal, hanging on the cross next to Jesus, repented of his sins as he was dying. He will be there right next to you and I! How do we view the outcasts of society that have turned to Jesus for forgiveness and mercy? Brenda was convicted of robbery, thrown into prison and then given a second chance. She and her new born baby America are absolutely dependent upon the mercy of those around her. Today both mom and babe live in a woman’s discipleship home for ladies that have found Jesus and want positive changes in their lives. Our Prison Ministry Team had been praying for three years for such a home to open up for women coming out of prison. We are thrilled that Brenda and baby America were the first to enter the home and experience the love of Jesus!

Pastora Lupita and Pastor Carlos standing behind baby America's new crib donated by YUGO's Grace Babies Home in the new women's discipleship home.Pastor Carlos, director of the women’s home, comes from a background of brokenness and has experienced God’s grace and mercy in his life. When God tapped him on the shoulder he responded to God’s call to reach out to others in similar circumstances. Now Pastor Carlos and his wife Pastora Lupita devote their lives to bringing restoration into the lives of men and women that are released from prison.

Our daughters Rebekah and Jessica helped prepare the meal for the Celebrate Recovery graduation ceremonyJanuary 21 was a day of great celebration as eighteen of “Our Girls” completed the Celebrate Recovery Inside program. This particular day was extra special as our daughters Jessica and Rebekah (visiting from Canada) joined our Prison Ministry Team in serving at the graduation ceremony. We celebrated the accomplishments of the graduates with a grand fiesta including worship music, a traditional Mexican meal, stories testifying about God’s transforming power in the lives of the inmates as they applied themselves to the CRI program, a message affirming their decisions to walk hand in hand with Jesus, personal gift bags and fine fellowship. It is a day to be remembered by all involved.

Rebekah & Jessica were a great addition to our Prison Ministry team reaching out to "Our Girls" as servants of the KingAs I write this letter, Rod and I are in Canada representing YUGO Ministries in Mission Fests Vancouver, Winnipeg and Edmonton. It is beautiful to see the hearts of many that are responding to the challenge to get involved in worldwide missions. Thank you to each one of you that are our partners in ministry. We could not go where God has called us to go without each of you, our senders standing behind us and encouraging us to continue on. "Most assuredly, I say to you, a servant is not greater than his master: nor is he who is, not greater than he who sent him." John 13:16
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Mission Accomplished-Jan 2013
December 20 our Prison Ministry team helped serve at a Christmas event for all the female inmates. The inmates ate a traditional Christmas meal followed by a message of God’s love and how He sent his greatest gift, his Son Jesus to earth. We sang Christmas carols and handed out personal gift items to all the women. Our hearts were filled with joy at being able to spend quality time with the inmates and offer them hope and joy through Christmas season.
After the event, we asked if we could visit one of “Our Girls” that is pregnant and has been on complete bed rest for months in the prisons medical clinic. The prison officials granted us this special request. There before us was little Brenda consumed with fear for her unborn child. Babies born in the prison system are apprehended by social services of Mexico and sent to an orphanage until their parents complete their sentence. We found out for a mere $3,000.00 pesos ($250.00 US) Brenda could be released from prison.
God placed this burden upon our hearts and we began to share Brenda’s story. Others felt a burden for Brenda and her situation and the funds for the jail bond came through with in days. God chose individuals to be involved in sharing His love in the life of this young woman and her unborn child. December 26th, 21 year old Brenda was released from prison and placed in a women’s discipleship home that will care for and nurture Brenda and her baby. I can not begin to share with you how God’s hand was upon this situation. Brenda has been given a second chance. January 15 baby America came into the world. She left the hospital in her mother’s arms not in the arms of a social worker. Our mission was accomplished! It was a blessing to walk out of the judicial office with Brenda's release papers in our hands.
After a two week break for the holidays we had a wonderful surprise. The prison officials allowed 53 of the 80 female inmates to join us in the Celebrate Recovery Inside program. Susy, one of our Prison Ministry team members felt led to offer the newcomers an opportunity to meet Jesus. Six of the women invited Jesus into their hearts after being led in a short prayer. What an amazing way to start the New Year.
While busying ourselves with the work of Our Farther, He chose to take home a very special friend Christmas Day. Evelyn Ridley and her husband Al first came to Mexico seven years ago to serve the Mexican people. Over the years they continued to come and serve wherever needed. They were our first SWAT team (Seniors With A Talent) to join us in ministry. Evelyn, you will be missed by many.
We are thankful for Gary & Valentine being here with us in Mexico bringing in the New Year using their gifts and talents. Valentine has been a great help preparing for our upcoming graduation event, sewing curtains and just being willing to serve in wherever area she is needed. Gary has been serving alongside Rod at the Rosarito Outreach Center. If you would like the opportunity to come and serve, please feel free to contact us and we will find a way for you to serve using your gifts and talents.
Thank you for each of you, our precious partners in ministry. Your prayers are making a difference in the lives of the inmates and the Mexican people. We treasure your partnership in this ministry.
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“But the Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ.” Gal...
Can you concentrate when your stomach is growling? Half of Mexico's 107 million people continue to live at or below poverty. Malnutritio...